
  • 网络international public
  1. 作为研究组织与国际公众关系的国际公共关系学科,有着自身丰富的理论和实践体系。在如何塑造国家形象方面,国际公共关系提供了很多启示。

    International public relations which deals with the relations between organizations and its international publics has its own profound theory systems .

  2. 外国资本投资的货运部门被允许从2003年开始,和国际公众股票发行于2006年开放。

    Foreigncapital investment in the freight sector was allowed beginning in2003 , and international public stock offerings opened in2006 .

  3. 致力于科学传播的国际公众科技传播网(PCST)宣布,它将建立一个科学院来推进其在科学传播领域的活动。

    An international network devoted to science communication has announced it will set up an academy to promote activities in the field .

  4. 蒋超良:引领交通银行走向国际公众持股

    Leading the Bank of Communication to International Stock Market

  5. 研究表明,国有控股上市公司经营者变更的激励模式与国际公众公司相近。

    This paper concludes that uppermost decision-maker 's turnover incentive mode of State-holding Corporation is close to that of international public company .

  6. 世界许多国家都十分重视在国内和国际公众面前的形象,尤其是美国等发达国家,早在20世纪上半叶就为树立良好的国家形象而开展了一系列公关活动。

    As early as half of the 20th century , they have been organized series of public activities to establish good national images .

  7. 交通银行的战略目标是朝着“国际公众银行、创新型银行、综合性银行、经营集约化银行、管理先进型银行”的目标迈进,努力创办一流现代金融企业。

    Strategically , BOCOM aims at developing itself into " an international , innovative , integrated , operation-intensive , and highly regulated " first-class modern bank .

  8. 在2005年于中国北京召开的国际公众科技传播网的工作会议上,青少年科技传播问题得到与会学者的广泛关注。

    At the2005 PCST Working Symposium held in Beijing , the issue of youth science and technology communication has won wide concerns of the attending scholars .

  9. 该节目由芝加哥公共广播电台制作,美国国际公众电台发行。节目宣称,这本笔记本原属于在1886年研发出可口可乐配方的药剂师潘伯顿的友人所有。

    The show , produced by WBEZ Chicago and distributed by Public Radio International , claims the notebook originally belonged to a friend of John Pemberton , the pharmacist who created Coca-Cola in1886 .

  10. 第三,建立国际社会公众参与制度;

    Thirdly , establish people 's participation institution of international society .

  11. 参考国际上公众参与社会管理的相关理论。

    Public participation in social management at the international level related to the theory of reference .

  12. 对此好奇的我认为,他们希望改善在国际上的公众形象。

    Curiously , I think they wanted to improve their international public image .

  13. 环境保护公众参与国际研讨会暨公众意见听证会培训班在京召开另外,法学理论和公众意见对司法解释的积极重用应得到重视。

    Public Participation & Public Hearing Pay more attention to the function which law theory and social comment engaged for judicial interpretation .

  14. 世界上许多国家均十分重视本国政府在国际和国内公众面前的形象,并为树立良好的组织形象而广泛开展政府公共关系活动。

    A lot of countries of the world pay more attention to the government image , and build public relationship of government widely which is in order to shape good government image .

  15. 国际演讲协会对公众开放。

    Toastmasters is open to the public at large .

  16. 本文所关注的就是涉及国际关系的逆向公众舆论。

    In this article , I discuss the negative public opinion on international relations .

  17. 本周,北京一个巨大的新国际机场正式向公众开放。

    A huge new international airport officially opened to the public in Beijing this week .

  18. 国际足联关系到公众的利益,因此,我们会尽可能的透明。

    There is huge public interest in FIFA , therefore we have to be as transparent as possible .

  19. 这篇社论说,还需要一组标准用于衡量“开放性”&对国际伙伴关系和公众批评的接纳程度。

    A final set of metrics , to measure'openness ' the receptivity to international partnerships and public criticism is also needed , says the editorial .

  20. 国际援助机构呼吁公众捐款以筹集资金购买紧急救援物资,帮助幸存者。这些幸存者需要从清洁饮用水、食品到医护的全方位援助。

    International aid agencies are appealing for public donations to raise funds for emergency supplies to help survivors , who need everything from clean drinking water to food to medical care .

  21. 事实上,包括第三次全国美展在内的美展都在提升国际形象、调节公众情绪、沟通国际人士以及博得外国同情和认可等方面起到了一定的作用。

    In fact , art exhibition , including third national fine arts exhibition , in their international image , adjust the public mood , communication international people and win foreign compassion and acceptance has played a certain role .