
tí tǒng
  • pail
提桶[tí tǒng]
  1. 房间的一角放着一个提桶,以接住从屋顶漏下来的水滴。

    A pail stood in one corner of the room to catch the drips where the roof leaked .

  2. 他的手提着一个颜料提桶和一个盘子跟在他后面。

    His assistant followed him , carrying a paint pail and a pan .

  3. 她把所有能找到的提桶都装满了。

    All the buckets she could lay her hands on .

  4. GB/T13252-1991包装容器钢提桶固-固混合包装桶混剂

    Packing containers-Steel pails KP / Combi-pack solid / solid

  5. 她把一些水倒进提桶里。

    She poured some water into the pail .

  6. 自动提桶收集垃圾方法

    Bin-lifting refuse collection system

  7. 如果你真的想要小邪恶一下,就偷走孩子们的铲子和提桶吧。

    Stealing the shovel and pail from kids , if you really want to get evil about it .

  8. 车上的那些东西包括一个壶、一个盘子、毯子、一把椅子、一个提桶和一把斧头。

    The stuff in the cart would include a kettle , dishes , blankets , a chair , a bucket and an axe .

  9. 在提桶型的本命盘上,其他星星都集中分布在星盘的半边里,只留下一颗在另一边。

    In a bucket chart , the planets are arranged in one half of the chart with one planet called a " singleton " is alone on the opposite side .

  10. 结果表明:提桶式挤奶机、进口牛奶冷却罐和暖风供热装置是适宜于当地机械化挤奶站的主要设备。

    It is shown that the bucketing milking machine , importing milk cooling tanks and air-blowing heat supply facilities are the most suitable equipments for mechanization milking station in Heilongjiang province .

  11. 本实用新型公开了一种伸缩提桶,旨在提供一种结构简单、使用方便、成本低廉、便携可压缩的伸缩提桶。

    The utility model discloses a compressible bucket , which aims to provide a compressible bucket which has simple structure and low cost , and is convenient for use , portable and compressible .