
ɡuó jì tóu zī fǎ
  • international investment law
  1. 国际投资法已呈现出前所未有的自由化趋势。

    The international investment law presents the unprecedented liberalization trend .

  2. 待遇问题是国际投资法中的核心问题、先决问题。

    Treatment is the core and preliminary problem of international investment law .

  3. 论WTO协定体制对国际投资法的发展

    On the Development of International Investment Law under the Institution of WTO

  4. 本文就加入WTO对中国在国际投资法领域的影响,进行了较为全面的分析。

    The essay completely analyses the influence of China 's WTO Entry in the field of the law of international investment .

  5. WTO中的《TRIMs协议》和《GATS》等协议要求各成员方予以外国投资国民待遇,凭经济联合国的威力,将国民待遇原则真正扩展到国际投资法领域。

    TRIMs , GATS and other agreements in WTO demand all components render the national treatment to FDI .

  6. 本文的创新之处在于不仅分析QFII制度本身,还分析了其与国际投资法的协调。其中有的问题尚未解决,而且中国在资本市场全面开放以后仍然要面对。

    Some of the issues have not been solved , and will need to be solved even after completely opening of China capital market .

  7. 特别是WTO的成立及与投资有关的协议的制定,使纯属国内层面的外资准入法律制度受到国际投资法的制约,各国的经济主权受到一定的限制。

    Especially with establishment of WTO and constitution of agreements related to investment , the foreign investment access system that is considered internal affair of a nation has been limited by the international investment law . And also the sovereignty principle of economy has been restricted .

  8. 国际投资法嬗变中的自由化趋势

    The Tendency of Liberalization in the Evolution of International Investment Laws

  9. 论国际投资法实体规范的生成

    Observations on the Emergence of the Substantive International Law on Foreign Investment

  10. 征收是国际投资法上经久不衰的话题。

    Expropriation is an enduring topic in international investment law .

  11. 国际投资法与国际投资的发展并不同步,具有相当的不平衡性。

    The development of international investment and International Investment Law are quite unbalanced .

  12. 国际投资法中的国民待遇问题

    Discussion on Citizens ' Treatment in International Investment Law

  13. 知识产权保护在国际投资法中的地位

    The Preliminary Analysis of the Status of Intellectual Property Protection in International Investment Law

  14. 国际投资法的演进

    Evolution of International Investment Law

  15. 要正确理解国际投资法中的国民待遇,必须从国民待遇的相对性上着手,这也为国际投资实践所证明。

    To understand the National Treatment correctly , we must start from its relevance , which is also proved in the international investment .

  16. 期间,作者对国际投资法中投资待遇的类型、差别待遇的涵义、表现、与平等待遇的关系作了深入的阐述,这是文章的创新点之一。

    The author discussed the types of investment treatment , the concepts and features of differential treatment and its relationship with equal treatment .

  17. 国际投资法的存在,须与国际投资的现状相适应,即国际经济法中含有经济性;

    The international investment law adapts to the present situation of the international investment . The international economic law has the economical character .

  18. 与此同时,国际投资法也经历着由发达国家简单的单边立法演变为世界各国参与规则制定的国际化变革,制定统一的、普遍适用的国际投资法典的呼声越来越高。

    Simultaneously , International Investment Law has experienced the international transformation from unilateral legislation by developed countries to multilateral legislation by all the countries .

  19. 在国际投资法理论与立法上,通常把外国投资活动以外国投资机构建立为准,大致划分为两个阶段:即外商投资准入阶段和外资运营阶段。

    In the field of international investment law , FDI if often divided into two parts : admission of FDI and operation of FDI .

  20. 同时,国际投资法还须与国际法的基本原则相适应,特别是不能违背国家主权原则。

    Meanwhile , the international investment law also adapts to the basic principle of the international law , especially the principle of the state sovereignty .

  21. 该文在分析协议性质、特点的基础上,就协议对国际投资法的影响进行分析,并对协议与我国外资法的协调问题进行了有建设意义的探讨。

    This paper studies the nature , characteristics of the Agreement on TRIMs , its Influence on Interna - tional Investment Law and the Chinese Foreign Investment Law .

  22. 晚近国际投资法的自由化趋势,完全可以用放宽对外资进入的限制,强化对外资的保护概括之。

    The recent year liberalization trend of international investment law entirely can use " relax the limitation to foreign capital entering ; strengthen the protection of foreigncapital " to sum up .

  23. 对综合性多边投资协定的探求,成为当前国际投资法领域最重要的课题之一。

    Currently , the research for a comprehensive multilateral agreement of investment , therefore , has grown into one of the most significant programs in the area of international investment law . U.

  24. 在传统国际投资法中,东道国享有决定外资进入领域和条件的权利,虽然有些投资条约规定必须给予外国投资以国民待遇,但国民待遇一般只适用于外资进入后的阶段。

    Although based on the some investment treaty , it should give the foreign country the national treatment , that is to say the national treatment is only used in post-establishment of investment .

  25. 本文从用尽当地救济规则的相关理论出发,分析了规则在国际投资法中的适用范围及在经济全球化的今天所发挥的作用。

    The discourse is based upond the correlative conjunctions about exhaustion of local remendies , analyzing the rule sapply scope in the law of investment , and its effect in today seconvmical globalize .

  26. 研究者认为两国的国内法的渊源和性质的差异抑制了国际投资法在接近国家标准方面和吸引外国直接投资方面的有效的发展。

    The researcher evaluates the possibility of the differences in the source and nature of domestic laws in both countries as being an inhibitor in the development of effective international investment law that meet international standards , and are efficient in attracting FDI .

  27. 对赌协议的内容除了涉及民法、公司法等国内部门法领域,也还涉及国际投资法、国际金融法、国际证券法等国际法领域。

    The content of the VAM not only includes the law area of the domestic sectors such as the Civil Law and the Company Law , but also includes international law area such as International Investment Law , International Financial Law and International Securities Law and so on .

  28. 其中《TRIMs协议》、GATS对国际直接投资法产生直接的影响。

    Among them , Agreement on Trade-related Investment Measures ( Agreement on TRIMs ) and General Agreement on Trade in Service ( GATS ) influence FDI mostly .

  29. 浅析WTO争端解决机制的司法性质及其对国际投资争议解决法的影响

    A preliminary analysis of the juridical character of wto 's dispute settlement system and its influence on the International Investment Dispute Settlement Law

  30. 笔者在撰写本文过程中,查阅了大量有关国际投资及投资法方面的书籍和资料,并结合二作中的实际查阅了青岛市有关外资的法律法规,对有关的内外资企业进行了调研。

    During the preparation of this thesis , the author read lots of books and materials on the international investment and investment laws , and referred some local laws and regulations of foreign investment practically , and made some investigations on several local and foreign-invested enterprises .