
  • 网络state-owned insurance company
  1. 在线旅游代理携程(CTrip)和国有保险公司平安(PingAn)联手推出“雾霾险”,面向受到雾霾困扰的7个城市的游客和市民。

    CTrip , an online travel agent , and Ping An , the state-owned insurance company , have teamed up to offer " smog insurance " to travellers and residents in seven cities plagued by smog .

  2. 国有保险公司管理变革研究

    A Study on China 's State-owned Insurance Company Reform

  3. 进入WTO后在完全市场化的市场上国有保险公司的形势将十分严峻。

    Undoubtedly , this kind of insurance companies will face huge difficulties in a completely competitive market while china enters the WTO .

  4. 本文在广泛借鉴企业变革的相关研究成果的基础上,综合应用管理学的理论和方法,以可持续发展为大背景,系统讨论了进入WTO后国有保险公司的变革问题。

    Based on the research achievements related to enterprise reform , the essay , applying theoretical and practical management methods , discusses the problems on reform of state-owned enterprises after they join the WTO with the aim of continual development .

  5. 在受委派从事公务的认定中,笔者重点阐述了一个特殊犯罪主体&国有保险公司工作人员。

    The author focused on a special type of criminal subject : state-owned insurance company staff .

  6. 但是,由于业务规模、股东背景和发展基础不同等多种因素,国有保险公司和股份制保险公司的治理结构仍存在不少问题。

    But , there are still many problems on corporate governance of some stated and shared insurance companies .

  7. 国有保险公司由于市场竞争加剧,保险人才流失现象较为严重,而人才严重流失将导致国有保险公司导致业务发展的停滞,效益水平的下滑,甚至导致公司的生存危机。

    With keen competition of insurance market , the talent outflow cause serious consequences to state-owned Insurance company .

  8. 中国人保是与新中国同生共长,见证并参与我国社会主义建设和改革开放伟大事业的大型国有保险公司。

    As the large state-owned insurance company , PICC was born and has been growing with the new China .

  9. 因此,在外资保险公司准备大举进军我国保险市场之际,对我国保险市场的重要主体&国有保险公司的治理结构进行研究,有着重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , the research on the corporate governance structure of state-owned insurance company has very important and practical significance .

  10. 国有保险公司中,营业费用较高是造成规模不经济的主要原因;

    It also shows that the high running expense is the main reason of the uneconomic scale in the state-owned insurance company .

  11. 三是国有保险公司工作人员。第394条、第271条第2款规定的犯罪主体属于刑法第93条规定的范围,为国家工作人员所吸收。

    The subject specified in Articles 394 and 271 ( ii ) belongs to the range specified in Article 93 of the Criminal Law and is involved into " the state functionaries " .

  12. 进入2000年以来,国内的银行与保险公司的合作更为频繁,几大国有保险公司和股份制保险公司都与商业银行建立了以银行保险业务为主要内容的合作关系。

    After entering 2000 , the internal bank and insurance company cooperate more closely . The main state-owned insurance company and many stock insurance companies have established cooperation relations on bancassurance with the commercial banks .

  13. 过去长时间所实行的增量式制度改良被实践证明难以根本解决我国国有保险公司经营和治理绩效低下的问题,因此必须对保险公司制度的核心&产权制度进行根本性的变革。

    Practice has proved that the incremental improving of old institution employed in a long period previously can not solve the problem of state-owned insurance companies ' low efficiency and poor performance in operation and governance completely .

  14. 国有独资保险公司激励、约束制度;

    The inspiring and balancing system in state-owned insurance companies .

  15. 结果表明:国有财产保险公司纯粹技术效率较高,规模效率较低;

    The result shows : the pure technology efficiency of state-owned Property-liability Insurance companies is high , but its scale efficiency is low ;

  16. 目前我国的保险业初步形成了以国有商业保险公司为主、中外保险公司并存、多家保险公司竞争的格局,而竞争的最终胜利者往往是那些综合实力强、口碑好的保险公司。

    At present , insurance industry consists of state-owned commercial insurance corporations , foreign insurance corporations and other companies . The winners are often these companies which have comprehensive strength and good reputation .

  17. 重庆国有财产保险公司既要面对实力强大的外资保险公司的挑战,又要抓住这几年保护期,全面提高自身能力。

    Chongqing state-owned property insurance companies not only have to meet the current challenges from strong foreign counterparts , but also have to take the advantage of the limited protecting period to improve their own competency all around .

  18. 国际上保险业的组织形式范围非常宽泛,而我国保险组织形式比较单一,只有国有独资保险公司和股份制保险公司两种形式。

    The scope of the insurance organization forms in the world is very broad , but the form of the insurance organization in China is more single , there are only two forms of insurance organization in China , state-owned solely funded insurance company and shareholding insurance company .

  19. 国有的越南保险公司(BaoViet)透露,该公司已选定汇丰作为其上市前的唯一战略投资者。预计该公司将于2009年进行首次公开发行(IPO)。

    State-owned Bao Viet disclosed that it had chosen the world 's fourth largest bank to be its sole strategic investor before an anticipated initial public offering in 2009 .

  20. 结果显示,国有四家保险公司均存在规模不经济,中资保险公司比外资(或合资)保险公司的规模经济水平总体上要高。

    The result shows that it is an uneconomic scale in the state-owned insurance company . But , the domestic company 's scale economy is higher than that of the foreign company ( including the joint ventures ) .

  21. 作为一家香港公司的负责人,尽管该公司被中国公司收购,但巴尼不用与公司内部自上而下的党组结构打交道。这种结构存在于中国的国有银行、保险公司和中国网通这样的大型企业。

    As head of a Hong Kong-based company that had been acquired by a Chinese operation , Mr Barney did not have to deal with a top-to-bottom internal party structure , as exists at China 's state-controlled banks , insurers and large industrial companies such as China Netcom .

  22. 综合经营趋势下国有保险集团金融控股公司化分析

    State-owned Insurance Groups Turning into Financial Holding Companies amid the Trend towards Comprehensive Operation