
  • 网络Public Domain;Copyleft
  1. 多媒体制片公司伊莱克图斯(Electus)的总裁本·席尔瓦曼(BenSilverman)回忆五年前曾与韦恩斯坦在贝弗利山庄的半岛酒店屋顶花园共进午餐,两人聊起公共版权领域内一些能吸引跨文化观众兴趣的精彩故事。

    Ben Silverman , chairman of the multimedia studio Electus , recalled having lunch with Mr. Weinstein about five years ago at the rooftop garden of the Peninsula Hotel in Beverly Hills , talking about great stories in the public domain that would intrigue viewers across cultures .

  2. 根据1998年的法律,任何1923年以前出版的作品均属公共版权领域。

    Furthermore , under the 1998 law , anything published before 1923 is considered part of the public domain .

  3. 原告们希望这首歌可以被改判为属于公共版权,华纳公司则需退还至少到2009年为止他人支付的许可费用。

    Plaintiffs want the song to be declared part of the public domain , and for Warner to return licensing fees dating to at least 2009 .

  4. 如果这首歌属于公共版权,它目前的版权所有者华纳音乐集团将会损失数百万美元的版权许可费用。

    If the song becomes part of the public domain , it would cost the Warner Music Group , which holds the rights , millions of dollars in lost licensing fees .

  5. 通过以上制度设计以达到促进技术进步、公共利益和版权人利益之间的均衡。

    Through these system reforming , it would reach the balance of improving the development of technology , public interests and interests of copyright owner .

  6. 试图在保护版权的同时兼顾社会公共利益,实现版权法的二元价值。

    Copyright Law tries to protect copyright , and balances social and public interests at the same time . It realizes the double value of the copyright law .