
  • 网络National economic statistics
  1. 同时结合黄龙县1986年-2008年国民经济统计资料,选取合适的社会经济因子,利用统计学方法对黄龙山林区林地变化的社会经济驱动力做出定量分析,并构建了社会经济驱动力模型。

    Using the regression analysis to choose te optimal social-economic factors depending on the National Economic Statistics during 1986-2008 , and then establish the driving force model for the variation of forestlands in Huanglong Mountian .

  2. 医疗卫生行业是我国国民经济统计体系的重要组成部分,近些年随着国家各项医改政策的实施,对医疗卫生行业的研究也成为一大热点。

    The health care industry is an important part of our national economic statistics system . In recent years , the research of health care has become a hotpot with the implementation of the policy of medical and healthcare .

  3. 基于Access的密云县主要国民经济统计指标数据库查询系统的开发

    Exploitation of the Main National Economic Statistic Indices Database Inquiry System of Miyun County Based on Access

  4. 国民经济统计数据管理系统RIMS的接口管理

    The interface management of rims system

  5. 国民经济统计平衡表体系

    System of Statistical Balance of the National Economy

  6. 关于编纂国民经济统计平衡表体系的基本方法原

    Basic Methodological Principles Governing the Compilation of the System of Statistical Balances of the National Economy

  7. 银行统计是国民经济统计的组成部分之一,是现代银行经营管理的基础。

    Banking statistics is one of the important part of the national economical statistics , thus the base of the modern banking management .

  8. 综合运用产业结构经济理论、国民经济统计等经济学理论进行实证分析,分析了西安市产业结构的演进过程,同时将服务业作为重要内容进一步论证分析。

    Comprehensive use of the economic theory of industrial structure and Industrial adjustment policies to analyze the evolution of Xi ' an industrial structure , while further analyze the service industry as an important sector .

  9. 从近年的国民经济统计数据来看,餐饮业已经连续几年成为我国国民经济中高贡献率、高增长率的行业。

    According to national economy statistical data in recent years , restaurant industry successively becomes an industry with high rate of contributions and increment in our national economy in several years and is close to people live .

  10. 根据协整检验和误差修正模型,利用我国1979~2003年的年度国民经济统计数据,分析了我国经济波动与消费、投资及进出口之间长期稳定的动态均衡关系和短期的波动关系。

    Cointegration test and error correction model are applied on the annual national economic statistic data from 1979 to 2003 of China to analyze the long and steady dynamic equilibrium relations and short-term fluctuation relations between economic fluctuation and consumption , investment , and import and export of China .

  11. 浙江省各市县国民经济状况统计分析

    Statistical analysis on national economy of every city in Zhejiang Province

  12. 公路货物运输与国民经济的统计关系研究

    Research on the Statistical Relationship between Carriage of Goods by Road and National Economy

  13. 收集、整理、积累金融和有关国民经济的统计资料;

    Collect , process and accumulate statistic information on financial sector and national economy .

  14. 本文介绍了湖南省国民经济综合统计信息数据库系统的建设情况。

    This article introduces the construction of the database of synthetic statistic information of Hunan Province .

  15. 注:本表按2002年修订的国民经济行业标准统计。

    Note : Statistics in this table are classified as the national economic category that was modified in2002 .

  16. 以1996年浙江省各市县国民经济主要指标统计资料为依据,应用主成分分析对全省74个市县的国民经济状况进行排序和分析。

    Based on the statistical data of 74 cities in Zhejiang Province in 1996 , the paper evaluated the national economic status by using the principal component analysis .

  17. 本表按新的国民经济行业划分标准统计。

    The data in the table is count up according to new division standard .

  18. 中国2002年国民经济和社会发展统计公报(节录)

    The Statistics Communique on National Economy and Social Development of China 2002 ( Extract )

  19. 北京市统计局2001年国民经济和社会发展统计公报

    Statistical Communique on the 2001 national economic and social development of the city of Beijing

  20. 国民经济核算与政府统计改革

    National Accounts and Official Statistical Reform

  21. 参见《中华人民共和国1998年国民经济和社会发展统计公报》,外文出版社1999年版。

    See the 1998 Statistics Bulletin of the National Economic and Social Development of the People 's Republic of China , Foreign Languages Press , 1999 .

  22. 根据2008年国民经济和社会发展统计公报,截止2007年底,全国乡村人口数为72135万人。据此,乡村人均耕地仅为2.53亩。

    According to the 2008 national economic and social development statistical communique , the rural population was 72 135 million and rural per capita farmland is 2.53 mu by the end of 2007 .

  23. 据《2008年上海市国民经济和社会发展统计公报》,至2008年末,上海市共有普通高等学校61所,独立学院5所,在校学生数50.29万人。

    According to " Shanghai 2008 National Economic and Social Development Statistical Bulletin ", there are 61 colleges and universities and 5 Independent Colleges in Shanghai by the end of 2008 , and the number of college students were up to 502,900 .

  24. 根据国家统计局官方网站上公布的国民经济和社会发展统计公报数据,2009年全国房地产开发投资36232亿元,住宅用房屋施工面积250804万平方米。

    According to the statistical data on national economy and social development , published by the National Bureau of Statistics , investment in real estate is up to 3623.2 billion yuan in 2009 , of which the total floor space under construction is 2508.04 million squre meters .

  25. 国民经济分类是国民经济统计工作的基础,也是体育产业统计的基础。

    The national economy classification is the foundation of national economy statistics and sports industry statistics .