
gōng zhuāng
  • frock;work clothes
工装 [gōng zhuāng]
  • [work clothes] 工作服。工人穿在外面的罩衫

工装[gōng zhuāng]
  1. 最后指出RP的应用将大大促进模具制造技术的进步,对提高产品质量、加速新产品的开发以及降低工装模具的费用等方面都有积极的意义。

    At last , this paper put forward the application of rapid prototyping will accelerate the rapid tooling advances and play a great role more and more in accelerating the new product exploiting and lowering the frock tooling cost .

  2. 浅析双偏心轴加工工艺及工装

    Shallow Analyze to process and frock of axis with double eccentricity

  3. 基于Web技术的工装制造过程管理系统研究

    The Research of Processing Equipment Manufacturing Process Management System Based on WEB

  4. 特种材料零件工装CAD系统研究

    The Study on Frock CAD System of Part of Special Material

  5. 回转体零件低压铸造模具工装CAD的研究

    Molding Tool CAD for Gyrorotor Parts in Low Pressure Die Casting

  6. 工装CAD中工程图纸参数替换的研究与实现

    The Research and Realization of Parameter Replacement in Tooling CAD

  7. 铸钢件铸造工艺工装CAD软件研究与开发

    Research and Development of CAD Software of Steel Casting Technology and Pattern Assembly

  8. 农机焊接工装CAD系统研究

    Study on welding clipper CAD system of farm machine

  9. 液压挖掘机工装轨迹的PID仿真技术

    PID simulation technique about technological device trace of hydraulic excavators

  10. U形管连续弯管工装及弯制工艺

    Bender and Bending Technique on Shaped Continually U - Tubes

  11. 基于UG的三维铸造工艺工装CAD系统

    Based on UG Three Dimensional CAD System of Casting Process and Tooling Equipment

  12. 基于PDM的航空企业工装管理系统研究

    Research of Aviation Enterprise Equipment Management System Based on PDM

  13. 这种新型还原染料为工装租赁业建立了新的标准:ControlledColoration和ColorConfidence。

    The new vat dye sets new standards in Controlled Coloration and Color Confidence for workwear leasing companies .

  14. PDM在飞机制造工装设计中的应用研究

    Application Research of PDM in Aircraft Tooling Design

  15. 基于PDM的叶片类零件工装设计系统

    PDM-Based Technological Tooling Design System for Blade

  16. 该机是由CO2气体保护焊机与护罩焊接工装,底座焊接工装分别组装而成的专用焊接加工设备。

    This CO2-welder is exclusively designed to weld the handle and skirt to the top and bottom of cylinder .

  17. 基于嵌入式系统产品的ICT工装设计

    The Design of ICT Device based on Embedded System Product

  18. 本文对GIS壳体材料国产化筛选、工艺性研究,润滑油的开发、工装及翻孔机的研制等实用技术,作了系统的介绍。

    This treatise makes systematical description about domestic material option , process , lubricant application , processing equipment development and some experience for GIS enclosure hole making .

  19. 基于MFC和UG的汽轮机叶片工装参数化设计系统的研究

    Study on Parametric Design System of Steam Turbine 's Blade Frock Based on MFC and UG

  20. 分析了Conform连续挤压工装件&腔体在生产工艺中损坏的原因及提高腔体使用寿命的措施。

    The reason to be damaged in production for cavity die in CONFORM continuous extruder is analysed and measures to prolong its lifetime recommended .

  21. WX系列汽轮发电机定子嵌线工装应用

    The Use of Stator Coil Assembly Tool for WX Series of Turbogenerators

  22. 方法采用统一的工艺装备数据库,基于计算机网络环境,集成工装管理与工装CAD应用软件环境,开发现划的使用功能。

    Methods Based on the unified manufacture equipment data base , the system was set up integrating systems of computer aided management and design for manufacture equipments in the computer network environment .

  23. 系统总体设计采用开放式结构,便于用户根据需要对系统进行相应调整,形成专用的铸造工艺工装CAD系统,有良好的可移植性。

    The opening structure has been designed in the system , which is convenient for users to adjust the system and to get a special casting process and tooling equipment CAD system .

  24. 三维CAD能够使设计者比较直观和容易地进行铸造工艺工装设计,CAD模拟能够使设计者在工艺阶段预测缺陷部位,从而及时改进工艺,提高工装模具结构的合理性和准确性。

    Casting processing design can be visually conducted by means of CAD , and possible defect position can be predicted by CAE simulation to optimize mould structure and to improve casting quality .

  25. 文章利用特征建模和特征映射技术,将CAD、CAPP、工装设计和CAM各环节有效的连接在一起,实现了各环节之间的特征映射,从而完成了CAD/CAPP/CAM的集成。

    Based on feature modeling and feature mapping technology the paper links CAD , CAPP , tools design and CAM together to implement CAD / CAPP / CAM integration .

  26. 工装GAD的信息检索系统

    Information searching system for tooling CAD

  27. 基于上述的研究,在三维CAD软件UGV18.0的基础上,开发并实现了计算机辅助工装设计系统,基于PDM完成了工装管理。

    All the above research , the article does a computer-aided system of the process tool with 3D-CAD software UG V1 8.0 , and does the management with PDM .

  28. 工装管理系统作为CIMS中的一个重要组成部分,日益显示出它在CIMS应用中的重要地位。

    At the same time , tool management system , which is a very important part of CIMS , shows its importance day by day .

  29. 对ABP的产品进行日常无损探伤,包括某些工装的制造。

    To ensure that the daily NDT tasks are carried out in ABP workshops , including some tooling manufacturing .

  30. 基于J2EE体系构架提出系统结构模型和各个功能模型以及数据模型,既可对工装制造过程的动态信息进行有效的控制和跟踪,又能对工装的静态信息进行管理。

    The architecture of the system , function model and data model are presented based on J2EE to control effectively dynamic information of processing manufacturing process and manage and monitor the static information .