
ɡōnɡ chénɡ jì shù
  • engineering technology;hard technology
  1. 组织工程技术修复同种异体兔关节软骨缺损实验研究

    The Experimental Study of Repair of the Articular Cartilage Defects in Allogenic Rabbits by Applying Tissue Engineering Technology

  2. 项目采用杭州能源工程技术有公司开发的新技术,将地沟油中的杂质清除,使其转化为航空燃料,当前日产量可达160加仑(约650升)。

    It will use a technology developed by Hangzhou Energy & Engineering Technology Co. , Ltd. ( HEET ) to clean contaminants from waste oils and convert it into jet fuel at a rate of 160 gallons ( 650 liters ) per day .

  3. 金字塔是古埃及人非凡工程技术的明鉴。

    The pyramids are an eloquent testimony to the ancient Egyptians ' engineering skills .

  4. 我们可以使用基因工程技术把相关基因分离出来。

    We can use genetic engineering techniques to isolate the gene that is responsible

  5. 电话接线员加入了罢工的行列,400万工程技术工人也在计划采取行动。

    Telephone operators joined the strike and four million engineering workers are also planning action

  6. 许多工厂迫切需要工程技术人员。

    Many factories are crying out for engineering and technical personnel .

  7. 机器人是现代工程技术的奇迹。

    The robot is a marvel of modern engineering .

  8. Internet上机电工程技术信息的搜索方法

    The Search Methods of the Electromechanical Technology Information on the Internet

  9. 用蛋白质工程技术提取和修饰南极假丝酵母脂肪酶B

    Separation and Modification of Lipase B from Candida Antarctica Using Protein Engineering

  10. 国家CIMS工程技术研究中心

    National CIMS Engineering Research Center

  11. 着重分析了解耦设计、PID参数鲁棒整定、发热量校正、凝结水节流这些工程技术上的实用方法。

    Some engineering applied methods , such as : decoupling design 、 PID parameters robust tune 、 heat value emendation and water of condensation throttle are analyzed .

  12. 各国专家学者和工程技术人员多年来的研究与实践表明,智能交通系统(IntelligentTrafficSystems,ITS)成为解决这些问题的技术手段,已经成为当今各国政府在交通领域积极推进的应用与建设项目之一。

    Several years ' research and practice by experts and engineers proved that ITS ( Intelligent Traffic Systems ) can solve these problems well , and many countries have advanced on it for management of traffic information .

  13. 可以应用在一些复杂的嵌入式系统里,为广大熟悉MCS-51单片机的工程技术人员提供了一种向16位MCU的平滑、快速的过渡。

    It can be used in complex embedded systems and gives a smooth transition to16-bit MCU for technicians who is familiar with MCS-51 .

  14. RUP是先进实用的软件开发过程,UML是功能强大的可视化建模语言,二者的结合在面向对象软件工程技术中应用广泛。

    RUP is an advanced software development process , UML is a powerful visual modeling language , both of which are widely used in object-oriented Software Engineering .

  15. 在新的API温度相关数据的基础上,应用回归分析,建立了新的井底循环温度数学模式,为国共工程技术人员现场施工提供了新的计算方法。

    Using the new API temperature data and regression analysis method , the author established a new mathematical equation of bottom circulating temperature provided to cementing engineers for their rig-site job .

  16. 经典刚体动力学中表示刚体姿态的参数中,Euler角、Cardan角和Euler参数在工程技术中使用最为普遍。

    Among various attitude representations of rigid body , the Euler angles , Cardan angles and Euler parameters are applied frequently in engineering .

  17. 国家标准《屋面工程技术规范》(GB50207-94)的发布实施已4a多了。

    It has been over 4 years since national standard Technical code for roofing ( GB50207-94 ) was issued . During this period .

  18. J.C.皮特工程技术哲学思想评析

    Comments and analysis on J.C.Peter engineering technology philosophy

  19. 目的:研究人关节软骨细胞在PLGA三维支架上的贴附和生长情况,利用组织工程技术培养工程化关节软骨。

    Objective : To verify the ability of PLGA , a three-dimensional biodegradable polymer , to support the growth of human chondrocytes , and to reconstruct human articular cartilage by tissue engineering .

  20. VRML(virtualRealityModelingLanguage)为虚拟世界的建立提供了规范,VRML在电子商务、教育、工程技术、建筑、娱乐、艺术等领域的广泛应用,将会成为构建虚拟现实应用系统的基础。

    VRML ( Virtual Reality Modeling Language ) has offered the standard for building virtual world , being widely used in the field of e-commerce , education , engineering , building , amusement and art , and will become the foundation of virtual reality application system .

  21. 图形平台利用了工程技术人员所熟悉的AutoCAD平台,在图形显示方面,利用了DXF数据接口,使图形不经任何转换可以跨平台上显示。

    The platform AutoCAD familiar to technical personnel is taken as graphics platform and the data interface DXF is used as graphics displaying , so that the graphics could displayed across the platform without any transformation .

  22. 因此本论文以枸杞为试验材料,进行枸杞类胡萝卜素合成关键酶基因(PSY、LycB)的分离,为应用基因工程技术改变植物体内类胡萝卜素成份和提高类胡萝卜素含量提供基因资源。

    So applying Lycium barbarum as material , gene of carotenoid biosynthesis enzymes would be cloned in this paper .

  23. ISFLOW是中科院软件所软件工程技术研究与开发中心所开发的具有自主产权的工作流管理系统。

    ISFLOW is a workflow management system developed by Technology Center of Software Engineering , Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences .

  24. 目的:用基因工程技术在大肠杆菌中表达骨形态发生蛋白诱导基因(BMP-2-inducedgene3kbgene,BIG-3)所编码的蛋白。

    AIM : To express the protein encoded by bone morphogenetic protein ( BMP ) 2 induced gene 3 kb ( BIG 3 ) by using the gene engineering techniques .

  25. 目的:探索逆向工程技术软件结合Micro-CT技术在牙体组织精细三维有限元模型建立中的应用,建立上颌第一前磨牙牙冠的精细三维有限元模型。

    PURPOSES : To explore the value of the combination of the reverse engineering software and micro-CT technique in the reconstruction of the fine 3-D FEA model of the tooth structure . Reconstruct the fine 3-D FEA model of the crown of the human maxillary first premolar .

  26. 加强工程技术知识教育适应注册建筑师制度

    Strengthening engineering technological knowledge education and adapting the registered architect system

  27. 你需要工程技术帮助你解决问题。

    You want engineering techniques that help you solve the problem .

  28. 土壤污染修复工程技术装备初探

    A Primary Probe into Technical Outfit for Restoring Soil Contamination Projects

  29. 吉林油田勘探工程技术监督管理发展方向

    Development Direction of Technical Supervision of Exploration Engineering in Jilin Oilfield

  30. 应用基因工程技术创造植物雄性不育系

    Creating Male Sterility Line in Plant by Using Genetic Engineering Technology