
  • 【体】duality of management
  1. 这种开放机制与原始管理的二重性一脉相承:既体现着人类生产方式的进步,又体现着资本主义生产关系的性质及局限性。

    It is the same as the primitive management , reflecting either the advancement of the productive means of humans or the nature and limits of the production relations of capitalism .

  2. 马克思强调,资本主义管理的二重性是不能相互混淆的,即不能以其生产性取代其剥削性,亦不能用其剥削性否定其生产性。

    He stressed that the nature of Capitalist management can be not obscured , that is , its production nature can not take place its exploitation nature and its exploitation nature can not be used t.

  3. 本文以企业的知识管理活动为主要研究对象,以管理本质的二重性作为分析展开的框架。

    I select knowledge management of enterprises as main object to analyze and approach this issue from two aspects of the nature of management .

  4. 他的企业管理思想是在其生活背景和一定的假设下诞生的,涉及管理的二重性与职能、生产管理、财务管理、销售管理、员工管理和企业的成长与本质等内容。

    His business administration thoughts were born under his life background and certain assumption , related to management dual character and function , production management , financial administration , sell management , staff management and growth and essence content of enterprise .