
  • 网络The Spelling Bee;Scripps National Spelling Bee;spellbound
  1. 在拼字比赛中“失败恐惧症”是人们最不愿看到的单词。

    fear of failure This is the last word that someone with kakorrhaphiophobia would want to encounter in a spelling bee .

  2. 因为艰苦的努力和坚定的决心,她赢得了拼字比赛的胜利。

    She won the spelling bee through hard work and determination .

  3. 没人会去核实你是否真的上过索邦大学(Sorbonne),或是因拼错了cauchemardesque(法语,意为噩梦似的)一词而在魁北克拼字比赛的最后一轮中落败。

    No one is going to check to see if you really went to the Sorbonne or lost in the final rounds of a Quebec spelling bee because you misspelled ' cauchemardesque . '

  4. 你会报名了今天的拼字比赛吗?

    Are you signed up for the spelling bee today ?

  5. 他因为错过了拼字比赛而更难过。

    He 's more upset about missing the spelling bee .

  6. 你怎么能赢得全国拼字比赛?

    How do you expect to win the national bee ?

  7. 说你上周拼字比赛表现很棒。

    Said you did real good in the spelling bee last week .

  8. 拼字比赛之前我就回家帮忙了。

    I came home to help before the spelling bee .

  9. 你有没有听说过下周的拼字比赛?

    Have you heard of next week 's spelling bee ?

  10. 全国拼字比赛难上青天。

    This national spelling bee is a tough nut .

  11. 我想要赢得全国拼字比赛!

    I want to win the national spelling bee !

  12. 连全国拼字比赛冠军也犯了错。

    A National Spelling bee champion missed it too .

  13. 他通报了拼字比赛冠军的名单。

    He announced the winners of the spelling bee .

  14. 各个学校间将会举行一次拼字比赛。

    There 's a big spelling bee coming up with all the other schools .

  15. 在拼字比赛中,他胜过约翰。

    He spelled down John in the contest .

  16. 他在拼字比赛中获得冠军。

    He was first in the spelling bee .

  17. 因为这是你最后一次参加拼字比赛。

    Because this is your last spelling bee .

  18. 这个六年级学生赢得了全县拼字比赛冠军。

    The sixth grader clinched the top spot in the county 's spelling bee contest .

  19. 苏珊在拼字比赛中得了第一名。他通报了拼字比赛冠军的名单。

    Susan won the spelling championship . He announced the winners of the spelling bee .

  20. 赢得全国拼字比赛吗?

    To win the national spelling bee ?

  21. 他参加童子军,在五年级的时候获得拼字比赛亚军。

    He joined the Cub Scouts and placed second in the fifth grade spelling bee .

  22. 她很喜欢参加拼字比赛,简直就像一本活字典。

    Spelling competitions are her cup of tea ; she is like a human dictionary !

  23. 这套书成了当时最受欢迎的书籍,甚至使拼字比赛应运而生。

    These became the most popular books of their time and even brought forth spelling bees .

  24. 所以不仅仅是在西点军校里或者全国拼字比赛上才需要毅力。

    So it 's not just at West Point or the National Spelling Bee that grit matters .

  25. 我们前去观摩全国拼字比赛,同时也试着预测哪些孩子会晋级到最后的比赛。

    We went to the National Spelling Bee and tried to predict which children would advance farthest in competition .

  26. 周四晚上他们一轮接着一轮比赛,直到最后斯克里普斯全国拼字比赛的官员宣布冠军归属。

    They went round after round on Thursday night until finally officials at the Scripps National Spelling Bee ran out of words and announced a tie .

  27. 没有人知道我是一个白痴直到拼字比赛突然举行。

    Cuz up , until that day , I was an idiot but nobody else knew , you know , the Spelling Bee day , you know , popped up .

  28. 达克沃什及同事用他们设计的坚韧量表测量人们的坚韧度,并据此成功预测了很多事情,包括斯克里普斯全美拼字比赛的优胜者和芝加哥公立学校的毕业率等等。

    Duckworth and her colleagues were able to use their measure of grit to predict successful outcomes in everything from the Scripps National Spelling Bee to graduation from Chicago public schools .

  29. 人生也不是一场拼字游戏比赛,

    Life is not a spelling bee ,

  30. 人生也不是一场拼字游戏比赛,不管你拼出多少单词,一旦出现了一个错误,你便前功尽弃。

    Life is not a spelling puzzle , where no matter how many words you have gotten right , you 're disqualified if you make one mistake .