
  • 网络Gongsun acupoint;collateral point of spleen channel
  1. 方法:80例原发性痛经患者与80例健康女性作为受试者,在月经来潮第1日测量双侧列缺、公孙穴导电量。

    Methods Electrical conduction volume on bilateral Lieque ( LU 7 ) and Gongsun ( SP 4 ) were determined at the first day of menstruation in 80 cases of primary dysmenorrhea and 80 healthy women .

  2. 沿皮浅刺内关、公孙穴对脑缺血大鼠细胞凋亡调控基因的影响耳穴额颞枕透穴埋针刺法治疗偏头痛的随机对照研究

    The shallow thorn needle law ischemia half blanking bar to the cerebral infarction rat brain organization Bax , the Bcl-2 protein expression influence A Randomized Controlled Study of Auricular Point Forehead-Temporal-Pillow Aperture Point Through Point Needle-Embedding Therapy in Treating Migraine