
  1. IMF还警告说,如果发达国家投资者突然将套息交易资金撤出亚洲新兴市场,大跌的风险可能波及亚洲货币市场。

    IMF also warned that contagion could also occur through Asian currency markets , as long and carry-trade positions are unwound .

  2. 中国投资者是否掌握了其它国家投资者不知道的消息?

    Do Chinese investors know something the rest of the world does not ?

  3. 并购溢价水平是一个国家投资者保护程度的重要体现。

    Acquiring premium is an important indication of a country 's protection of investors .

  4. 相反,危机几乎无一例外地由发达国家投资者或央行引发。

    Instead , they are almost invariably triggered by the actions of investors or central banks in the developed world .

  5. 本文有助于研究特定国家投资者在非洲投资的风险认知差异这一金融研究。

    This study contributes to the finance research that examines how country-specific investors ' risk perceptions of investments in Africa differ .

  6. 香港金融投资顾问公司桥川集团的高级经理汉内克认为,许多国家投资者的慌乱情绪在增长。

    Investors in many countries are increasingly panicked , according to senior manager Martin Hannecke of the Hong Kong-based financial firm Tyche Group .

  7. 这一切表明,如果发达国家投资者的胃口变差,别指望传统市场可以接过多出黄金。

    All this suggests that the traditional markets for gold cannot be expected to pick up the slack if rich-world investors ' appetite should pall .

  8. 尽管新兴市场的经济增长使其成为愈加重要的投资目的地,但担心国内财政状况的发达国家投资者依然高度紧张。

    Even though economic growth is making emerging markets ever bigger as investment destinations , developed world investors , worried about financial conditions at home , are nervous .

  9. 我相信这种情况在未来几年会发生变化,并仍预期发达国家投资者会把资金投向新兴市场。

    I believe that this will change over the next few years and I continue to expect a flow of money from investors in the developed world into emerging markets .

  10. 上个世纪,这类投资工具摧毁了很多国家投资者的购买力,尽管投资者一直能够按时收到支付的本息。

    Over the past century these instruments have destroyed the purchasing power of investors in many countries , even as these holders continued to receive timely payments of interest and principal .

  11. 行为主义与德育本文从不同国家投资者行动主义的表现形式出发,对投资者的组成结构进行国际比较,并对投资者行动主义存在的局限性进行述评。

    From the aspect of the manifestation of investor behaviorism of different countries , the author compared the investor framework of different country , and state the limitation of investor behaviorism .

  12. 随着全球股市全线下跌,我认为,对于持有中国房地产股票的风险,发达国家投资者将开始转变态度。

    As shares have plummeted in value across the globe , developed world investors will , I suggest , begin to change their attitude towards the risk of holding Chinese real-estate shares .

  13. 这使该行在2008年支付给这个海湾国家投资者的公开费用及佣金总和达到4.5亿英镑,超过投资资本的7%。

    This brings the total of disclosed fees and commissions paid to investors in the Gulf state in 2008 to & # 163 ; 450m , more than 7 per cent of the capital invested .

  14. 经过将近五十年的投资仲裁实践,ICSID逐渐发展成为一个解决国家与投资者之间争端的最重要的机构,每年受理的案件倍增。

    After nearly fifty years of practice of investor-state investment arbitration , ICSID has gradually developed into the most important institutions to resolve disputes between the state and investors and the dispute submitted to ICSID also doubles each year .

  15. 这种不正常的现象给国家和投资者带来了不利的影响。

    The abnormal phenomenon has brought unfavorable influence to our country and investors .

  16. 他表示,俄罗斯和西方国家的投资者等待真正的经济改革已经等得不耐烦了。

    He said investors from Russia and Western countries were losing their patience for the real economic reforms .

  17. 中国、新加坡和其它亚洲国家的投资者,已在他们持有的西方陷入破产的金融机构的股票上,丧失了数十亿美元。

    Chinese , Singaporean and other Asian investors have lost billions on their stakes in failing western institutions .

