
  • 网络many world;Multiverse-Core
  1. 并不是说多世界诠释就没有受到批评&事实恰恰相反。

    Not that many worlds is without its critics-far from it .

  2. 他和布朗都宣称多世界的概念已经得到宇宙学家的支持。

    He and Brown both claim that many worlds is already gaining traction among cosmologists .

  3. 我们在这个时空中找到了多世界束缚轨道,两世界逃逸轨道,这种类型是Schwarzschild黑洞中不存在的。

    We find many-world bound orbits , two-world escape orbits and escape orbits in this space-time .

  4. 量子力学的多世界解释述评

    Review of the many - world interpretation of quantum mechanics

  5. 日本投票者成功地拒绝了执政长达半个多世界的自民党继续执政。

    Japan 's Opposition Wins Election in Landslide

  6. 更难回答的问题还有被多世界诠释支持者称为“怀疑眼神的反对”。

    Even more difficult to answer is what proponents of many worlds call the " incredulous stare objection " .

  7. 尽管他把自己放在“多世界俱乐部”里,他也承认,你选择去相信什么样的诠释在很大程度上取决于个人喜好。

    Although he puts himself " in the many worlds club ", which interpretation you choose to follow is largely a matter of taste , he reckons .

  8. 多世界诠释一个明显的推论是说宇宙中有很多你的复制品&比如,猫王现在仍然在另一个宇宙中的拉斯维加斯进行表演。

    The obvious implication of many worlds is that there are multiple copies of you , for instance-and that Elvis is still performing in Vegas in another universe .

  9. 本文系统地考察了量子测量的相对态解释语境,阐述了解读相对态解释的两种意义语境多世界解释与多心解释的主要观点。

    This paper investigate systematically the relative-state interpretation 's context of quantum measurement and expounding the two views of readings the relative-state interpretation : many-worlds interpretation and many-minds interpretation .

  10. 但这仅仅是我,和许许多多世界上的人一样的我,甚至在美国有一百或两百个这样的人。

    But that 's just me - oh , and about a gazillion other people around the world , and even one or two hundred in the United States .

  11. 但同时,他也不相信多世界诠释可以提供一个很好的框架来解释为什么一些量子结果要比其他的更有可能出现。

    At the same time , though , he is not convinced that many worlds provides a good framework for explaining why some quantum outcomes are more probable than others .

  12. 在短短几年里,伴随着这么多世界一流企业的投资项目,当今世界最具生命力和带动力的关键产业迅速落户到浦东,跨国公司的全球销售服务网络也伸展到中国,这是全球范围市场竞争的延伸。

    In a few years , along with the of international , so many first class and world 's industries have setted in pudong . At the same time , the sales service and after-sale service network of the investing internationals have extended to china . This is extension of global competition of markets .

  13. 政策议题比大家通常以为的复杂得多,世界银行(worldbank)欧洲和中亚部门首席经济学家汉斯·蒂莫(HansTimmer)说。

    The policy agenda is much more complicated than people often think , said Hans Timmer , chief economist for Europe and Central Asia at the World Bank .

  14. 从数据来看,维多是世界最大的私营公司,排在另两家大宗商品贸易公司嘉吉(Cargill)和科氏工业(KochIndustries)前面。

    That would make Vitol the biggest private company in the world by sales , ahead of commodities industry peers such as Cargill and Koch industries .

  15. 作为欧洲最富有的城市之一,苏黎世排名第二似乎不在意料之外。这座城市吸引了诸如IBM,UBS,Google和微软等多家世界知名企业落户。

    One of Europe 's richest cities and home to a wealth of multilingualEuropeans , Zurich has attracted the likes of IBM , UBS , Google andMicrosoft-each of whom has offices in the city .

  16. 由于在智能手机市场几乎没有地盘,新版Windows将无法满足现代操作系统的一部分主要要求:帮助用户驾驭多屏世界,并给应用开发者一个可在多种设备上运行的单一平台。

    With almost no presence on smartphones , the new Windows will not be able to meet some of the main requirements of a modern operating system : to help users navigate a multiscreen world and give application developers a single platform that runs on multiple devices .

  17. 芒格:好事多是世界顶级。

    Munger : Costco comes to the top of the world .

  18. 谈发展中国家在未来多极化世界中的地位

    On the Position of the Developing Countries in the Future Multipolar World

  19. 奥林匹克能让我们多看看世界。

    The Olympics lets us see the world a bit .

  20. 多个世界健康组织建议本着总体筛查原则进行治疗。

    Multiple world health organizations have suggested general screening guidelines .

  21. 关于世界的构成,佛教认为宇宙之大是由数不清但是有限多个世界组成。

    Buddhist considered that the universe was made of countless but finite worlds .

  22. 两个世界论、三个世界论、多个世界论可作为其典型代表。

    The two-world , three-world ,( multi-world ) can be seen as representatives .

  23. 他们有那么多的世界级球员,他们将会传球。

    They have so many world-class players that they will find a pass .

  24. 旅游可以让你多了解世界。

    The Chinese the English traveling can help you learn more about the world .

  25. 与多家世界500强企业有技术合作和技术交流。

    Many world top500 enterprises have technical cooperation and technical exchanges with our company .

  26. 因为我喜欢蹬自行车呀,小多是世界上最好的自行车手。

    Because I like cycling and he is the best cyclist in the world .

  27. 比起那个女鞋匠为小珈伦做的那双鞋来,这双鞋当然是漂亮得多。世界上没有什么东西能跟红鞋比较!

    There is really nothing in the world that can be compared to red shoes !

  28. 与多家世界知名企业建立了长期友好的合作关系。

    HESION already a number of world-famous enterprises to establish a long-term friendly relations of cooperation .

  29. 新旧之间:近代中国的多个世界及失语群体

    Between the Old and the New : the Multiple Worlds and Voiceless Social Groups in Modern China

  30. 因此,从长远的观点看,过多的世界人口将会危害人类。

    Thus in the long run , the overgrowth of the world population will only harm mankind .