
  • 网络work order
  1. 已成功提交您的工作秩序要求。

    Your work order request was successfully submitted .

  2. 但就总体而言,会计舞弊的状况尚未从根本上得到遏制,会计的行为与工作秩序还有待进一步完善。

    But overall , the accounting fraud have not been fundamentally solved , accounting behavior and work order has to be further improved .

  3. 工厂已修复并完全恢复正常工作秩序。

    The factory was restored to full working order .

  4. 本罪的客体是国家的医疗工作秩序和就诊人的生命、健康权;

    Its objects are national medical service regulations and the patients ' rights of life and health ;

  5. 2加强计算机及网络安全,维护公司利益和工作秩序。

    2 to improve the security of computers and network , protecting company 's interests and work orders .

  6. 毕竟,它需要大量的资金,以维持一个良好的工作秩序公园。

    After all , it takes a lot of money to maintain a park in good working order .

  7. 目的:通过执行工地安全管理规定(暂行),保证公司工地现场良好的工作秩序;

    Objective : to execute site safety management regulations ( interim ), ensure company on site good working order ;

  8. 有几件事,你可以做你花园工具保持良好的工作秩序。

    There are a few things that you can do to keep your garden tools in good working order .

  9. 禁止任何单位和个人扰乱煤矿矿区的生产秩序和工作秩序。

    All units and individuals shall be forbidden to disrupt the order of production and other work in coal mine areas .

  10. 以同样的方式,这是至关重要的前叉是在正确的位置和工作秩序。

    In the same way , it is essential that the front fork is in proper position and in working order .

  11. 资源配置模式将促进医院的效率、效益、工作秩序及服务效果。

    The resources allocation model will facilitate efficiency , cost - effectiveness and alignment of the roles of hospitals and service products .

  12. 新建立的高职院校,如何建立有高职一般特色和本校具体特色的教学管理制度,是建立正常教学工作秩序必须解决的问题。

    It is a key problem for new higher professional colleges to establish their own teaching regulatory regime to keep their teaching order .

  13. 医疗事故罪的犯罪直接客体是医疗卫生管理工作秩序和不特定就诊人的生命健康权益。

    The direct criminal objects of the offence of medical malpractice refer to medical and health management and the rights of a given patient .

  14. 本文认为司法社会控制功能是指司法作为社会控制体系对人们的社会生活、生产工作秩序、国家管理秩序进行控制中所发挥的作用和效能。

    The function of justice social control is effect of social control of justice in social life , work order , national administer order .

  15. 第十条国家维护煤矿矿区的生产秩序、工作秩序,保护煤矿企业设施。

    Article 10 The State shall maintain order in production and other work in coal mine areas and protect the facilities of coal mining enterprises .

  16. 结论改进管理措施、优化诊治流程是改善复明工作秩序、提高工作效率的好方法。

    Improving management measures and optimizing the flow of the diagnosis and treatment is a good way to improve sight rehabilitating work order and increase work efficiency .

  17. 其中一些,特别是那些生活在消化道里的微生物,实际上是有益的,不仅有助于消化还保持肠道良好的工作秩序。

    Some of them , particularly those that live in the gut , are positively beneficial , helping with digestion and keeping the intestines in good working order .

  18. 医疗纠纷的增加不仅恶化了当前的医患关系,影响了医院的工作秩序,而且还严重干扰了正常的社会秩序。

    Increasing medical conflicts and lawsuits not only worsen present patient-doctor relationship , but also interfere the normal running of hospitals , and eventually violate the social order .

  19. 国家保护合法的探矿权和采矿权不受侵犯,保障矿区和勘查作业区的生产秩序、工作秩序不受影响和破坏。

    The state shall protect lawful rights of exploration and mining from violation and protect order in production and other work in the mining and exploration areas from interference and disruption .

  20. 医疗事故罪的客体是双重客体,其主要客体是就诊人的生命和健康权利,次要客体是医疗单位的正常的工作秩序和管理活动;

    Crime of medical accident has a double object : The primary one is the patient 's right on life or health ; the secondary is the normal order and managing activities of medical units ;

  21. 乡镇金库难以运行,主要是财税机构设置不完备,工作秩序混乱,事权与财权不统一等因素所致。

    It is difficult for the town and township coffer to run , which is caused by the incomplete fiscal institutions , disordered working conditions , disunited personnel right and economic rights and so on .

  22. 同时,受党校老师、教室等资源的限制,手工排课容易出现冲突,工作量大,影响了正常的工作秩序。

    At the same time , due to the Party School teachers , classrooms and other resource constraints , course schedule arranging often causes conflict , heavy workload by hand , which affects the normal working order .

  23. 实施全程控制与重点控制相结合、个体控制与组织控制相结合、科内控制与科间横向控制相结合等,对稳定医院工作秩序,确保护理安全,提高护理质量发挥着重要作用。

    To stabilize hospital operation order , ensure safe nursing and raise nursing quality , it is essential to combine full-process control with key control , combine individual control with organization control and combine inter-department control and intra-department .

  24. 本文认为高校内部实施会计委派制对于解决财力分散、规范会计工作秩序、加强高校国有资产的管理、提高办学效益等方面都将起到积极的作用。

    Implementing the accountant assignment system in the college and university can solve the problem of financing decentralization , standardize the financial order , strengthen the management of state assets , and raise the benefit of the education .

  25. 这不仅影响了正常的教学科研工作秩序,而且对教师队伍的稳定也产生了较大的冲击,对高校师资队伍的建设非常不利。

    It not only affected the normal work order of teaching and scientific research , but also had a bigger impact on the stable teacher troop , it was extremely disadvantageous to the universities teachers troop 's construction .

  26. 在经济体制和教育体制转轨过程中,市场化的经济活动多样化和复杂化的客观现实要求高等院校内部必须提高加强财务管理力度,理顺财务管理体制,确保有条不紊的财务工作秩序。

    During the transformation process of the economic system and the education system , the diversification and the complication of market economic activity objectively request to enhance the financial management , improve the financial control system , and guarantee the financial work order of university .

  27. 通过分析设备管理的流程,来保证租户正常的工作生活秩序和净化、美化生活工作环境。

    By analyzing equipment management processes to ensure that tenants of the normal order of life and work of purification , the work of our living environment .

  28. 相对于传统的爆破技术,在施工场地狭小、地形陡峭以及不能影响周边居民正常工作生活秩序等条件下,运用静态爆破技术施工,具有安全、环保、简单等不可比拟的优点。

    In comparison with the traditional blast , static-state blast is simpler , safer and less noisy in the narrow steep field , without influencing everyday work and live of nearby inhabitants .

  29. 建筑渗漏已成为建设工程的质量通病,它不仅扰乱人们的正常生活、工作生产秩序,而且给国家造成巨大的经济损失。

    The leakage has become a common fault in the construction quality . It not only disturbs people normal living , working and production order , but also leads to enormous economic loss .

  30. 统计行政执法是行政执法在统计领域的具体运用,是维护统计工作正常秩序的重要过程,在国家社会经济发展中发挥着重要的作用。

    The statistical administrative enforcement of law is the concrete application of administrative enforcement of law in the statistical field , which is an important process to maintain the normal order of the statistical work .