
  • 网络Adult Continuing Education;Adult & Continuing Education
  1. 与导游员进入高校接受成人继续教育相比较,职业培训具有周期更短、应用性性更强的特点,能在短时间内更为快捷有效的提高导游员的职业能力。

    Compared with guides into colleges and universities accept adult continuing education , occupation training has a shorter , more practical features , in a short period of time more efficient and effective guides to improve the occupation ability .

  2. 我国成人继续教育的发展走势及对策探讨

    On development trends and corresponding measures of adult education in China

  3. 成人继续教育实行学分制的探讨

    Probe into Practicing the Credit System in Adult Continuous Education

  4. 以质量为中心搞好成人继续教育

    Use the Quality as the Center , Strengthen the Adult further Education

  5. 国家正在为成人继续教育倾注大量金钱。

    The state is pouring money into further education .

  6. 高中思想政治课运用案例教学不同于高校和成人继续教育中的案例教学,有其特殊性。

    Different from the case teaching in colleges and adult continuing-education , it has its own particularity in high school .

  7. 全面小康社会的奋斗目标对农村成人继续教育提出了新的更高要求。

    The goal of building a full-scale well-off society brings forward new and higher demands for the continuing education for adults in the countryside .

  8. 观念上存在短视行为、没有配套制度作保证、物质条件普遍不足是农村成人继续教育面临的主要问题。

    The major problems exist in the short-sightedness in thought , lack of guarantee for corresponding systems and measures , and insufficiency of material conditions .

  9. 全日制在校本科学生19400余人,研究生3500人,成人继续教育学生5600人以及留学生350人。学校师资力量雄厚。

    Now there are over 19 400 full-time undergraduates , 3 500 graduate students , 5 600 students for adult education or continual education , and 350 international students studying in the campus .

  10. 成年期:成人与继续教育进展新方向。

    Adulthood : new terrain : new directions for adult and continuing education , No.

  11. 成人高校继续教育的若干思考

    On further education in adult higher schools

  12. 重庆市独立设置成人高校继续教育发展现状、问题与对策研究

    Study on the Present Situation , Problems and Countermeasures of Adult Education of Independent Adult College in Chongqing

  13. 运用认知结构迁移规律提高成人医学继续教育质量

    Enhancing the Effect of Adult Continuing Medical Education by Means of Applying the Transfer Law of Cognitive Structure

  14. 分析了我国成人体育继续教育的现状,并提出了对策:成人体育教育要以为成人学习服务为宗旨;

    The paper analyses the current situation of the adult continuing education of sports in China and proposes countermeasures . It proposes that the continuing education should serve the adult study ;

  15. 东北大学已形成本科生、硕士研究生、博士研究生、博士后、外国留学生以及成人教育和继续教育多层次人才培养体系。

    NEU has perfected a complete system of education : undergraduate , master 's degree , doctoral degree , post-doctoral programs , foreign student , adult education , the continuous education .

  16. 有着50多年历史的成人(继续)教育已经进入了从学历教育向非学历继续教育、从高等教育的有益补充向构筑终身教育体系、推进学习型社会建设转变的战略调整时期。

    Continuing Education , with 50 years of history , has entered a strategy adjustment period , from degree education to non-degree education , and from being the supplementary part of high education to building a life-long education system and enhancing study-oriented society .

  17. 加强对部属高校成人高等教育和继续教育的管理工作。

    Strengthen the subordinate adult education and continuing education management .

  18. 广东省独立设置成人高校成人与继续教育现状调研报告

    A Report of the Investigation of the Actuality of the Adults and Continuing Education in Guangdong

  19. 此次教育部下发《教育部关于进一步加强部属高等学校成人高等教育和继续教育管理的通知》(教高[2007]9号)批示立即停办脱产班。

    The Ministry of Education issued the " Circular on Further Strengthening subordinates and higher management of adult and continuing education for the notice " ( taught high [ 2007 ] 9 ) instructions to immediately close down full-time classes .