
ɡōnɡ zī lǐ lùn
  • wage theory
  1. 关于现代西方效率工资理论的评述

    A Review of Recent Development of Efficiency Wage Theory

  2. 基于效率工资理论的大学生就业偏向研究

    Analysis of University Students Employment Preference on Present Based on Efficiency Wage Theory

  3. 马克思工资理论及当代价值探讨

    Exploration on Marxist theory of wage and its contemporary value

  4. 效率工资理论的新发展:阿克洛夫的观点

    A New Development of Efficiency Wages Theory : the View of Akerlof 's

  5. 知识经济时代的两极工资理论

    A Bi-pole Wage Theory in the Knowledge Economy

  6. 效率工资理论及其借鉴意义

    The Efficient Wage Theory and Its Significance

  7. 索洛模型显示效率工资理论对传统经济理论的突破。

    Solow Model shows advances of Efficiency Wages Theory as contrasted with traditional economic theory .

  8. 职业职员工资理论及职业球员高工资成因探析

    Wage Theory of Professional Players and Analysis on the Reasons of High-level Wages of Super-stars

  9. 研究最低工资理论及其制度建设成为亟待解决的问题。

    Therefore , the research of the theory and construction of minimum wage system is urgent .

  10. 效率工资理论是宏观经济学在近二十几年中取得的最新发展之一。

    Efficiency wage theory is one of the newest development of macroeconomics during the nearly 20 years .

  11. 效率工资理论在中国旅游企业的应用&以旅行社与饭店企业为例

    Application of Efficiency Wage Theory in Chinese Travel Enterprise & Take Travel Agency and Hotel as Example

  12. 本文采用比较分析方法,分析了西方主要流派的失业理论,从中选取结构性失业理论、效率工资理论、局内人&局外人理论建立本文分析问题的理论框架。

    We select structure unemployment theory efficiency-wage theory insider-outsider theory to build the theoretical frame of this paper .

  13. 本文首先回顾了两百年来不断发展和演变的工资理论,这些理论对于研究和解决正处于经济起飞阶段的我国工资水平问题,有着重要的启示与理论指导意义。

    This paper has a retrospect of the development and evolution of wage theories in two hundred years firstly .

  14. 换言之,在传统均衡经济学理想化了的弹性工资理论里,从来不会有失业!

    In other words , in the idealized flexible wages world of traditional equilibrium economics , there can never be unemployment !

  15. 效率工资理论认为,支付比市场工资更高的工资,劳动总成本可能更小,企业能获得更多的利润。

    Efficiency wage theory holds that higher-than-market-rate wage payment may imply less total costs and hence greater profit to the business firm .

  16. 随着工资理论与实践的不断发展,高等学校薪酬问题的解决方案,也会不断地发生变化。

    With the development of wage theory and related practices , the solution of college salary needs to catch up with the age .

  17. 本文在现代企业制度的工资理论基础上,以保定热电厂为研究对象,对其现行岗位技能工资制进行分析。

    The thesis settles the subject to Baoding Co-generation Power Plant , introduces some salary theories , and analyses current post and ability salary system .

  18. 本文首先对工资理论与薪酬理论作了一个简单的回顾,并重点阐述了效率工资理论。

    First , a literature review is done about wage theory and compensation theory in this thesis and the efficiency wage theory is focused in details .

  19. 这部分先对西方国家的工资理论进行了梳理和回顾,再对国内外研究现状进行了总结。

    In this part , we review and sort out of the wage theory in Western countries , and made a summary of the research status .

  20. 以作者有若干尝试性结论的效率工资理论为分析框架,文章分析了部分民营企业在薪酬管理方面存在的问题与化解的对策。

    The existing problems and corresponding resolution strategies are analyzed in the compensation management of some civilian companies using the efficiency wage theory as analysis frame .

  21. 本文首先介绍了与研究相关的理论基础,着重介绍了委托代理理论、现代人力资本理论以及古典经济学的工资理论。

    Firstly , the paper reviews the related theories and studies & especially agency theories , modern manpower capital theories and wage theory of classical economics .

  22. 为此,我们以绩效工资理论研究作为支撑,为A医院设计了一套新的科学合理的绩效工资制度和考核方案。

    To this end , based on the performance wage theory , we design a new set of scientific and reasonable performance wage system and performance evaluation program .

  23. 通过简要地评述了马克思工资理论、西方经济学工资理论和激励理论,并对薪酬的本质、特点、功能、影响因素、基本形式和设计的基本原则等做了较为全面的界定和研究。

    Then it brief introduces wages theory and motivation theory . It researches the essence , characteristic , functions , influence factors , basic forms , basic principles and so on .

  24. 以人为本,依据现代激励理论、工资理论,合理设计薪酬体系,成为企业经营者和人力资源主管不断探索和实践的主题。

    Designing the C & B system according to modern motivation theory , salary theory , reasonably is the topic that enterprise operators and HR supervisors have been studying and practicing .

  25. 以劳动力商品论和劳动价值论为基础的工资理论,是马克思经济学的重要组成部分,也是其最独特的理论。

    The wage theory , based on the theory of labour power as a commodity and labour theory of value , is one of the most important parts in Marx 's economics .

  26. 但万变不离其宗,本文仍介绍了社会主义工资理论、西方古典经济学有代表性的工资理论及现代经济学有代表性的工资理论,因为他们诸多思想是现代薪酬结构设计的基础。

    So the dissertation still introduced socialistic wage theories , representative theories of western classical economics and modern economics , for many ideas of them are the base of designing compensation structure .

  27. 基于人力资本理论、卫生经济学和效率工资理论,在系统动态模型分析框架下,探讨企业环境保护投入上的跨期最优配置问题。

    This paper discussed the inter-temporal optimization problem of environmental investments of enterprises with the system dynamic models analysis basing on the theory of human resources , health economics and efficient wages .

  28. 从二元劳动力市场理论、职业搜寻理论和保留工资理论的角度分析,大学生自愿性失业其实是一种理性选择。

    Analysis from the angle of theory of dual labor market , theory of job search and theory of reserved wages , it is a rational choice for graduate to become unemployed voluntarily .

  29. 那所谓效率工资理论,其可靠性有疑问,但回归的经济学博士阐释为工资愈高,工人的产出愈多。

    The so-called efficiency-wage theory , the validity of which is in doubt , 53 has been interpreted by returning Ph.D.s to mean that if workers are paid more they would produce more .

  30. 建立了条件期望工资理论,分析了农村不同收入阶层农户的迁移意愿,并针对中国国情提出一些政策建议。

    Therefore , theory of conditional expectation wage was established . And migration desires of rural labors in different income levels were analyzed . Some suggestions on policy were put forward according to the labor situation of China .