
  • 网络Engineering Consulting Industry;engineering consultation vocation
  1. 我国工程咨询业发展模式优化的制度安排

    The Institution Arrangement Optimizing the Developmental Mode of Chinese Engineering Consultation Vocation

  2. 本文还运用新制度经济学理论,提出了要实现我国工程咨询业发展模式优化所应进行的制度安排。

    Secondly , the thesis use the theory of new institution economics , putting forward the institution arrangement that optimizing the developmental mode of engineering consultation vocation needed .

  3. 这预示着我国工程咨询业的市场格局,服务体系、2监理咨询行业应对WTO挑战的对策法律法规环境等将会在短时间内发生巨大而深刻的变化。

    It indicates that the market structure , service system and legal environment will change a great deal in a short time in the consulting industry of engineering construction .

  4. 中国加入WTO后,外国公司必将进入中国工程咨询业市场,我国工程咨询业的竞争将更加激烈。

    For this reason , the managerial system in China is behind the times . With China 's entry into WTO , more foreign companies will enter the Chinese consulting market and the competition is fiercer .

  5. 兑现加入WTO的承诺,我国的服务业逐渐对外资开放,工程咨询业作为工程服务行业,也对外资打开了大门,越来越多的外资企业进入中国市场提供咨询服务。

    According to our promise for WTO , the service industry will open its market to foreign companies step by step . As engineering service industry , engineering consulting has opened the door to the foreign companies .

  6. 我国建设工程咨询业发展的机遇、挑战及其应对措施

    Study on Development Chance and Propose of Construction Consultation in China

  7. 中国工程咨询业如何适应国际竞争?

    How to adapt to international contest in national engineering consultation ?

  8. 黑龙江省农业工程咨询业的现状与对策

    Status and Strategy of Agricultural Consulting Industry in Heilongjiang Province

  9. 构建工程咨询业共生机制。

    Build the Symbiotic mechanism of the engineering consulting industry .

  10. 工程咨询业营销问题探讨

    The Discuss of Marketing Problems in Engineering Consultation Industry

  11. 中国工程咨询业发展对策研究

    The Research for Engineering Consultation Development Countermeasure of China

  12. 工程咨询业的发展探讨

    Discussion on the development of engineering consultant industry

  13. 对工程咨询业问题的分析及发展的探讨

    Study on development and problems of construction consultation

  14. 工程咨询业可持续发展

    Sustainable Development of Civil Engineering Consultation

  15. 第五部分,预测我国公路工程咨询业的发展趋势。

    The last part predicts the development trend of the highway engineering consultation of our country .

  16. 中国工程咨询业的发展与演进

    Development of Chinas engineering consulting industry

  17. 探析中国工程咨询业

    Study on Chinese Engineering Consultation Industry

  18. 本文立足于公路工程咨询业的现状,寻求现存问题的解决办法。

    This text bases on highway engineering current situation of consultation and seeks extant solution of problem .

  19. 中国工程咨询业怎样走出去国民经济动员工程化探讨

    How to Adapt to the World in National Engineering Consultation A STUDY OF ENGINEERING NATIONAL ECONOMIC MOBILIZATION

  20. 给出了工程咨询业的定义,明确了工程咨询业应占有的地位。

    The definition of engineering advisory is proposed and the status of engineering advisory is making clear .

  21. 面向现代工程咨询业的综合业务处理平台关键技术研究与开发

    Research and Development for Key Technologies Based on Integrated Business Process Platform for Modern Engineering Consulting Industry

  22. 首先要扩大工程咨询业的服务范围,在工程咨询服务中最主要的还是提高自己的素质也就是质量。

    First of all service of engineering consultation should be enlarged . It is important to improve quality .

  23. 以国际视野来看,工程咨询业也在那些市场化程度较高的国家里受到高度的重视。

    From an international perspective , the engineering consulting industry is also emphasized by the countries with higher degree of marketization .

  24. 工程咨询业是一个知识密集型行业,近年来发展迅猛,机遇与挑战并存,中小咨询企业普遍缺乏正确的战略指导。

    Engineering consultation is a knowledge-intensive industry . Some of those small and medium engineering consultation enterprises lack the right strategic guidance .

  25. 文章首先介绍了企业战略的研究现状,叙述了国内外工程咨询业的发展现状。

    It first introduced the research status of corporate strategy , and describes the development status of engineering consulting industry at home and abroad .

  26. 详细论述了工程咨询业在建筑市场中应发挥的作用、咨询工程师的作用及其应具备的素质。

    The actions of engineering advisory should be played in building market , the action of consultancy engineer and the quality of them are discussed in detail .

  27. 本文通过对国际工程咨询业发展的简述,介绍了工程建设项目委托管理这种模式,并对我国实行工程建设项目托管的市场需求和优势进行了分析。

    Through the brief introduction of international engineering consulting industry , the model of engineering construction entrust management is proposed , and its market demand and advantage are analyzed .

  28. 随着我国市场经济建设步伐的加快,工程咨询业在工程建设领域发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    With the development of market economy in our country , the construction consultation industry is playing a more and more important role in the field of engineering construction .

  29. 经济的快速发展和投资体制改革的深化给工程咨询业带来了发展机遇和挑战,行业内的竞争日渐激烈。

    The rapid development of economic and the deepening reform of investment system have brought opportunities and challenges to the engineering consulting industry , which is witnessing increasingly fierce competition .

  30. 指出工程咨询业是为经济建设和工程项目的决策与实施提供全过程咨询的智力型服务行业。

    It points out that the engineering consulting industry is an intellectual service sector of supplying the whole consulting for the economic construction and the decision-making and implementation of the project .