
  • 网络education system;educational system;post-secondary education system
  1. 这个国家曾一度为其教育体系感到自豪。但现在它似乎已经千疮百孔了。

    This country was once proud of its education system . Now it seems to be in ruins .

  2. 在当今变幻莫测的商业环境下,员工被提出各种不同的要求。因此,教育体系有必要随之改变。

    In this changing business environment , different demands are being placed on employees . As a consequence , the education system needs to change .

  3. 我认为有必要从整体上改进我们的教育体系。

    I think we need to improve our educational system in general

  4. 总统号召教育家和政治家们帮助他重新调整美国的教育体系。

    The President called on educators and politicians to help him restructure American education

  5. 如果把改良的教育体系和其他的因素结合起来,会取得非常惊人的效果。

    If improved education is combined with other factors dramatic results can be achieved

  6. 教育体系本身并没有完全废除种族隔离。

    The school system itself is not totally desegregated .

  7. 在赫希教授的努力下,我们教育体系的现状引起了公众关注,为此对他应该给予嘉许。

    Professor Hirsch is to be commended for bringing the state of our educational system to public notice .

  8. 保护公会需求就得牺牲那些学生,这实际上是对教育体系中不公正现象视而不见。

    Protecting the union demand sacrifices those students , in effect turning a blind eye to the injustice in the education system .

  9. 美国教育体系与其说是获得机遇的阶梯,不如说是将不平等代代相传的组织结构。

    America 's education system has become less a ladder of opportunity than a structure to transmit inequality from one generation to the next .

  10. 她注意到,各个等级的公共教育体系都存在着优质STEM教育的巨大空白。

    She noticed there was a real void in quality STEM education at all levels of the public educational system .

  11. 政府还没有发现的是将这种理解完全付诸实践的政治意愿,并建立起一系列明智的教育体系,为儿童打下早期基础。

    What government has not yet found is the political will to put that understanding into full practice with a sequence of smart schooling that provides the early foundation .

  12. 众所周知,当提到接触STEM(科学、技术、工程学、数学)课程时,公共教育体系存在巨大的空白。

    We all know there exists a great voidin the public educational system when it comes to   exposure to STEM ( Science , Technology , Engineering and Mathematics ) courses .

  13. 要围绕建设高质量教育体系,以教育评价改革为牵引,统筹推进育人方式、办学模式、管理体制、保障机制改革。

    To build a high-quality education system , the reform of the evaluation .

  14. 一个国家的高等教育体系需要有一流大学群体的有力支撑。

    A country 's higher education system requires the strong support of world-class universities .

  15. 建设高质量教育体系,深化教育改革。

    We will carry out an initiative to raise the quality of education and expand its capacity .

  16. 也就是说最不鼓励竞争的芬兰教育体系,却培养出了最具有竞争力的孩子。

    In other words , Finland 's education system , which least encourages competition , cultivates the most competitive children .

  17. 要努力构建德智体美劳全面培养的教育体系,形成更高水平的人才培养体系。

    We should build an education system which comprehensively fosters the students ' all-round moral , intellectual , physical and aesthetic3 grounding with a hard-working spirit , in a bid to bring the country 's personnel fostering system to a higher level .

  18. 《意见》提出,2025年,基本建成规模结构更加优化、体制机制更加完善、培养质量显著提升、服务需求贡献卓著、国际影响力不断扩大的高水平研究生教育体系。

    By 2025 , a high-level postgraduate education system will be basically in place , according to the document . The system will have an optimized3 scale and structure , improved institutions and mechanisms4 , enhanced education quality , outstanding contribution in service and growing international influence .

  19. 此外,黄英豪称,尽管香港回归祖国已近24年,但由于一些香港居民,特别是年轻人不了解中国的历史和中国大陆的最新发展,香港的教育体系也需要彻底改革。

    In addition , Wong said the city 's educational system also needs an overhaul and reform as some residents , especially the youngsters , don 't understand the history of China and the Chinese mainland 's latest development despite the city 's return to the motherland almost 24 years ago .

  20. 解读终身教育体系在学习型城市构建中的潜在意义

    Interpretation the Potential Meaning of Lifelong Education in Constructing Learning-based City

  21. 施莱歇尔称,其他教育体系可以学习上海。

    Mr. Schleicher says other education systems can learn from Shanghai .

  22. 构建全科医学教育体系发展社区卫生服务

    Establishing General Medical Education System and Developing Community Health Care

  23. 关于高等院校创新教育体系构建的探讨

    On Constructing the System of the Creative Education in College and University

  24. 广收人材以资吏治&清前期河南地方教育体系略探

    The local educational system of Henan of early Qing Dynasty

  25. 体育教学作为整体教育体系的一部分,同样也承担着创新教育的任务。

    PE system , undertakes the creative education as well .

  26. 《史密斯&体士法案》标志着职业教育体系开始形成;

    Smith-Hughes Act signs the system of vocational education come into being ;

  27. 论奥运会志愿服务与高等教育体系的融合

    On combination of Olympic volunteer service and university educational system

  28. 因此高等职业教育体系还未完成。

    Therefore , higher vocational education system is not far from completed .

  29. 在远程教育体系中,虚拟实验室是一个重要的组成部分。

    Virtual Laboratory is very important part of the Distance Education System .

  30. 教师在肯尼亚中等教育体系中占有重要地位。

    Teachers occupy important positions in the secondary education system in Kenya .