
ɡōnɡ zuò bǎo zhànɡ
  • job security
  1. 该共识的主要支柱是,包括德国金属业工会(igmetall)在内的工会组织,愿意重点关注工作保障,而不是在危机期间要求加薪。

    The main pillar of this consensus has been that trade unions such as Ig metall were willing to focus on job security instead of demanding pay rises during the crisis .

  2. 而对另一部分人来说,工作保障才是首要考虑的内容。

    For others , job security is of primary importance .

  3. 接受培训的护士取得资格后应有工作保障。

    Nurses in training should be given a guarantee of employment following qualification .

  4. 对联合会的成员而言,工作保障是最重要的。

    Job security was the top issue for union members .

  5. 因为在61岁这个年纪,我很需要工作保障。

    because at 61 , I need the job security .

  6. 根本不关工作保障的事,明明是为了钱

    This isn 't about job security , it 's about money .

  7. 第五,完善思想政治工作保障机制。

    The fifth , we should improve the guarantee mechanism .

  8. 网络社会思想政治工作保障机制研究

    A Study on Guarantee Mechanism of Ideological and Political Work in Network Society

  9. 甚至没有合理的工作保障。

    Not even a reasonable promise of a job .

  10. 建立完整的工作保障机制,保证中央银行内审的客观性。

    And to build complete working guarantee system is to ensure its objectivity .

  11. A段说员工们担心工作保障。

    A The employees were worried about job security .

  12. 几乎没有什么职业具备工作保障性,而工作保障性以往曾是中产阶级就业的特点。

    Few careers will offer the job security once characteristic of middle-class employment .

  13. 主要的问题包括加薪,工作保障和教室的条件。

    The main issues include pay raises , job security and classroom conditions .

  14. 许多员工都认为这项政策是他们工作保障的一大威胁。

    Many workers see the policy as a major threat to their job security .

  15. 雇主必须给予员工终生工作保障吗?

    Must employers guarantee workers jobs for life ?

  16. 和现在其他美国人一样,我要的是工作保障

    I want what every other American wants right about now - job security .

  17. 加强技防工作保障校园安全

    Strengthening Technical Prevention to Guarantee Campus Security

  18. 你威胁他们的工作保障

    when you threaten their job security ,

  19. 不是金融衍生工具,不是抵押证券,甚至也不是工作保障,而是加密的电话线路。

    Not derivatives , mortgage-backed securities or even job security . It 's encrypted phone lines .

  20. 加强组织领导,建立标准化工作保障机制。

    Promoting standardized production technology ; enhancing the leadership and establishing a standardized work security mechanism .

  21. 我们必须创造我们自己的工作保障,成为品牌的一部分。

    We have to create our own job security , and branding is part of that .

  22. 许多工会面临的主要问题已不是加薪,而是工作保障。

    For many unions , the meat-and-potatoes issues is no longer pay increases but job security .

  23. 它有令人羡慕的工作保障、超棒的养老金计划以及长长的假期。

    There is enviable job security and an excellent pension scheme as well as the long holidays .

  24. 亚洲妇女工作保障

    Working insurence for Asian women

  25. 我相信救援人员的辛勤工作保障了成千上万群众的安全。

    I 'm sure the hard work done by rescue workers has kept thousands of people safe .

  26. 人们普遍认为,一些欧洲机构的职员享受着很好的福利和工作保障。

    Staff at European institutions are generally regarded as enjoying good benefits as well as job security .

  27. 她要求更高的工资、养老计划、工作保障,全套的东西。

    She demanded a higher salary , a pension plan , job security the whole ball of wax .

  28. 他们担心自己的养老金和医疗保健,也担心后辈的工作保障。

    They worry about their pensions and healthcare , and the job security of their children and grandchildren .

  29. 说到工作保障,人们首先担心的总是服务业。

    It 's always the service industries which are hit first when people are worried about job security .

  30. 文章就口岸突发公共卫生事件处置工作保障体系建设的5个方面进行尝试性探讨。

    The paper discussed construction of port emergency support system deal with public health emergency in the five aspects .