
  • 网络zhong;Kuan Chung
管仲 [guǎn zhòng]
  • [Guan Zhong] (?-前 645) 春秋时齐国著名的政治家、思想家。一称管敬仲。名夷吾,字仲。齐颖上(颖水之滨)人。出身微贱。辅佐齐桓公实行了一系列重大的政治和社会改革,使齐桓公成为春秋时期第一个霸主。著有《管子》86 篇,今存 76 篇。其中《牧民》、《权修》、《形势》、《七洁》等篇是管仲言论思想的记录

  1. 养马的官吏还没来得及回答,相国管仲接过话茬回答说:

    Before the officer had time to reply , prime minister Guan Zhong picked up the topic and answered ,

  2. 略论管仲的“以法治国”思想

    On Guan zhong 's idea of " rule by law "

  3. 试论管仲人才思想中的民本因素&以《管子》为中心

    On " People Foremost Thought " in Talent Ideology of Guanzhong

  4. 鲍叔推荐管仲以后,自己甘愿做他的下属。

    Guan Zhong Bao Shu recommended after its meaning his subordinates .

  5. 管仲改革与宗法制度

    Guan Zhong 's Reform and the Patriarch System in China

  6. 管仲是中国历史上一位有争议的重要人物。

    Guan Zhong is an important but controversial figure in Chinese history .

  7. 春秋时期,齐国著名政治家管仲最早提出了以人为本的概念,中国传统的民本思想基本上就是沿着这条思路传承下来的。

    The Chinese traditional civil oriented idea is its legacy .

  8. 管仲通过多项改革措施使齐国强大了起来。

    Guan Zhong modernized the state of Qi by starting multiple reforms .

  9. 论管仲的经济管理思想及其实践

    Guan Zhong 's Economic Management Ideas and His Practice

  10. 试论管仲与梭伦法治观的差异

    On the Difference between the Rules of Law of Guan zhong and Solon

  11. 管仲堪称中国古代城市规划建设的一代宗师。

    Guan Zhong was the master of ancient Chinese city planning and construction .

  12. 天下的人不赞美管仲的才干,而赞美鲍叔能了解人。

    Guan Zhong world do not praise the talents and praise Baoshu understand .

  13. 管仲还发展了一种更好的选拔人才的方法。

    He also developed a better method for choosing talent to be governors .

  14. 历史学家通常把国家对盐铁的羡断经营归功于管仲。

    historians usually credit Guan Zhong for introducing state monopolies of salt and iron .

  15. 管仲的营造思想研究

    Study on Guan Zhong 's Construction Idea

  16. 管仲说:“老马是一种有智慧的动物,能认路。

    Guan Zhong said : " Old horses are wise animals who know their way .

  17. 在管仲的统治下,齐国的政权从世袭贵族手里转移到了专业官僚手中。

    Under Guan Zhong , Qi shifted administrative responsibilities from hereditary aristocrats to professional bureaucrats .

  18. 第一阶段自西周初叶姜太公封齐始,至春秋前中期管仲改革止。

    The first stage was from Jiang Taigong 's founding Qi State to Guan Zhong 's reformation .

  19. 第二阶段自管仲改革始,至田氏代齐止。

    The second stage was from Guan Zhong 's reformation to the Tian State substituting the Qi State .

  20. 可是他用管仲为相,国家还不是弄得挺不错。

    However , since he appointed Guangzhong as minister , the government under his helm had done well .

  21. 管仲是春秋初期杰出的政治家思想家,他的思想论述汇集而成一部不朽巨著《管子》。

    Guan Zhong was an outstanding statesman and thinker in the early ages of the Spring and Autumn Period .

  22. 管仲,名夷吾,字仲,卒于公元前645年。管仲是春秋时期的一位政治家。

    Guan Zhong ( died in 645 B. C. ) was a politician in the Spring and Autumn Period .

  23. 管仲不再依靠传统贵族作为人力资源,而是直接管理村级单位。

    Instead of relying on the traditional aristocracy for manpower , he applied levies to the village units directly .

  24. 政治方面,管仲采取中央集权,把齐国分成不同的村庄,不同的村庄从事不同的职业。

    Politically , he centralized power and divided the state into different villages , each carrying out a specific trade .

  25. 论管仲之死&从管仲的生死抉择看其生死观

    On the death of Guanzhong & looking atGuanzhong ′ s life and death view from his choice of life or death

  26. 孔、孟对管仲评价的差异,主要由他们的个人性格、自我评价以及所处的历史时代、社会环境不同所导致。

    Such differences of opinion arose out of those between the two in personality , self-appraisal , times and social environment .

  27. 孔子评管仲为仁人,有其理论上的根据,符合历史事实,是正确的。

    Confucius evaluating Guan Zhong as a benevolent man has his theoretical basis , and does conform to the historical facts .

  28. “予之为取”是管仲的为政原则,对实现齐国霸业起了重要作用。

    " Giving for Getting " is Guan Zhong s political principle which plays an important role in Qi state accomplishing hegemony .

  29. 最早提出国家干预思想的是春秋初期的政治家管仲;

    Guan Zhong , a politician in the early Spring and Autumn Period in ancient China , first claimed the thought of national interference .

  30. 在管仲任期内,齐国强大了许多,成就了齐桓公的霸业。

    During his term of office , the state of Qi became much stronger and Duke Huan of Qi gained hegemony among the states .