
duō yīn zì
  • Polyphonic character;homograph;character with more than one reading
多音字 [duō yīn zì]
  • [polyphonic charactors] 有几个读音的字

  1. 多音字现象的存在给汉语TTS(TEXTTOSPEECH)系统增加了难度。

    The phenomenon of polyphone characters in Chinese increases the difficulty of Mandarin TTS ( Text to Speech ) system .

  2. 汉语TTS系统中多音字问题的一种有效解决方案

    An Effective Solution to Polyphone Problem in Mandarin TTS

  3. 简体中文拼音转换类库(SimplifiedChinesetoPin-YinConversionLibrary)&这个类库使开发人员能够得到简体中文字符的多音字、同音字、拼音、笔画数等属性。

    Simplified Chinese to Pin-Yin Conversion Library – This class library enables developers to retrieve the polyphone , homophone , Pinyin and stroke count properties of Simplified Chinese characters .

  4. 解决多音字字-音转换的一种统计学习方法

    A Statistical Approach for Grapheme - to - Phoneme Conversion in Chinese

  5. 一种新的基于规则的多音字自动注音方法

    A New Rule-based Method of automatic phonetic notation on polyphones

  6. 占多音字总数的2.14%。

    Accounted for more than 2.14 % of the total sound character .

  7. 汉语同音字和多音字处理方法研究

    Study on Processing Methods of Chinese Homonym and Polyphony Words

  8. 韩佳:观众朋友们,这“阿”可是个多音字。

    Ladies and gentlemen , the word " e " has more than one pronunciation .

  9. 所采用的多音字自动注音策略有以下三种:条件概率策略、互信息策略以及规则策略。

    The automatic pinyin tagging strategies include : conditional probability strategy , mutual information strategy and rule strategy .

  10. 在自然语言理解技术发展水平限制下,大部分的多音字消歧系统都采用基于规则的方法。

    With the limitation of the natural language understanding technique today , lots of polyphone disambiguation algorithms are rule-based .

  11. 在具体的语境中,每个多音字的读音具有唯一性,根据这一特点,在字音转写过程中可以有效地区分多音字。

    In specific context , however , the pronunciation of polyphone is sole , which can be used to differentiate polyphones .

  12. 字音标注主要解决多音字和多音词的注音问题。第一个字音像no。

    How to deal with the polyphones is a challenge for the text to PinYin conversion . The first word sounds like no.

  13. 和的现代意义多音字的词性对于读音消歧有着特殊重要的意义。

    Modern meaning of " Peace " The Part of Speech ( POS ) of polyphones is very important for pronunciation disambiguation .

  14. 汉语字音转换中的多层面多音字读音消歧汉字听写障碍儿童形音联结个案研究

    Multi - level Polyphone Disambiguation for Mandarin Grapheme - Phoneme Conversion Case Study on Grapheme - sound Connection of a Child with Chinese Character Spelling Disability

  15. 字音转换问题一直是中文语音合成系统中不可缺少的模块,而多音字消歧是字音转换的核心问题。

    In Text-to-Speech ( TTS ) systems , Grapheme-Phoneme ( G2P ) conversion is one of the most important modules , and polyphone disambiguation is its key problem .

  16. 目前对多音字本体论方面的研究成果已经比较丰富,但是对于对外汉语教学中的多音字情况及相关教学方面的研究还不是很充分。

    About the modern Chinese homophones , there are many ontological researches at present , but the researches regarding teaching Chinese as a foreign language are very few .

  17. 同时此体系充分结合了手工总结规则和计算机全局调整的优势,大大提高了多音字规则库建设的效率和稳定性,为语音合成系统的正确性提高了很好的保障。

    Further more , the approach combines the advantage of human work and computer 's computing power , which ensures the stability and efficiency of the construction of disambiguation rules for polyphone .

  18. 汉语多音字由于其复杂的形音义之间的关系,成为以汉语作为第二语言的外国学习者学习的一个难点。

    Due to the complex relations between the pronunciation and meanings of one character , the modern Chinese homophones are very difficult to learn for foreign learners who Chinese as the second language .

  19. 本文将《洪武正韵》的多音字通过计算机穷尽式的收集和整理逐字列出音读和切语,并依据音读数进行归类整理。

    This will " Hongwu are rhyme ," the multi-tone exhaustive word via the computer to collect and collate a verbatim audio reading lists and cutting language , and based on sound readings are classified order .

  20. 第二章概述隋代墓志铭文用韵情况,确定韵字材料的范围及其取舍原则,探讨碑别字、通假字和多音字的韵部归属问题,并总结墓志铭文的句式、换韵和押韵情况。

    The second chapter summarizes the Sui Dynasty epitaph of rhyme , rhyme materials and determine the principles of choice of words , monument , borrowed words and homophones rhyme is attributive problem , and summarizes the epitaph of sentence structure , change and rhyme condition .