
gōng fáng
  • public house;social place for the unmarried
公房 [gōng fáng]
  • (1) [public house]∶所有权属于国家或集体的房屋

  • (2) [social place for the unmarried]∶景颇、傈僳、彝、黎等少数民族解放前曾有过的专供未婚青年男女社交的场所

公房[gōng fáng]
  1. 本章从两个方面进行了阐述,一是公房,二是房改房。

    This part is explained in two aspects : public house and reformed house .

  2. 离婚时承租公房问题的法律思考

    Legal Problems About Renting Public House

  3. 只身进入公房区是危险的。

    Going into the projects alone is dangerous .

  4. 已经出售了140万套廉租公房,大部分购买者都是房子的承租人。

    1.4 million council homes have been sold , mostly to sitting tenants .

  5. 廉租公房房源不足。

    There is a shortage of council housing

  6. 单身母亲已被授予优先享用市政委员会公房的权利。

    Single mothers have been given preferential access to Council housing .

  7. 公房出售评估管理信息系统的设计及实现

    Design and implementation of management information system of evaluation of welfare housing

  8. 扩大公房出售范围研究

    Research on Expanding the Scope for Selling Public Housing

  9. 离开球员公房,刚刚通过入门回去。

    To leave a Player Owned house , just go back through the portal .

  10. 出售公房的标准价计算方法探研

    A study on the method for calculating the standard sales price of urban housing

  11. 只身进入公房区是危险的。

    Going into the proects alone is dangerous .

  12. 英国住房供应体系中廉价公房开发

    British Council Housing Development in Housing Supply System

  13. 但是仍有部分现存的直管公房属于房管部门管理、维护。

    But there are still some existing directly to the Housing and sector management , maintenance .

  14. 公房租金还会涨多少?

    State-owned house rent will rise ?

  15. 非对称信息下序贯讨价还价的博弈分析&公房上市的政府策略

    A game analysis of sequential bargaining with asymmetric information & on government strategy of public housing market

  16. 这个镇开始拥有工厂,炼铁炉和新公房。

    The town began to boast of mills , furnaces for smelting iron , and new apartment buildings .

  17. 专家们认为,公房商品化是解决住房难题的有效方法之一

    Experts hold that the commercialization of public housing is one of the effective solutions to the housing crunch

  18. 关于公房经过房改后的归属,只要约定并登记就是有效的。

    The ownership of the public house after its reform will be effective once it is agreed and registered .

  19. 对行政办公系统、公房管理系统、房屋租赁系统以及房屋拆迁系统进行了详细设计及描述。

    Thus further elaborates administrative office system , housing management system , housing renting system and housing removing system .

  20. 在全国房改期间,国企以低于市价的价格将公房卖给本单位职工。

    During the great privatization of homes , state-owned enterprises sold housing units to their employees at below market rates .

  21. 在过去,美国的住房补助主要是穷人建新公房。

    In the past , housing assistance in the United States focused on the creation of public housing for poor .

  22. 这两个方面与高校公房管理的结合,也为高校公房管理的进一步研究提供了一种新的思考方向。

    The paper also provides a new way of thinking for the further study of the university public housing management .

  23. 关于审理离婚案件如何处理公房居住权承租权问题的思考

    How the case of divorcing deals with and inhabits the problem of right to charter of right in the public housing

  24. 公房问题从实体与程序两个方面对其常见争议问题进行了分析。

    In terms of public house issue , the author makes an analysis of the common problems in entity and procedure .

  25. 而安部公房的独创性就在于,他勾画出了人的行为由平庸的生存性行为向存在性行为转变的富有特色的可能模式。

    Abe Kobo 's creativity lies in the possibility of change from subsistent behavior to existential behavior , which is expressed in his works .

  26. 需求取向的社区服务&上海市浦东新区售后公房及中低档商品房社区服务研究

    Demand-oriented Community Service & Community Service Research on the Sold Public Housing and Middle-and-Low Graded Commercial Residential Building of Pudong New Area of Shanghai

  27. 安部公房著述颇丰,小说取得重大成就的同时,戏剧也在日本文坛占有重要的一席之地。

    His novels have made significant achievement . At the same time , the dramas also occupy an important place in Japanese literary world .

  28. 但这些出租房同样需要拥有房主,以免出现如同美国内陆城市公房项目兴建模式造成的种种问题。

    But they should have owners , too , to keep them from being stigmatized the way housing projects are in America 's inner cities .

  29. 在我国,公房是在公有制基础上作为必要生活资料由国家进行分配的产物,带有明显的福利性。

    In China , public housing is the public ownership product as a necessary means of livelihood been distributed by the government , with obvious welfare .

  30. 我国公房是指政府和单位分配给职工和解放时收归国有,并且租金按照政府规定的租金标准执行的房屋。

    Government housing units are allocated to the employees and the liberation of nationalization , whose rent is in accordance with the standards stipulated by the government .