
  • 网络teacher union;teachers' union;NASUWT
  1. 美国教师组织是具有专业性组织和教师工会双重功能的社会组织。

    Teacher associations of the U.S. are the organizations that have the double-functions of professional and teacher union .

  2. 华盛顿教师工会表示IMPACT对那些在贫苦率高的学校工作的教师不公平。

    The Washington Teachers Union says IMPACT unfairly hurts teachers who work in schools with high rates of poverty .

  3. 周末与教师工会举行的谈判避免了一场罢工。

    Talks with the teachers ' union over the weekend have averted a strike

  4. 没有强大教师工会的南方各州的学校与北方各州的比起来还要差一些。

    Southern states without strong teachers ' unions have schools at least as awful as those in union states .

  5. 确实,位于市中心的学校表现不佳的主要原因不是教师工会,而是贫困。

    It 's true that the main reason inner-city schools do poorly isn 't teachers ' unions , but poverty .

  6. AJDuffy是洛杉矶联合教师工会主席。

    AJ Duffy is president of the United Teachers Los Angeles union .

  7. NPR的谢丽尔·科里报道,芝加哥教师工会同意加薪,并采用新的教师评估体系。

    NPR 's Cheryl Corley tells us the Chicago Teachers Union has agreed to pay raises and a new teacher evaluation system .

  8. 在芝加哥他和所有人都相处的很好,从当地的教师工会到Daley政治机器。

    In Chicago he got on well with everybody , from the local teachers'unions to the Daley political machine .

  9. 据NPR新闻的谢丽尔·科利报道,与市长意见相左的芝加哥教师工会,正在号召所有反对关闭学校的人下周与他们一起举行示威活动。

    NPR 's Cheryl Corley reports the Chicago Teachers Union which has been at odds with the city 's mayor , is calling for all opponents of school closings to join them in a rally next week .

  10. 同时,他也得到了洛杉矶教师工会的支持。

    Meanwhile he 's backed by the Los Angeles teachers union .

  11. 这就是她为何在全国教师工会的宴会上显得如此精神焕发的原因。

    This is why she looked so radiant at the NUT dinner .

  12. 芝加哥教师工会将于周三举行示威活动,抗议关闭学校的计划。

    The Chicago Teachers Union will rally against the proposed school closures on Wednesday .

  13. 和教师工会有什么关系呢

    have to do with teachers ' unions ?

  14. 国际自由教师工会联合会

    International Federation of Free Teachers ' Unions

  15. 教师工会反对这个想法。

    Teachers unions have ed that idea .

  16. 从专业协会到教师工会

    From Professional Association to Teachers Union

  17. 弗兰克,这些人是全国最大的两个教师工会的首脑

    Frank , these are the heads of the two largest teachers unions in the country .

  18. 国际教师工会合作委员会

    International Teachers Trade Union Cooperation Committee

  19. 但是全国最大的教师工会的领袖们对政府的“蓝图”提出了批评。

    But leaders of the nation 's largest teachers unions criticized the administration 's " blueprint . "

  20. 但在华盛顿,该考评体系不受(学区)与教师工会签订的劳动合同的限制。

    But in Washington the rating system is not governed by the labor contract with the teachers union .

  21. 抗议者们都是墨西哥南部格雷罗州教师工会的成员。

    The protesters are members of a teachers ' union from all over the southern Mexican state of Guerrero .

  22. 然而,教师工会对今年让学生重返课堂的安全表示担忧。

    However , teaching unions have expressed concerns over the safety of bringing students back into the classroom this year .

  23. 就计划中针对未达标学校所提议的干预措施,他尚持怀疑态度&教师工会也有同样的顾虑。

    He is dubious about the proposed interventions for failing schools & a concern he shares with the teachers ' unions .

  24. 就计划中针对未达标学校所提议的干预措施,他尚持怀疑态度——教师工会也有同样的顾虑。

    He is dubious about the proposed interventions for failing schools - a concern he shares with the teachers " unions .

  25. 纽约市白思豪在与教师工会达成避免罢工的协议后宣布了这一计划。

    New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the plan after reaching an agreement with the teachers union to avert a strike .

  26. 芝加哥教师工会称,工会中79%的成员同意与这个全国第三大城市签署合同。

    The Chicago Teachers Union says 79 % of the Union 's membership ratified the contract for the country 's third largest district .

  27. 如同教师工会所要求的,还应该确保标准化考试被用来衡量学生的真实能力和教师的水平。

    Schools can also make sure standardized tests are measuring real student skills and teacher quality , as teachers ' unions have urged .

  28. 美国已在国立学校实行过绩效工资和按成果付酬的方式,但往往忽略了教师工会的不满。

    America has experimented at state level with merit pay and payment by results , but often in the teeth of opposition from the teachers'unions .

  29. 他希望解除他所说的教师工会在政治问题的枷锁,因为后者反过来压制了教师责任感。

    He wants to undo the stranglehold he says the teachers unions have on politics , which in turn prevent teachers from becoming more accountable .

  30. 这起事件最早可能发生在星期三,对峙的是芝加哥教师工会和学校董事会,双方的争端还没有被解决。

    The earliest that could happen is Wednesday , and the standoff between the Chicago Teachers Union and the school board has not been resolved .