
huí shú quán
  • right of redemption
  1. 买受人还可以通过回赎权、再出卖请求权以及采用添附制度限制出卖人行使取回权,以保障自己之合法利益。

    The buyer can also redemption rights , then sold and the Accession System claim back the right to limit the exercise of the seller to protect the legitimate interests of their own .

  2. 回赎权的取消数量有所减少,但去年十二月份,房价下跌了4%。

    Despite a decline in foreclosures , home prices fell four percent in December .

  3. 如果抵押人不履行债务且并不纠正,抵押权人有权取消(抵押人的)回赎权。

    If default is made by the mortgagor and not rectified the mortgagee has power to foreclose .

  4. 当萨莉未清偿其借款时,布瑞格和安梅都企图终止抵押回赎权。

    When Sally doesn 't pay back the money she borrowed , both Brad and Amy attempt to foreclose their mortgages .

  5. 具体而言,首先,出卖人不得随意行使取回权且出卖人行使取回权后买受人仍享有回赎权及其他补救性权利。

    In particular , firstly , the seller cannot excise the right of recall at will , and the vendee shall enjoy some remedies .

  6. “过去两年的很多时期,回赎权的取消的主要原因是因为合理按揭的人失业了,”M说到。

    " For much of the last two years , the majority of foreclosures have been due to people who have reasonable mortgages but are unemployed ," says Malpezzi .

  7. 而在对数十万房屋回赎权的取消的问题上,可能要求美国银行支付多家银行约200亿美元庭外和解数额的大部分。

    And Bank of America is likely to be ordered to pay a hefty portion of the estimated $ 20 billion multi-bank settlement over the mishandling hundreds of thousands of home foreclosures .