
  • 网络State trading enterprises
  1. GATT在其成立之初就对国营贸易企业表现出相当程度的关注,制定出一系列规则对其进行约束,这些规则伴随GATT/WTO的发展而逐步演进。

    The rules on state trading enterprises were established and developed with the evolution of GATT / WTO .

  2. 但是,一些工作组成员再次表示,中国应作出承诺,以保证所有国营贸易企业遵守《WTO协定》的要求。

    However , some members of the Working Party again stated that China should undertake a commitment to ensure that all state trading enterprises complied with the requirements of the WTO Agreement .

  3. 208.一些工作组成员担心中国国营贸易企业的活动不完全透明且不符合wto义务。

    208 . Some members of the Working Party expressed concern that the activities of China 's state trading enterprises were not sufficiently transparent and were not in accordance with WTO obligations .

  4. 但GATT/WTO的运作历史表明上述以GATT第17条为基础的国营贸易企业规则是薄弱的,需要通过改革以加强纪律。

    The rules on state trading enterprises , whose basic regulation is in GATT Article XVII , still remain a weak part of the whole WTO legal framework and should be strengthened through reformation .

  5. 国营贸易企业的限制贸易和非竞争性做法;

    Trade-restrictive and non-competitive practices of state trading enterprises ;

  6. 中国代表表示,目前国营贸易企业并未对进口产品进行加价;

    The representative of China stated that currently state trading enterprises did not mark up imported products ;

  7. 国营贸易企业的作用

    Role of state-trading enterprises

  8. 此种进口权将不适用于专门保留国营贸易企业进口的货物的数量。

    Such right to import would not extend to the quantity of goods specifically reserved for importation by state trading enterprises .

  9. 这些工作组成员还对中国关税配额体制的管理和国营贸易企业与进口此类产品有关的做法表示关注。

    Those members of the Working Party also raised concerns regarding the administration of China 's TRQ system and the practices of state trading enterprises in relation to importing such products .

  10. 现行规则规定国营贸易企业应当依照不歧视的原则行事,并仅根据商业因素进行购买和销售;

    State trading enterprises are required to make any purchases or sales solely in accordance with commercial considerations and act in a manner consistent with the general principles of non-discriminatory treatment .

  11. 第六十九条国营贸易企业或者指定经营企业违反本条例第四十八条、第五十二条规定的,由国务院外经贸主管部门予以警告;

    Article 69 Any state-run trade enterprise or designated management enterprise violates the provisions of Articles 48 and 52 of the present Regulation shall be given a warning by the foreign trade department of the State Council ;

  12. 第四十八条国营贸易企业应当每半年向国务院外经贸主管部门提供实行国营贸易管理的货物的购买价格、销售价格等有关信息。

    Article 48 The state-run trade enterprises shall provide to the foreign trade department of the State Council on the semi-annual basis such information as the prices for buying or selling the goods subject to the state-run trade administration , etc. .

  13. 2003年由于国家新批准16家机构从事非国营贸易,石油进口企业之间的竞争将加剧,但是柴油进口的少量增加还不足以影响国内市场的供需结构。

    The competition among the oil-importing enterprises will be intensified in 2003 because Chinese government has newly approved 16 companies to conduct the non-state trade . However , the slight increase of diesel import is not enough to influence the country 's domestic market supply-demand structure .

  14. 国营贸易配额须通过国营贸易企业进口;

    Those subject to state-run trade quotas shall be imported by state-run trade enterprises ;

  15. 目前我国原油进口为自动进口许可管理,分国营贸易和非国营贸易两部分,国营贸易企业共有四家,由国家经贸委进行总量调控,统一安排进口量,关税为零。

    There are four state-owned trade enterprises that are subject to adjustment of the total import volume by the Stale Economic and Trade Commission under the unified with a tariff rate of zero .