
tí liáng
  • handle;hoop handle;straps;handle of a basket,handbag,etc.
提梁 [tí liáng]
  • [hoop handle;handle of a basket,handbag,etc.] 篮子、水壶、提包等上面的提手

提梁[tí liáng]
  1. 于是他走到那孩子身边,一声不响,抓起了那水桶的提梁。

    Then he approached the child , and silently grasped the handle of the bucket .

  2. 梁场轮轨式提梁机走道基础地基处理设计与施工

    Foundation Treatment Design and Construction of Pavement Foundation of Wheel-rail-type Handle Beam Machine in Beam Field

  3. ME450+450双门轮轨式提梁机利用APDL的门式起重机主梁参数化建模与仿真

    Model ME450 + 450 Dual Portal Wheel-track Type Beam Hoister The parametric modeling and simulation of the crane girder base on APDL

  4. 900T提梁机的设计与实现

    The Design and Implement of 900T Pneumatic Girder Gantry Crane

  5. 本文以用于高速铁路桥梁架设用的450T偏轨式提梁机为研究对象,对其进行了结构参数设计、强度分析和优化设计。

    450T bais-rail gantry crane for high speed railway is taken as the study object in the dissertation , and structural design , intensity analysis and optimization design are studied .

  6. 由于900T提梁机采用全液压驱动,因此提梁机的设计除了机械结构的设计之外,还涉及液压系统的设计,电控系统的设计。

    Because all the function of this machine is drived by hydraulic system , the work contains not only the design of mechanical system but also the design of hydraulic system and the design of electrical control system .

  7. 提升矸石吊桶提梁的四个阶段承载能力

    The Four Stages of Carrying Capacities of Hanger of Bucket

  8. 900吨提梁机液压管路的优化设计

    Optimization Design of Hydraulic Pipes in 900t Gantry Crane

  9. 基于故障树的模糊推理机制在提梁机故障诊断中的应用

    Fuzzy Inference Mechanism Based on Fault Tree Applied in the Fault Diagnosis of Gantry-Crane

  10. 客运专线铁路桥梁梁场提梁机基础设计计算

    Design Calculation of Track Beam for Girder Field Gantry Crane of Dedicated Passenger Line

  11. 2×500吨级可换向轮轨式提梁机的设计制造

    Design & Manufacture for 2 x 500 Tonnage Hoisting Girder Machine Which Is the Type with Rail-running and Its Way Can Be Changed

  12. 她走时,俯着身子,低着头,象个老太婆,水桶的重量把她那两条瘦胳膊拉得又直又僵,桶上的铁提梁也把她那双湿手冻木了。

    She walked bent forward , with drooping head , like an old woman ; the weight of the bucket strained and stiffened her thin arms .

  13. 介绍了国内外高速铁路和客运专线大吨位箱梁架桥机、运梁车、提梁机的类型,主要技术参数,关键技术的研究和应用情况。

    This article introduces the types of large-scale box girder span equip-ments at home and abroad . It recommends the main technical parameter , the key technology and the case of applications .

  14. 北京故宫提梁壶署乾隆四字楷书款,观乎其细腻的画工及淡雅的背景,应是乾隆初年的作品。

    The Beijing kettle bears a four-character Qianlong mark , but the delicate painting style and the subtlety of the background to the panels suggests that it was made early in the reign period .