
  • 网络credibility;public trust
  1. 司法公正、公信度受到质疑,法院成为制度不合理风险的实际承载者。

    Justice and credibility is questioned . The court becomes the actual carrier of the unreasonable system risk .

  2. 坚持用好的作风选人,是不断提高选人用人公信度的重要保证。

    Persist in using a good style of selection is to continuously improve the selection and appointment of an important guarantee for credibility .

  3. 品牌是衡量企业及其产品社会公信度的尺度。

    Brand is a measure to scale enterprise and its society trusting .

  4. 声誉是维持会计师事务所公信度的重要机制。

    Reputation is an important mechanism to sustain the reliability of CPA firms .

  5. 浅析青年大学生对媒体公信度的认知影响因素

    On the Influencing Factors of College Students ' Cognition for the Media 's Reliability

  6. 中国职业联赛的进一步发展带给中国足协巨大的挑战。中超联赛的管理机制、权限混乱,联赛水平日趋低劣,比赛公信度降至极点:运营机制不成熟导致联赛环境极其恶劣,经营业绩每况愈下;

    Further development of Chinese professional football league matches brings a giant challenge to Chinese football association .

  7. 选人用人的公信度是干部选拔任用工作的重要标尺。

    Public confidence of selecting and appointing persons is an important criterion for the tasks of choosing and using Cadres .

  8. 增强医疗事故技术鉴定委员会的公信度,是医疗纠纷妥善处理的根本前提;

    Strengthening the reliability of the technological appraisal commission about medical disputes is the fundamental requisite of appropriately resolving medical disputes .

  9. 重点是加强自身建设,提高非政府组织的能力及公信度。

    The important point is to strengthen self-building of government , improving the ability of the NGO and common credit of them .

  10. 要扩大干部选拔任用的公信度,重点是要把握公开环节、公平环节、公正环节。

    To widen the public trust of selecting and appointing cadres means to keep the principles of openness , fairness and justice .

  11. 形成科学的选人用人机制,是高校提高选人用人公信度的根本途径。

    Form a scientific mechanism for selection and appointment , selection and employment of college to improve public confidence in a fundamental way .

  12. 而目前关于基层干部领导行为及其与选拔任用干部公信度的相关研究还很少。

    The current research has little involved in the relationship between leadership behavior of grassroots cadres and public trust of selecting and appointing cadres .

  13. 然而,在独立学院迅速发展的同时,其公信度不足,已成为社会关注的焦点问题之一。

    However , while independent colleges has been developing rapidly , its lack of credibility has become the focus of attention in our society .

  14. 因此,如何治理失灵,提高组织的公信度是非营利组织亟待解决的问题。

    Therefore , how to govern the failure and raise the degree of public credibility is a problem that non-profit organizations are anxious to solve .

  15. 提高高校领导班子选人用人公信度是一个系统工程,还需要各方面进行大胆尝试和积极探索。

    Improve college leadership selection and appointment is a systematic project credibility , but also all aspects of a bold attempt and initiative to explore .

  16. 树立正确的用人导向,是高校提高选人用人公信度的基本前提。

    Establishing the correct direction of employment is the selection and appointment of public colleges and universities to improve the reliability of the basic premise .

  17. 确立民事程序选择权有助于保证程序的公正性和提高程序效益,有利于提升民事司法的公信度和接纳度。

    The establishment of such an option helps to ensure justice in the process and promote the effectiveness thus raise the public truth and acceptance of civil judicature .

  18. 建立符合贺州学院考试试题库系统,力求各项指标设计的科学、合理,使系统数据具有较高的科学性和公信度。

    Establish the HeZhou University exam item bank system , and strive to scientific , reasonable indicators design , make the system data should be more scientific and believable .

  19. 而要充分发挥其整合功能,就必须不断提高其自治程度、完善其结构、加强其自律性和社会公信度等,使其成为真正的市民社区。

    To give full play to its integration function , we should promote its autonomy , improve its construction and strengthen its self-discipline , to make a the real civic community .

  20. 最重要的是,尽管欧盟方面持保留态度,但葡萄牙财政数字及行动的公信度要远高于希腊&而且它此前已成功削减了自身的赤字水平。

    Above all , in spite of Brussels ' reservations , its fiscal figures and actions have far greater credibility than Greece 's – and it has successfully cut its deficit before .

  21. 移动电子政务可以提高政府办事效率,增强政府信息服务能力,同时提升政府的公信度和加大对政府行为的监管力度。

    The Mobile Government can improve efficiency of government work and enhance the ability of information service supplied by government , also including improving public credit of government and strength of supervision .

  22. 法官作为司法裁判的形象代言人,其形象的优劣直接影响到司法的公信度,因此研究媒体对法官形象的再现具有重要意义。

    The judges as a spokesman for the administration of justice , its image will directly affect public confidence in the judiciary , so the image of the media representation of judges is important .

  23. 媚俗新闻降低了媒体的公信度、毁坏了媒体声誉,阻碍了我国文化建设的顺利进行。

    Obsequiousness in the journalism not only reduces trust from the public in the media and ru in s reputation of the journalism , but prevents our country from a successful development in culture as well .

  24. 裁决委员会的相对独立和社会性以及裁决程序的公开、公正性,增强了解决2005年高考高招争议案件的社会公信度,取得了较好的社会效果。

    The relatively independence and sociality of the deciding committee and the open equity deciding procedure strengthen the trusting in year 2005 college entrance examination and college entrance enrollment disputed case , it obtained a good social result .

  25. 如何有效防止第三部门资金运作中的违规和腐败行为,造成第三部门公信度受损的研究和实践尚少。

    How to prevent to get out of line and corruption of the Three Sector 's found operation in effect , it is a few study and practice about how to lead to damage the Three Sector 's credit standing .

  26. 选拔任用干部公信度是指社会公众对党组织、人事部门的选拔任用干部工作及其结果所产生的心理认同感和满意程度。

    Public trust of selecting and appointing cadres is the psychological sense of identity and satisfaction of the public , which caused by the process and results of selection and appointment of cadres in the party organizations , the personnel department .

  27. 因此我们也应该比较谨慎对待网络民意,以此达到组织在选人用人的公信度方面达到最佳效果,而不仅仅追求其片面的效果。

    So we should be more cautious for the public network , thus achieving the best results of the organizations in the selection and employment of the public in terms of credibility , not just the pursuit of its one-sided results .

  28. 这些问题的产生有主观原因,也有客观原因,并且不仅仅会给人保财险公司的内部管理和经营效益带来危害,还可能对公司业务的可持续发展和社会公信度的提升产生极大的负面影响。

    There are subjective and objective reasons to formulate the problems and all of these problems not any cause the harmful effects to PICC management and economic benefits , but also lead to great negative effects on PICC sustainable development and prestige degree .

  29. 然而,随着社会环境的变迁,以解决市场失灵和政府失灵姿态出现的非营利组织也正以多种多样的形式表现出志愿失灵,给非营利组织的社会公信度造成极大的影响。

    As the social surroundings change , however , the nonprofit organization , with the appearance of avoiding market failure and government failure , has being shown its voluntary failure in all sorts of forms , and this greatly damages its social credit .

  30. 从风险因素入手来加强审计质量管理,既满足了降低风险的要求,也体现了成本&效益原则,这也是解决目前我国审计资源不足,社会公信度较低的有力措施。

    Strengthening audit quality management from risk factors , not only satisfy the demands of reducing risk , but also express the principle of cost-benefit , this will become powerful measures to resolve the questions of audit resource and lower reliance in our country .