
zhú mǎ
  • bamboo horse;hobbyhorse;a bamboo hobbyhorse;a bamboo stick used as a toy horse
竹马 [zhú mǎ]
  • (1) [hobbyhorse]∶儿童玩具,典型的式样是一根杆子,一端有马头模型,有时另一端装轮子,孩子跨立上面,假作骑马

  • (2) [bamboo horse]∶用竹篾扎成的一种道具,用于民间舞蹈竹马灯

竹马[zhú mǎ]
  1. 他和她是竹马青梅,志趣相投。

    She and he were congenial companion in youth .

  2. 青梅、竹马不是人名?

    Qingmei and Zhuma are not personal names ?

  3. 他们玩房屋的游戏,骑竹马,出于本能。

    It plays house , as well as horse , having an instinct for it .

  4. 竹马跳三圈,个个都健康。

    We dance for your health .

  5. 然而,塞尔太太从来没有忘记她靑梅竹马的恋人。塞尔先生之后成为了推销员,结过两次婚,并在4年前丧偶。而她一直未婚。

    However , Mrs. Searle never forgot her childhood sweetheart , who became a salesman and married twice before he was widowed four years ago.She never married .

  6. 五马巡城舞属于古代竹马舞的一种,起源故事已不可考,从唐宋年间至今,一直由封开当地民间艺人继承。

    Wu Ma Xun Cheng was one of the Zhu Ma dance in ancient time , the origin of the dance has been untraceable . From Tang and Song dynasty till now , it has been inherited by the local folk artists .