
  1. 对于广大国有和民营企业,特别是那部分初涉赊销交易的企业来说,也有着很好的参考价值。

    It also has a good reference value to the state-owned and private enterprises , particularly to those just started credit sales .

  2. 总体上讲,三资企业的资源位水平高于国有和民营企业。

    Generally , the resources position levels of three capital owned enterprises are much higher than that of the state owned and the civil owned enterprises .

  3. 可以说,无论是国有还是民营企业,上市后运作更加规范,法人治理结构也逐步完善。

    It can be said that after the listing of enterprises , the operating is more standardized and the corporate governance structure is also gradually improved .

  4. 其次,通过对国有和民营企业的高管业绩评价现状的分析,发现企业开始逐步意识到社会责任的重要性,但是由于还没有及时履行社会责任从而导致了现实中很多的社会问题的发生。

    Secondly , it finds that the companies began to gradually realize the importance of social responsibility , however , the enterprises have not fulfilled their social responsibility .

  5. 本文用访谈和问卷调查的方法对国有和民营企业的领导愿景与企业经营业绩之间的关系进行了探讨。

    Questionnaires and interviewing were used in this research to investigate the relationship between the leader 's vision and the organization 's performance in national and private units .

  6. 在针对国有和民营企业对比研究中发现,总经理的年龄在国有企业中与公司业绩负相关,而民营企业总经理年纪与公司业绩正相关。

    Secondly , during the comparative study of state-owned and private enterprises , we find that the age of general manager in state-owned enterprises is being the negative correlation with the company performance , which is opposite in the private enterprises .

  7. 本文深入剖析了第一家进入中国PTA行业的外资企业&翔鹭石化的战略制定及实施,并与国有企业、民营企业的发展模式进行比较。

    This thesis thorough analyzes the strategic establishment and implement of XLP petrochemicals which is the first overseas-funded enterprises which get into Chinese PTA business , carry on a comparison with the development mode of state-owned business enterprise and private enterprise .

  8. 也就是说,国有企业和民营企业所具有的特定优势在跨国投资中是存在着某些局限性。

    It means that their specific advantages have limitations in transnational investment .

  9. 心理所有权是普遍存在的,国有企业与民营企业员工的心理所有权没有显著的差异。

    There is no significant difference between state-owned enterprises and private enterprises .

  10. 国有企业与民营企业员工工作价值观的比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Workers ' Work Values in State-owned and Private Enterprises

  11. 第二,是对国有企业和民营企业理论进行比较。

    Secondly , is the comparison of the state-owned enterprises theories and private enterprises theories .

  12. 国有企业与民营企业文化的差异及影响因素研究

    Research on the Difference between State-owned Enterprises Cultural and Private Enterprises Cultural and the Influence Factors

  13. 匹配工作绩效到离职模型:国有企业与民营企业的比较

    Matching Job Performance with Job-quitting Model : An Examination of the State-owned Enterprises and Private Enterprises

  14. 国有企业与民营企业管理人员工作压力对比分析

    To Compare and to Analyse on the Managers Working Pressure between State-owned Enterprises and Private Enterprises

  15. 基于各自的特定优势,国有企业和民营企业的跨国投资行为表现出不同的路径选择特征。

    Based on their own specific advantages , state-owned enterprises and private enterprises have taken different investment strategies .

  16. 在服务质量方面,国有企业、民营企业和外资企业也是各具优势。

    The state-owned enterprises , private enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises have their own advantages for quality of services .

  17. 管理人员工作压力与工作效率的影响研究&以国有企业与民营企业为例

    The Relationships and Its Influence between Work Stress and Work Efficiency of Managers in State-owned Enter-prises and Private Enterprises

  18. 市场情况是国有企业,民营企业和外商投资企业正在采取平等的立足点已经形成。

    The market situation in which state-owned enterprises , private enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises are taking equal foothold has formed .

  19. 国有企业、民营企业对直接融资成本的不同评价,导致了阻碍民营企业上市融资的逆向选择现象。

    The different judge of the cost of directly financing arouses the phenomenon of converse select on the negotiable securities market .

  20. 中外合资企业在技术创新上显著高于国有企业、民营企业、外资企业和事业单位。

    Technical innovation of Chinese-Foreign joint venture is significantly higher than that of state-owned , private , foreign enterprises and public institution .

  21. 国有企业和民营企业是目前我国内资经济实体存在的两大类型。

    At present , there are mainly two types of enterprises in the domestic economic entities , state-owned enterprises and private enterprises .

  22. 所有这些,对于我国的国有企业,民营企业和其他各类中小企业,对我国的证券市场,未来的公司控制权市场的发展,都有着积极而重要的意义。

    All these are greatly meaningful to the state-owned enterprises , private enterprises , the stock market and market development of company control rights .

  23. 表演艺术家、社会知名人士、各大新闻机构、国有企业以及民营企业均捐赠了善款。

    The donations mainly came from the country ` s performing artists , dignitaries , news organizations as well as private and state-owned enterprises .

  24. 对于国有企业、民营企业及外资企业而言,国有企业的淘汰率位居第一,民营企业排名第二。

    For state-owned enterprises , private enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises , the out rate of state-owned enterprises comes first , and the private enterprises come next .

  25. 这导致了国有企业和民营企业创新能力的显著差异,进而促使决策者从国产化转向自主品牌导向。

    This causes a striking contrast in innovative capabilities between SOE and POE , which further leads the policy makers to shift from localization to own-brand orientation .

  26. 第一,是对于部分定义的诠释,包括国有企业和民营企业的划分标准,股权集中度和绩效的诠释。

    Firstly , is the interpretation for some definition , including the division standard of state-owned enterprises and private enterprises , the interpretation of equity concentration and performance .

  27. 在我国特殊的转型经济背景下,政府依然掌握诸多资源与权利,相较于国有企业,民营企业由于面临着各种制约,在投资过程中遇到的问题更加多元、复杂。

    Compared to the state-owned enterprises , the private corporations have to face more diversified and complicated problems in the procession of investment because of the different kinds of constraints .

  28. 官员们表示,中央政府宏伟基建计划所需的其余资金,将来自于现金拮据的地方政府、国有企业、民营企业和像中行这样的国有银行。

    Officials say the remainder of the funds for the government 's ambitious infrastructure plans will come from cash-strapped local governments , state-owned and private enterprises and state banks like BoC .

  29. 中国气体市场的快速发展吸引了众多跨国气体公司、国有企业及民营企业进入,气体企业面临着巨大的机遇与挑战。

    The speed of Chinese gas industry growth attracts many international gas companies , nationalized companies and private companies to enter . It leads the gas companies face huge opportunities and challenges .

  30. 其次是研究结论的创新,本文实证研究的结论表明无论是国有企业还是民营企业,对公益的贡献率都不能促进财务绩效的提升;民营企业忽视法律责任没有降低其财务绩效。

    Second innovation is the conclusion : the contribution to public could not drive financial performance both in SOE and private enterprises ; private enterprises disobeying the regulations did not affect financial performance .