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chénɡ fǎ
  • established laws;tried methods
成法 [chéng fǎ]
  • [convention;set rule] 原先的法令制度;老规矩;老方法

  • 故释先王之成法,法其所以为法。--《吕氏春秋.察今》

  1. ineffect有效在新的法规没有公布之前,成法依然有效。

    The established laws and decrees are still in effect until the promulgation of the new ones .

  2. 介绍根据齿轮范成法求共轭齿廓的原理,用AUTOCAD生成渐开线齿轮全部齿廓的方法。

    The methods were introduced to create involute profile of gear by using the Auto CAD .

  3. 数学函数的组织异化数学模式&织物规则组织CAD的新生成法

    The Mathematical Modes for Weave Differentiation with Mathematical Function & a New Algorithm for the Regular Weave CAD

  4. 它由创成法CAPP系统、NC自动鳊程系统和它们之间的接口等主要部分组成。

    The system is made up of a generative CAPP and NC auto-programming system and the interface between them .

  5. 混合烧成法制取低温PTCR陶瓷材料的研究

    Research of Manufacturing Low Temperature PTCR Ceramics with Mixed-Sintering Technique

  6. 采用脾集落形成法(Spleencolonyassay,SCA),研究了人参总皂甙和三七总皂甙对小鼠造血干细胞的影响。

    The effects of saponins of panax ginseng and Panax pseudoginseng on the murine bone marrow stem cells were studied by means of spleen colony assay ( SCA ) .

  7. 威尔逊总统的继任沃伦•哈丁总统(WarrenG.Harding)于1921年5月将之签署成法。

    Wilson 's successor , President Warren G.Harding , signed it in May1921 .

  8. 介绍了塑胶模具复杂型腔采用CNCEDM的拷贝法和展成法加工技术,使镶拼式模腔改为整体式模腔;

    Duplication and generation technologies with CNCEDM in machining complicated cavity of plastics dies , resulting in integral cavity instead of mosaic one , are stated .

  9. 根据求解大型p-median问题的需要,给出了p-median问题的分解-列生成法。

    To solve large scale p-median problem , this paper presented a Decomposition-Column generation method .

  10. 若以范成法加工型线渐开线部分时,设计转子型线时可选取渐开线基圆半径r为整数.以便于其工艺装备的设计。

    If the involute part of the profile is processed by generation , the whole number of involute basic radius may be selected when designing the rotor profile , so that , the technological equipment design can be made easier .

  11. p-median问题的分解-列生成法

    Decomposition-Column Generation Method of p-median Problem

  12. 通过测定大单体的含水量,pH值,羟值对测定双键值的影响,并确定乙酸汞加成法的反应条件,得出准确测定醚类单体双键值的分析方法。

    By measuring the water content , pH value and hydroxyl value of the macromonomer , determing the reaction conditions of the method of addition of mercuric acetate , derive accurate determination of methods of analysis double value in ether monomers .

  13. 随着减成法在PCB制作中的日益广泛使用和精细化线路发展的要求,提高良率和线路质量越来越重要。

    As the wide application of the subtractive process in the PCB manufacturing , especially in the fine line and HDI fabrication , it becomes more important to improve the yield rate and the line quality .

  14. 为了从控制晶体生长角度,说明制备纳米硫酸锶沉淀体系中存在的EDTA对产品粒径的影响作用,根据过程机理,用恒组成法研究硫酸锶晶体生长动力学。

    In order to illuminate the effect of EDTA on product size from crystal growth point of view , the crystal kinetics of SrSO_ ( 4 ) precipitation was investigated according to the mechanism preparing nano-SrSO_4 powder by method of constant composition .

  15. 介绍了X光吸收光谱的基本原理,并以气凝合成法合成二元纳米TiO2粉末做实例说明,X光吸收光谱与传统XRD及TEM等结果相互配合,可使我们更加了解纳米材料的结构特性。

    Basic principle on X-ray absorption spectrum was introduced and binary nano-sized TiO_2 powder synthesized by gas condensation method was illustrated in this paper . The structure characteristics of nanometer materials could be recognized when the testing methods of absorption spectrum , traditional XRD analysis and TEM were combined .

  16. 本文结合为兰州石油化工机器厂开发的计算机辅助工艺过程设计系统(LS-CAPP),论述人工智能技术专家系统在CAPP创成法中的应用。

    Taking the Computer Aided Process Planning System for Lanzhou Petroleum & Chemical Machinery Works ( LS-CAPP ) as an example , This paper deals with the application of artificial intelligence Expert System in CAPP generation approach .

  17. 针对日前市场的特殊性,并建立了机组经济性曲线拟合的数学模型和基于序列二次规划法(SQP法)的机组负荷优化分配模型,指出了完全成本加成法的报价方法。

    Since the particularity of the market , the mathematical model of fitting the units ' economic curve and the model of optimal load dispatch among units based on SQP method are constructed , and the bidding method of the full cost is directed .

  18. 利用lg(Mx/M)与lgx的双对数坐标函数图中的线性回归,采用最小二成法对曲线进行拟合,得到了密级配废旧橡胶颗粒沥青混合料集料的粒径分布的分形型式。

    Using the lg ( Mx / M ) and the LGX bi-logarithm coordinates functions in the chart the linear regression method of the least 28 % , curve fitting , obtained the dense gradation asphalt mixture waste rubber particle size distribution of aggregates the fractal model .

  19. 本实验采用脾集落形成法和流式细胞术等技术,研究了小鼠颌下腺组织培养上清液(SGCM)对造血干细胞和骨髓细胞增殖的影响。

    By using such techniques as spleen colony formation and flow-cytometry , the effects of murine submandibular gland conditioned media ( SGCM ) on the proliferation of hematopoietic stem cells ( CFU-S ) and bone marrow cells ( BMC ) in mice was studied .

  20. 仿范成法用于创建圆柱齿轮的三维零件模型

    Copy Generating Apply to Building 3D Parts Model of the Cylinder Gear

  21. 应用范成法加工对称凸轮轮廓的研究

    Study on Symmetric Machinary of Cam Profile Using Generating Method

  22. 给出范成法加工齿轮显示过程模型;

    Provide established law Fan process gear wheel show the course model ;

  23. 高斯光束柱面反射展成法生成光刀的研究

    Research on Light-knife Propagated by Reflection of Gaussian Light Beams at cylinder

  24. 涡旋盘渐开线型面的展成法加工及误差补偿

    Generation Machining and Error Compensation of Scroll Plate Involute Profile

  25. 普通数控铣上螺旋锥齿轮的展成法加工

    Evolutional Method of Machining Screw Bevel Wheel on General NC Milling Machine

  26. 基于渐开线齿轮展成法的参数化精确建模

    Accurate parameterized modeling of spur involutes cylindrical gear machined by generating method

  27. 对称凸轮加工新工艺&展成法

    A New Way of Processing the Symmetric Cam-Expansion Method

  28. 刀倾半展成法加工准双曲面齿轮的试验分析

    The Analysis of processing Standard Double Curved Surface Gears by Half-Spread-Out Slope Knife

  29. 洛索洛芬钠合成工艺研究Ⅱ.高区域选择性烷基化合成法

    Synthesis of Loxoprofen Sodium ⅱ . Highly Regioselective Alkylation

  30. 加成法生产1-溴丙烷工艺研究

    Study on Manufacturing Technique of 1-Bromopropane by Addition Process