  18. 这导致在不太有利的财政制度在玻利维亚,厄瓜多尔等国家的投资者和委内瑞拉。

    That resulted in less favorable fiscal regimes for investors in such countries as Bolivia , Ecuador , and Venezuela .

  19. 西方发达国家机构投资者的实践证明了机构投资者对上市公司治理有积极的作用。

    The development of institutional investors in Western developed countries shows the positive effects on the corporate governance of listed companies .

  20. 因此,要想拯救欧元区外围国家,投资者也必须对欧洲央行和它的领导能力充满信心。

    Therefore , if the eurozone periphery is to be saved , investors need to believe in the ECB and its leadership .

  21. 上世纪80年代后西方国家机构投资者积极主义兴起,机构投资者参与公司治理成为公司外部治理机制的重要组成部分。

    The institutional investor activism rise during 1980s in the western countries . Institutional investor taking part in corporate governance has been an important mechanism .

  22. 多年来,这两个国家的投资者在对方国家遇到的困难已经让华盛顿和北京产生了重大摩擦。

    The difficulties faced by each country 's investors in the other 's economy have created significant friction between Washington and Beijing over the years .

  23. 它会使纳税人不必为过于热衷借钱给国家的投资者(尤其是外国投资者)埋单。

    It spares taxpayers from having to pay for mistakes made by investors , especially foreign ones , who have lent too eagerly to the country .

  24. 该协议将把这种权力的适用范围扩大到像日本和澳大利亚这种富裕国家的投资者。这些国家往往有一些在美国拥有大量投资的成熟公司。

    The agreement would expand that authority to investors in countries as wealthy as Japan and Australia , with sophisticated companies deeply invested in the United States .

  25. 由于美国经济的增长速度及利率水平都高于其它发达国家,投资者或许曾认为,汇兑损失的风险微不足道。

    While the US was growing far more rapidly than the rest of the developed world , and offered an interest rate premium , investors may have regarded the risk of currency losses as minimal .

  26. 在相同的情况下,一方应以如对该国和其他国家的投资者一样的同等待遇对待另一方的投资者和该投资。

    Each Party shall accord investments and investors of the other Party treatment no less favourable than that it accords , in like circumstances , to its own investors and to investors of any non-Party .

  27. 印度尼西亚也是一个依靠廉价资金实现经济发展的国家。投资者更愿意押注于北亚的出口商而不是东南亚的消费者,这表明,投资者强烈相信美联储将会在不影响全球经济复苏的情况下平稳回收廉价资金。

    Betting on north Asia 's exporters over consumers in the southeast suggests strong investor faith in the Fed 's ability to smoothly withdraw its cheap money without stunting a pick-up in the global economy .

  28. 选取了对国家、投资者、员工和社会四个方面的指标来表示企业社会责任的履行情况,通过构建实证模型来检验企业社会责任与企业绩效之间的关系。

    This paper chooses indexes in four aspects from country , shareholders , employees to social to represent the performance of corporate social responsibility , testing the relationship between corporate social responsibility and corporate performance through the empirical model .

  29. 未来几年内,新兴市场由于经济增长相对较快,吸引力将远胜于经济正在放缓的工业化国家,投资者将加大在新兴市场的投资,尤其是在非贸易商品领域。

    As the relatively higher growth of emerging markets makes them significantly more attractive than slowing industrial countries in the next few years , investors will move more money there , especially to investments in the non-traded goods sector .

  30. 本文剖析了上市公司财务腐败的产生根源,并试图从公司治理、会计制度、立法与执法等方面提出治理策略,以保护国家、投资者的利益。

    This paper analyzes the source of listed corporations ' financial corruption and puts forward administrative strategies in the respects of a corporation 's administration , accounting system , legislation and law enforcement in order to protect the state and investors ' benefits .