
  1. 我什么时候成运行李的了

    When the hell did I become a damn baggage handler ?

  2. 结论TGF-β1在下颌骨牵引成骨血运重建及新骨生成过程中发挥重要作用。

    Conclusion TGF - β 1 may play an important role in angiogenesis and osteogenesis during MDO .

  3. 布朗家族的第一艘渡轮可以运送三辆车,后来换成可运十五辆车的钢船,再后来换成了现在这种由钢索拉动的轮船,可运送24辆车。

    The Browns ' first ferry carried three cars . That was replaced by a steel boat for 15 cars , and later came the current 24-car vessel pulled by a cable .

  4. 钢材被成卷地运到工厂。

    The steel arrives at the factory in coils .

  5. 任何加上“0”的运算数都可以被简化成非零运算数。

    Anything adding " 0 " can be simplified down to the non-zero operand .

  6. 慢慢地,这头比四头公象还要重的鲸鱼一点点被拉到了冰面上,然后,被分割成小块,运到村里,储藏在永久冻土下的洞里。

    Slowly the carcass , more than four times the weight of a bull elephant , appears onto the ice to be cut up , dragged to the village and stored in pits in the permanently frozen ground .

  7. 包裹成打地从美国运来。

    Parcels arrived by the dozen from America

  8. 黑莓设立了由董事会成员蒂莫西•达特尔斯(TimothyDattels)带领的特别委员会,研究各种选择。近期有人猜测,黑莓可能考虑与私募股权集团结成合作伙伴关系,甚至把企业分拆成手机和服务运营两大块。

    BlackBerry will set up a special committee chaired by board member Timothy Dattels to look at the options , with recent speculation suggesting that the group could consider partnerships with private equity groups or even separate its business into handset and services operations .

  9. 无效光与抽运光成拍,抽运光又转换成更大量的无效光和信号光。

    The idler light is then made to beat with the pump light , the latter is converted into additional amounts of idler and signal light .

  10. 低熟油的成藏模式有3种,即自源侧向运移聚集成藏、自源断层垂向运聚成藏和混合运聚成藏模式。

    There are three reservoir models : self sourced and lateral migration , self sourced and vertical migration through fault , as well as hybrid migration .

  11. 对济阳坳陷火成岩油气藏的有利成藏条件、分布规律进行了分析,认为火成岩储层的分布层位对火成岩能否成藏及运聚成藏方式具有较大的影响。

    The favorable conditions of igneous hydrocarbon reservoir forming and the distribution rule were analyzed . Distribution horizon of igneous reservoir will make a great impact on igneous reservoir forming or not and migration-accumulation pattern .