
chéng bài
  • success or failure
成败 [chéng bài]
  • [success or failure] 成功与失败;胜负

  • 然而成败异变,功业相反也。--汉. 贾谊《过秦论》

  • 成败在此一举

成败[chéng bài]
  1. 这项计划的成败取决于你。

    The success or failure of the plan depends on you .

  2. 成败完全取决于尼日利亚人。

    Responsibility for success or failure lies squarely with the Nigerians .

  3. 赢得这份合同对这家公司的成败至关重要。

    Winning this contract is crucial to the success of the company .

  4. 在现阶段还难以估量这场运动的成败。

    It is difficult to measure the success of the campaign at this stage .

  5. 世界贸易谈判正处于成败的重要关头。

    At stake is the success or failure of world trade talks

  6. 事业的成败取决于哪些因素?

    What determines whether you are a career success or a failure ?

  7. 航空公司的成败应该取决于它们吸引乘客的能力。

    Airlines should stand or fall on their ability to attract passengers .

  8. 对于一场成败攸关的比赛来说气氛自然非常紧张。

    The tension was naturally high for a game with so much at stake

  9. 教师对学生的成败并不负有责任,其职责只是帮助学生学习。

    The teacher is not responsible for the student 's success or failure . They are only there to help the student learn

  10. 不能以成败论英雄。

    Don 't judge a person by his success or failure .

  11. 事情的成败在你自己的努力。

    The success or failure of the matter depends on your own effort .

  12. 成败的可能性各半。

    The chances of success and failure are fifty-fifty .

  13. 成败之机,其在斯乎?

    Does not success or failure hinge on this ?

  14. 成败在此一举。

    Success or failure hinges on this one action .

  15. 和平谈判已到紧要关头,成败系于明天的会谈。

    Matters have been brought to a head in the peace talks ; tomorrow they will either succeed or fail .

  16. 决定成败的不是你的大小——

    It isn 't by size that you win or you fail --

  17. 多年来,人们曾多次试着让珊瑚礁恢复生机,但结果却成败参半。

    Over the years , there have been many attempts to revive coral reefs , some more successful than others .

  18. 成功的知识转移是决定ERP项目成败的核心因素。

    Successfulknowledge transfer is the key factor that decides ERP project 's success .

  19. 所以对BOT项目的风险管理将决定着项目的成败。

    Therefore , the risk management of BOT projects will determine the success of the project .

  20. 几乎在所有的J2EE项目开发中,数据访问层的设计都是决定项目成败的关键。

    In the development of J2EE projects , the design of data access layer is the key of whether the project can be successfully worked out .

  21. MEMS工艺处在整个MEMS设计的最底层,工艺的好坏直接影响到MEMS器件的性能、设计的成败。

    MEMS process is on the bottom of the MEMS design , it decides the performance of the MEMS devices and the effect of the design .

  22. 在选择云计算平台时,Python的问题是您将遇到的另一个决定成败的问题。

    The issue of Python is another one of those make-or-break questions you 'll come up against in deciding on your cloud computing platform .

  23. 而随着规模的扩大,SOC设计中,一些普通ASIC中较为次要的因素成为举足轻重的环节,甚至直接影响到设计的成败。

    Moreover , as the scale expands , some minor factors in traditional ASIC design become crucial in SOC design , even decide its success .

  24. 信息化是企业发展的必由之路,ERP软件的性能直接关系到企业信息化建设的成败。

    Informatization is becoming the only way for the development of enterprises . The capability of ERP software has related directly to construction of enterprises ' imformatization that if it is succeed or defeated .

  25. 技术创新的成功取决于众多因素,其中RD部门与市场营销部门的接口有效性是造成企业技术创新成败的关键因素之一。

    The success of technology innovation depends on a great number of elements . The effect of interface between RD department and marketing department is a key element .

  26. 理论计算表明布拉格衍射角及其变化十分微小(弧分、秒数量级),所以能否在实践中成功地检测受Ω调制的布拉格衍射角,关系到SAW陀螺效应声光探测和检测方案的成败。

    However , the diffracted angle and its variation due to SAW gyroscopic effect is very tiny ( arcmin and arcsec level ), so the key to the plan is whether such a tiny Bragg diffractive angle can be measured with success .

  27. 目的:探讨定性检测宫颈阴道分泌物胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白-1(IGFBP-1)预测足月引产成败的价值。

    Objective : To evaluate the value of insulin_like growth factor_binding protein-1 ( IGFBP-1 ) for predicting the successful labor induction in term pregnancy .

  28. 由于大多PPP项目具有投资大、时间长、风险高等特点,项目中存在的主要风险能否被公平、合理地分配即成为了项目成败的关键。

    Whether the main risk of the projects can be allocated fairly and reasonably become the key to success because of most PPP projects have the characteristic of large investment , long time and high risk .

  29. 在这种情况下,用户数据ARPU值的增长变得越来越重要,增值业务的成败成为运营商能否成功的决定性因素之一。

    In this case , user data ARPU is becoming increasingly important and value-added business has become one of the decisive factors which are pivotal to the success of operators .

  30. 近年来,随着中国移动TD-SCDMA网络大规模的建设与投入运行,网络质量的好坏已成为中国移动和其它两家网络运营商竞争占领移动通信市场、把握成败的一个关键因素。

    In recent years , with a large-scale construction of TD-SCDMA network and put TD-SCDMA network into operation in CMCC , the network quality has become a key factor in the competing to occupied mobile communications market with other two network operators .