
  • 网络retrospective memory
  1. 实验一主要通过控制年龄和回溯记忆负载两个变量考察学前儿童前瞻记忆的发展年龄阶段,回溯记忆与前瞻记忆的关系问题。

    The Experiment One mainly reviewed the development stage of children prospective memory by controlling the age and retrospective memory task loads ;

  2. 许多心理学家认为它是不同于回溯记忆的一种新的记忆,但是一些著名的心理学家否认它作为一种独立记忆的存在,认为它是一种特殊形式的回溯记忆。

    Many psychologists believe it is a band-new type of remembering which is different from retrospective remembering . But some famous psychologists have opposite opinion that prospective memory does not exist independently , it is just a special kind of retrospective memory .

  3. 在其他条件完全相同的情况下,当被试分别形成了前瞻记忆意图和回溯记忆意图时,被试会采用不同的注意分配策略。

    At last , some conclusions have been drawn : 1 . Under the same conditions , when subjects form prospective intentions and retrospective intentions respectively , they will adopt different strategies to allot their attention resources .

  4. 时点的回溯式记忆受到被试自我卷入程度的影响。

    The accuracy of time memory was affected significantly by personal involvement of the participants .

  5. 回溯时序记忆的准确率高于随机猜测水平,影视片段时序的回溯回忆准确性高于新闻事件;

    The recalling accuracy of the retrospective temporal order is above chance level . Temporal order memory of video sections obtains higher accuracy than news events .

  6. 研究回溯式时间记忆有着重要的价值。

    Studying the retrospective temporal memory has practical importance ;

  7. 回溯式时间记忆特点的实验研究

    Experimental research on retrospective time memory

  8. 本实验在2个月的时间范围内探索了回溯式时间记忆的主要特点及其加工机制。

    This paper investigated the Characteristic and the Mechanism of the retrospective temporal memory in 2 months .

  9. 本实验研究的公众事件回溯式时间记忆符合时间的重构理论和分段综合模型。

    Retrospective time memory of public events what this experiment research accord with reconstructive theory and range-synthesis model of time .

  10. 结果表明:(1)公众事件回溯式时点记忆的正确率随时间的远近发生变化,较远的时间回忆正确率低,而较近的时间回忆正确率较高,存在近因效应。

    The results show that ( 1 ) The recalling accuracy of the retrospective temporal locus of public events will change with the remoteness and recentness of time . The recalling accuracy of remote time is low ;

  11. 首先,人们在实际生活中经历的都是回溯式的时间记忆,这种记忆对人们的行为和社会交往有重大的影响。

    At first , because people often experience the retrospective temporal memory , and this kind of memory greatly affect people 's behavior and social intercourse .