
  • 网络Job Function;Duties
  1. 是否按要求对每个工作职能/操作岗位进行了培训?

    Has training been provided for each job function / operation according to requirements ?

  2. 请根据个人感兴趣,选择相关工作职能、业务领域和职位。

    Search by the job function , business unit or location that match your interests .

  3. 艺术品经营机构的CFO工作职能探析

    CFO 's Duties in Managing Organization of Work of Arts

  4. 针对模具制造企业工作职能耦合度高、项目业务呈交叉状且技术保密要求严格的特点,传统的基于用户或角色的访问控制策略已难以实现模具ERP系统的有效管理。

    It is difficult to implement the administration of mould ERP system privilege utilizing traditional access control strategies based on user or role for mould enterprises which are characterized by high coupling job , crossing business and strictly technique security .

  5. 试论农业科技查新的第二工作职能的完善

    Discussion on Improving the Second Function of Agricultural Sci-tech Novelty Search

  6. 医务社会工作职能及其在我国的发展

    Functions of Medical Social Work and Its Development in China

  7. 开发和维护所有工作职能的程序。

    Develop and maintain detailed procedures for all job functionality .

  8. 论档案馆工作职能创新

    On the Function Revolution of the Work in the Archives

  9. 清洁生产审核工作职能定位探讨

    The Discussion on Function Orientation of Auditing for Clean Production

  10. 新时期扩展高校图书馆工作职能的探索

    On Expanding the Function of Colleges and Universities Libraries in New Era

  11. 浅谈新时期高校教学秘书的核心工作职能

    On Teaching Secretaries ' Core Work Functions in Higher Institutions

  12. 拓展档案馆工作职能的思考

    Reflection on the Expansion of Functions of Archives Part-time Job

  13. 生物医学工程人员工作职能转变的探讨

    Investigation on Occupation Function Transformation of Biomedical Engineering Technician

  14. 论高等学校共青团的工作职能的几点认识

    The functions of Communist Youth League in high school

  15. 在无人监督的情况下能够完成工作职能。

    Ability to perform job functions with minimal supervision .

  16. 没歌模块负责相应的工作职能。

    The song module has not been responsible for the corresponding work function .

  17. 关于民委工作职能化问题的思考

    Concerning people work working talent considering of problem

  18. 以一贯的方式与必要的工作职能做出正确的决定。

    Ability to make sound decisions in a manner consistent with the essential job functions .

  19. 高职院校教学督导工作职能定位与实践&以顺德职业技术学院为例

    Function Orientation of Teaching Supervision in Higher Vocational Colleges : An Example from Shunde Polytechnic

  20. 高校教学学院办公室工作职能的思考

    On functions of office in teaching colleges

  21. 安技人员工作职能转变与安全工程本科专业知识结构改革

    Working Function Transit of Safety Personnel and Reform of Knowledge Structure in Safety Engineering Discipline for Undergraduate

  22. 职工医疗保险制度改革与医院药剂科工作职能转变

    Reform of Medical Insurance System for Workers and Staff and Transformation of the Work of Hospital Pharmacy

  23. 这八种工作职能及其团队管理系统组织的相应权限如下。

    These eight work functions are listed below , with permission from the Team Management Systems organization .

  24. 系统由变量的因果关系的其他变量净的工作职能。

    Systems consist of variables that are causally related to other variables in a net work of functions .

  25. 公司应该通过更好的用户界面设计来促进易用性和工作职能效率改进。

    The company should promote ease of use and job function efficiency improvements through better user interface design .

  26. 一是更新计划观念,转变工作职能,抓好五件大事;

    The first is to renew planning idea , transform work function , and do five matters well ;

  27. 笔者阐述了企业安技人员的工作职能已发生转变的背景和原因,由原来直接实施安全转变为间接实施安全;

    The function of safety personnel in enterprises has changed from direct implementation of safety measures into indirect implementation .

  28. 工会作为劳动者的群众组织,理应以维护劳动者权益为基本工作职能,积极参与企业经营管理。

    As a mass organization , trade union should protect labor s rights and participate in enterprises management actively .

  29. 归纳为参与政务、管理事务、协调关系、行使授权等工作职能;

    The conclusion of its functions are participating administrative affairs , management , coordinating many relationships , performing authorities ;

  30. 必须转变工作职能,优化能力结构,全面加强教师队伍建设;

    Secondly , they should transform the working function , optimize ability structure and strengthen the construction of teachers staff .