
jiào qū zhǎnɡ
  • rector;rectorate
  1. 他是韦灵伯勒万圣教堂的教区长。

    He was rector of All Hallows Church in Wellingborough .

  2. 我的小说《教区长的妻子》正被改编成电视剧,由林赛·邓肯饰片名主角。

    My novel ' The Rector 's Wife ' is being adapted for TV , with Lindsay Duncan in the title role .

  3. 他成为一个小教区的教区长,在那里主事了几年圣事。

    He became a rector of a small parish where he ministered for several years .

  4. 出席这次会议的董事包括山西省三位主教及两位教区长。

    The meeting was attended by three bishops and two diocesan administrators .

  5. 他在爱丁堡当上教区长后不久就出现在电视上。

    Not long after his installation as rector at edinburgh , he appeared on tv .

  6. 货车吱吱嘎嘎地驶过草地,绕过教区长住宅的拐角就消失了。

    The cart creaked across the green , and disappeared round the corner by the rectory-house .

  7. 这位亲戚名叫杰克·克劳福德,年近古稀,以前是罗得岛州威克费德的教区长,现在已经退休了。

    Jack Crawford now nearly seventy , was the retired Rector of Wakefield , Rhode Island .

  8. 一位胖教区长[1]的变色龙懒洋洋的趴在枝干上,一对明亮的小眼睛在寻找晚餐。

    A fat Parson 's chameleon lies lazily on a branch , beady eyes scanning for dinner .

  9. 每个教区有一个牧师负责,被称为牧师或者教区长。

    Each parish is in the care of a priest , who is called either a vicar or a rector .