
  • 网络irregular astigmatism
  1. 角膜地形图引导的个体化切削术对不规则散光和高阶像差的影响

    Topography guided customized ablation on irregular astigmatism and higher order aberration

  2. 并定义了它的规范、量度以及在校正不规则散光中的应用。

    Its standard , unit and application in correcting irregular astigmatism are provided .

  3. 影响视力恢复的主要原因是角膜中央区瘢痕和角膜不规则散光。至于手术后视力不佳最主要的原因为视神经和角膜的损害。

    Major causes of limited visual acuity were central corneal scar and irregular astigmatism .

  4. 随着疾病的进展,光线进入眼中发生扭曲,也就是不规则散光。

    As the disease continues to advance , the light rays entering the eye become significantly distorted , called irregular astigmatism .

  5. 圆锥角膜是一种先天性发育异常,是一种以角膜扩张为特征,致角膜中央部向前凸出、变薄呈圆锥并产生高度不规则散光的角膜病变。

    Keratoconus is an uncommon autosomal recessive inheritance , characteristic of corneal ectasia , which results in the corneal central anterior bulging , conus formation and high irregular astigmatism .

  6. 结果108例109眼术后角膜创口愈合良好,瘢痕小,不规则散光减轻,其中49眼术后健眼与患眼角膜地形图参数值显示差异无显著性意义(P>0.05)。

    Results After surgery , cornea wounds healed well in most cases , and the irregular astigmatism was lightened . There was little difference in the parameter of corneal topography with healthy and wounded eyes in 49 cases ( P > 0.05 ) .