
ɡōnɡ zuò kuánɡ
  • workaholic;workaholism
  1. 据他自己所言,他是个雄心勃勃的工作狂。

    He was by his own account an ambitious workaholic .

  2. 她自认是一个工作狂。

    She is a self-confessed workaholic .

  3. 《柯林斯英语词典》给“工作狂”一词下的定义是“一个过分沉溺于工作中的人”。

    Collins English Dictionary defines a workaholic as ' a person obsessively addicted to work ' .

  4. 在最近发布的一项研究中,挪威研究者发现,7。8%的挪威人已经成了工作狂。

    In a study just released , researchers from Norway found that 7.8 % of Norwegians have become workaholics .

  5. 她是个工作狂,每天都很晚才下班。

    She 's a glutton for work.She stays late every evening .

  6. “远程工作狂综合征”指在家远程办公的人容易过度劳作的一种趋势。

    Teleworkaholic syndrome to be working from home .

  7. “自愿工作狂”可以免受上述这些不良效应的困扰,仅仅是因为:他们热爱他们所做的工作。工作时乐在其中,根本不觉得工作是压力。

    Engaged workaholics may dodge for one simple reason : They love what they do .

  8. “自愿工作狂”不会有普通工作狂那样的职业倦怠感,这说明对工作的热爱可以抵消工作劳累带来的压力。

    They get a kick out of it . They don 't feel stressed by it . The engaged workaholics didn 't have burnout anywhere near the level of the workaholics , suggesting that loving work may buffer the stress effects of working too hard .

  9. 芭芭拉·沃尔特斯显然是那种工作狂,她在退休后会继续担任《TheView》节目的制作人。

    Barbara Walters is apparently the kind of workaholic whose retirement will include continuing to executive produce The View .

  10. 嗯哼,TOM是一个不折不扣的工作狂,他非常想得到这次机会。

    Tom is such a workhorse and he wanted it so badly .

  11. 不过,去年9月在纽约大学斯特恩商学院(NewYorkUniversity'sSternbusinessschool)回答问题时,他承认:我毕生都是个工作狂。

    But answering questions at New York University 's Stern business school last September , he confessed : I have spent my entire life as a workaholic .

  12. NO.1事业有成的工作狂

    Chump \# 1 : The Workaholic Hotshot

  13. No.1事业有成的工作狂他的穿着那是相当讲究,因为他有的是钱。

    No.1 : The Workaholic Hotshot This guy is always dressed to the nines , because he 's loaded .

  14. 【注】atastretch连续的;deadnuts工作狂连续工作四小时确实令人疲惫不堪。为什么我们不能像其他公司那样中间休息一下呢?

    A : Working for four hours at a stretch really makes me tired . Why can 't we have a break like many other companies ?

  15. 法国鲁昂商学院(RouenBusinessSchool)2011年的一项研究显示,工作狂通常能发挥积极作用,能启发同事,让他们更具创意,更加专注。

    As a 2011 study from the Rouen Business School in France reported , workaholism often can be constructive , inspiring co-workers to be more original and dedicated .

  16. 梦工厂动画公司(DreamWorksAnimation)CEO杰弗瑞•卡森伯格认为,在这个行业,人人都是工作狂,但西克雷斯特却是“我见过的工作最努力的一位”。

    In an industry of workaholics , Seacrest is " the single hardest-working person I know , " DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg says .

  17. Workaholic(工作狂)和shopaholic(购物狂)这两个词与talkaholic一样都是以-aholic为后缀的,这个后缀表示对某事有极度的兴趣,或者对某事上瘾。

    Similar words like workaholic and shopaholic are all ended with the same suffix-aholic , which means of an obsessive interest in something .

  18. 科技记者和作家SarahLacy写到,普里西拉·陈在和小扎谈恋爱的过程中设置了很多严格的条款:并不是她不信任小扎,而是因为他太工作狂了!

    Author and tech journalist Sarah Lacy has written that Chan has imposed strict rules on her relationship with Zuckerberg - not because she doesn 't trust him , but because he 's such a workaholic .

  19. 5月份,34岁的医药研究员ParkHee-jung休了11天假,带女朋友去克罗地亚和波斯尼亚旅游。这是相对较长的休假,对于至今领衔世界工作狂排行榜的许多韩国人是难以想象的。

    Park Hee-jung , a 34-year-old pharmaceutical researcher , took an 11-day holiday in May to travel to Croatia and Bosnia with his girlfriend - a relatively long vacation inconceivable for many South Koreans who remain world champion workaholics .

  20. 调查公司StudyLogic的执行副总裁兼首席运营官塞缪尔奈米亚斯说:“我们是工作狂。”该公司开展的这一调查涵盖了1500名美国成年人。

    " We 're workaholics ," said Samuel Nahmias , executive vice president and chief operations officer of research firm StudyLogic , which conducted the poll of1500 American adults .

  21. Sinkevicius自称工作狂,说自己曾有五年时间没有休过一次假。他打算在今年秋天自己也出去走走,利用连续14天的时间去新西兰旅游一趟。

    Sinkevicius , a self-described workaholic who says he once went five years without a vacation , plans to get away himself this fall , for14 straight days on a trip to New Zealand .

  22. 读者们,你什么时候陷入过工作狂的状态?

    Readers : Where do you fall on a workaholism scale ?

  23. 我是个工作狂,我想,他说。

    I 'm a workaholic , I guess , he says .

  24. 叶是一个非常刻苦的孩子,有时候甚至有点工作狂。

    He is a hard working student , sometimes a workaholic .

  25. 迈克尔:你肯定会变成一个工作狂,比利。

    Michael : You must be turning into a workaholic , Billy .

  26. 可是她是工作狂,永远不在家。

    And because she 's workaholic , she 's never at home .

  27. 工作狂就是一个工作过量的人。

    A workholic is a person who works too much .

  28. 首先我认为你是个工作狂。

    First of all I think you work too much .

  29. 工作狂们宁可工作也不做其它的任何事。

    Workaholics prefer to work rather than do anything else .

  30. 工作狂决不可能不想工作。

    Workaholic e.g.the workaholics can never stop thinking about work .