
  1. 北京外国语大学波斯语教研部主任于桂丽称,中国波斯语的学习,最早要追溯到唐朝时期(公元618-907年)。

    The language was taught in China as far back as the Tang Dynasty ( AD 618-907 ) , according to Yu Guili , director of the Persian Teaching and Research Department at Beijing Foreign Studies University .

  2. 国家行政学院社会和文化教研部专家马庆钰称,“山寨社团”有时甚至利用政府支持的协会的真实名称、从其官网复制内容以吸纳会员。

    These societies sometimes even use the real names of government-backed associations and copy content from their official websites to appeal to members , said Ma Qingyu , an expert on social and cultural studies with the Chinese Academy of Governance .