
  • 网络chengyu economic zone
  1. 成渝经济区作为西部增长极的SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis of Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Region as the Growth Pole in Western China

  2. 国家决定持续推进西部大开发战略,实施若干重大区域经济发展规划,特别是构建成渝经济区增长极,为建筑业和JS公司未来发展带来了广阔的空间。

    The state decided to continue to push forward the Western Development Strategy , the implementations of a number of major regional economic development plan , especially building the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Zone growth pole , provides a vast space for the construction and JS Company in its future development .

  3. 成渝经济区与成渝城市集群、成内渝经济带

    Cheng-Yu Economic Zone and Cheng-Yu City Cluster and Chengdu-Neijiang-Chongqing Economic Band

  4. 成渝经济区产业关联与协调发展研究

    Research on Industrial Relationship and Harmonious Development of Chengdu-chongqing Economic Zone

  5. 成渝经济区:比较优势、发展不足与治理对策研究

    Study on Advantages , Underdevelopment and Countermeasures in Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Zone

  6. 因此,运用税收、转移支付等财政手段促进成渝经济区生态环境保护和治理是切实可行措施。

    So we should improve the environment protection by the means of finance .

  7. 成渝经济区的耕地土壤质量特点及保护对策

    Soil Quality Characteristics and Protection Countermeasures of Cultivated Land in Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Zone

  8. 成渝经济区形成机制与发展战略规划

    Economic Shaping Mechanism and Developmental Strategy in Cheng-Yu Region

  9. 成渝经济区的建设上升到国家层面,希望其将成为西部经济增长的增长极、发动机。

    It will become a growth pole of economic growth in the western region .

  10. 成渝经济区城市体系规模结构实证

    Empirical research on scale structure of urban system in cheng & yu economic area

  11. 中国未来经济增长第五极&成渝经济区优劣势分析

    The Fifth Pole in Future Chinese Economic Development

  12. 第四部分分析构建成渝经济区的总体设想;

    The fourth part discussed the general thread of establishing " Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Area " .

  13. 基于城市流视角的成渝经济区城市群空间联系

    Analysis of space connection of urban agglomeration of Cheng-Yu Economic Zone based on city flows

  14. 以循环经济理念推动成渝经济区生态产业体系的建立

    Promote the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Zone to Set up Eco-industrial System with the Concept of Circular Economy

  15. 城乡统筹视角下的成渝经济区区域合作路径选择

    Route choice of Regional cooperation between Cheng-Yu economic area from the perspective of overall urban-rural development

  16. 总之,对构建“成渝经济区”进行研究具有重要的理论和实践意义。

    Therefore the Study of Estabishing " Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Area " is significant in theory and practice .

  17. 成渝经济区:中国西部增长极的发展对策研究

    The Analysis on Development Measures For Cheng-Yu Economic Region as the Economical Growth Pole in Western China

  18. 成渝经济区与长三角联动发展的机制和对策研究

    Research on the Mechanism and Strategies of Integrated Development between Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Zone and the Yangtze Delta Area

  19. 基于分形理论,对成渝经济区进行详细的分析与研究。

    Based on fractal theory , it conducts a detailed analysis and research on the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Zone .

  20. 主要内容如下:论文明确了成渝经济区的战略地位和空间结构布局。

    Following major elements : Paper defines the strategic position of Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Zone and the spatial structure layout .

  21. 彭州位于成渝经济区发展轴的西北端,是成德绵区域产业合作带上的重要节点。

    Lies in the northwest of Chengdu-Chongqing economic development zone , Pengzhou is an important joint of Chengdu-Deyang-Miangyang Industiral Cooperation Belt .

  22. 成都是四川省的省会城市,国家区域中心城市、成渝经济区重点建设城市。

    The capital city of Sichuan Province , Chengdu , national , regional central cities , Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Zone construction of city .

  23. 成渝经济区城市体系的规模分布具有较高的分维值,分形特征明显。

    The scale distribution fractal value of urban system of Economic region of Chengdu and Chongqing is high , fractal features is obvious .

  24. 针对这一现状,提出了完善和优化成渝经济区城市等级规模结构的对策建议。

    According to it , this article finally proposes relevant countermeasures and suggestions to improve the structure of urban system in Cheng-Yu economic area .

  25. 成渝经济区在我国经济发展战略中和西部大开发中的作用和地位日益凸显。

    The Chengdu-Chongqin economic zone 's highlights day by day in our country economic development strategy neutral west big development function and the status .

  26. 成渝经济区城市体系总体上处于工业化前中期的倾斜发展阶段。

    In general , The level of urban system of economic region of Chengdu and Chongqing is still in the early-medium term of industrialization which stage develop aslant .

  27. 如何推进成渝经济区快速协调发展,是我们要研究的重要课题。

    Therefore , how to push on Chengdu-Chongqing Economical Region and quicken the coordinated development will necessarily be a major issue to which we should attach an importance .

  28. 成渝经济区的良好发展,对中国西部大开发的推进和长江上游经济的发展都将产生极大的影响。

    That its good and sound condition will be greatly conducive to boost the overall West Development and the economic development of the upper reaches of Yangtze River .

  29. 近年来,国家先后出台了七大战略新兴产业发展规划、十大产业发展规划、成渝经济区规划、十二五规划纲要。

    In recent years , the country has issued seven strategic emerging industry development planning , national main body function region construction planning , and 12th Five-Year program .

  30. 伴随着西部大开发战略的实施,我国在2005年首次将成渝经济区列入十一五前期规划之中。

    With implementing the west development strategy , China join the Chengdu-Chongqing economic region into the state development first draft of " Eleventh Five-Year Plan " in 2005 .