
  • 网络Management elites;managerial elites
  1. 公司还拥有一批资深的项目管理精英,在电力及其他多项领域,都具有丰富的行业经验和业务知识,确保项目的成功实施。

    Jianheng EEC also owns experienced project managers with abundant experience and knowledge in related fields , which will insure the success in big projects .

  2. 招聘经理报告称,私募股权公司正在积极地为它们投资的公司物色管理精英。赫希说,这些岗位涉及所有行业,所有职能领域。

    Recruiters report that private equity firms are actively seeking management talent for their portfolio companies across all industries and all functional areas , says Hirsch .

  3. 除了印度快速发展的经济吸引了世界的目光以外,优秀且抢手的IT人才和管理精英,特别是软件人才,为印度赢得了不少的赞誉。

    Besides the rapid economic development attracted the world attention , excellent and popular talents for IT and management especially for software winned much honor for India .

  4. 招聘经理报告称,私募股权公司正在积极地为它们投资的公司物色管理精英。赫希说,这些岗位涉及“所有行业,所有职能领域”。

    Recruiters report that private equity firms are actively seeking management talent for their portfolio companies " across all industries and all functional areas , " says Hirsch .

  5. 在政治管理精英的监管下,媒体市场和组织结构和文化已经越来越具有竞争性,越来越煽情,越来越具有攻击性。

    The structure and culture of media markets and organizations have become more competitive , more sensationalistic , and more aggressive in their surveillance of political administrative elites .

  6. 但是,教育增强了权威和管理精英的力量是可能的,事实上,教育可能经常被设计去这样做。

    It is possible , however , that education reinforces authority and the power of ruling elites ; indeed , it may often be designed to do precisely this .

  7. 复杂动荡的外部环境带给企业诸多的挑战和机会,从而,企业亟需一批本领过硬、高效协作的由各领域管理精英们所组成的高层管理团队来领导。

    In the complex and turbulent external environment , corporations are facing with a lot of challenges and opportunities , thus , the corporations call for one batch of outstanding top managers who have a highly effective cooperative attitude and come from various professional domains urgently .

  8. 谁拥有一支富于开拓进取、精于管理的精英金融队伍,谁就能在日益激烈的市场竞争中争占据优势。

    Those who possess a financial elite team that is full of pioneering spirits and good at management , will certainly take the advantage in the increasingly fierce market competition .

  9. 如果把问题抛给那些政治家和管理者精英(因为受到很多媒体教唆,我们对他们很轻视),我们就不会把问题解决好。

    We will not do it well if we leave it to an elite of politicians and administrators , whom we have been in any case taught by many of our media to despise .

  10. 此后,渣打银行管理人员给精英计划的成员带来了内容丰富以及有意义的互动讲座。

    Than , the managers of the Chartered Bank gave an abundant and meaningful interactive lecture .

  11. 我社拥有先进的办公设备和现代化通讯设备,拥有一批经验丰富、素质高、锐意进取的管理和业务精英以及一支专业素质强的导游队伍。

    The agency has the advanced office facilities and the modern communication ones . Furthermore , it enjoys a good reputation for high-quality tourist guiders who have much experience .

  12. 我们一次次地试图相信社会已经复杂到不能靠自制来管理了,精英政府优于民享、民治和民有的政府。

    From time to time we 've been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule , that government by an elite group is superior to government for , by , and of the people .

  13. 农村社会中传统型管理者与底层精英的社会流动

    The Flows Questions of Traditional Administrator and Ground Floor Elite

  14. 服务端负责管理每个客户端的精英个体信息,并根据客户端中的亚群的演变来发生迁移。

    The server is responsible for management the elite individual information for each client , and the evolution of subpopulations according to client migration .

  15. 有时候,这可能是因为作为公司管理者的国际精英人士自己会说好几门语言,于是就误以为他们的下属也可以做到这一点。

    In some cases this may be because the cosmopolitan elites that run them speak several languages already and mistakenly assume that their subordinates do too .

  16. 中国传统乡村政治是依靠乡村精英人物进行乡村管理的,乡村精英始终作为联系国家和农民的桥梁而存在。

    It is relying on the traditional rural political elites to manage in traditional Village Politic , and rural elite has always been existing as a bridge associating countries and the peasants .

  17. 在高等教育大众化阶段,政府应建立多元化的评估体系引领高等教育的发展,高校要明确定位、加强学术自治和过程管理,不断提升精英教育水平。

    In the process of popularization , the government should establish multiplex assess system . Higher education organizations should confirm their precise orientation , strengthen academic autonomy and process management , thus upgrading continuously the level of elite education .

  18. 根据占有权力资源的多少,村民分为管理者、非管理精英、普通村民三个权力阶层。

    According to their authority resources , the villagers may be divided into three authorities social strata : the managers , the non-managerial elites , the ordinary villagers .

  19. 公司不断导入先进的管理模式,吸纳行内管理精英,重视市场调查,使产品市场占有不断提高,企业得以稳步发展而立于不败之地。

    Due to leading in advance management mode , attracting talent and focusing on market research , the market share of our products is higher and higher , and our company is developing steadily .