
cí hè
  • magnetic charge
磁荷[cí hè]
  1. 用等效磁荷观点不仅圆满地解决了这一表观佯谬,而且还给出了普适的Lorentz力矩张量表达式,后者可对TroutonNoble零实验的偏转力矩作出直接描述。

    Using the view of equivalent magnetic charge we not only clarify the paradox satisfactorily , but also present the general expression of Lorentz torque tensor which directly describes the torque in Trouton Noble null experiment .

  2. 第二个定理定义了等效磁荷与‘电流密度矩’。

    The second theorem defines the Equivalent Magnetic Charge and the Moment of Current Density .

  3. 用表面磁荷法可以快速高精度计算带有磁轭屏蔽的超导MRI磁场。

    By use of surface magnetic charge method , we can rapidly and high accuratly calculate the superconducting MRI ′ s magnetic field with self-shield .

  4. 应用计算机辅助设计(CAD),采用表面磁荷法计算AMH系统中空间磁场分布,用龙格-库塔法模拟计算电子轨迹。

    The calculation method in computer aided design ( CAD ) of AMH system is introduced .

  5. 利用KerrNewman度规,得到了含有电荷、磁荷的塌缩天体的质量亏损。

    With the Kerr Newman metric , we obtain the mass defect of collapsing celestial body .

  6. 静态dilaton黑洞中带电磁荷粒子的隧穿效应

    Charged particle tunneling in a static dilaton black hole

  7. 但是MFM并不能对磁畴结构进行直接测量,而是测量得到磁性探针和样品表面的磁荷的相关作用。

    The MFM can not give the magnetic domain structure directly , but give the interaction between magnetic charges of the sample surface and magnetic probe .

  8. 通过求解耦合SU(5)EYMH方程,得到了具有4个物理参量(质量M、电荷Q、磁荷P和QCD色荷C~8)的静态球对称时空度规。

    A static spherically symmetric solution for the coupled SU ( 5 ) EYMH system is obtained . This solution is characterized by four physical parameters ( Mass M , electric charge Q , magnetic charge P and QCD color charge ) .

  9. 研究了带有电荷、磁荷和色荷的一类任意加速黑洞的量子热效应,得到局部事件视界方程、温度函数以及Hawking热辐射谱。

    The quantum thermal effect of arbitrarily accelerating black hole with electric charge , magnetic charge and color charge is studied . The event horizon equation , the temperature function of the event horizon and Hawking thermal spectrum formula are given .

  10. 本文研究了Kerr-Newman时空中的耦合EinsteinYang-MillsHiggs场系统,并得到一类稳态轴对称SU(5)双子解(磁荷为±1/2e)。

    The coupled Einstein-Yang-Mills-Higgs system of fields in the Kerr-Newman space-time is studied and a family of stationary axisymmetric SU ( 5 ) dyon solutions ( with magnetric charge ± 1 / ( 2e )) is obtained , in this paper .

  11. 首先回顾了有磁荷(或等效磁荷)存在的情况下电磁场双四维势的描述方法,给出了场强与双四维势的关系以及具有电磁对偶对称性的Maxwell方程;

    After reviewing the double 4 dimensional potentials of the electromagnetic field theory in the presence of magnetic charge ( or effective magnetic charge ), we give out the electromagnetic ( EM ) duality symmetric Maxwell equations and the relationship between the field strength and the double potentials .

  12. 对于薄膜材料,可以通过MFM图像得到样品表面磁荷和杂散场分布,以及从磁滞回线上得到的相关信息,我们可以确定薄膜的磁畴结构的特点。

    For the film material , the film domain structures characteristics were determined through the sample surface magnetic charge and the stray field distribution obtained from the MFM image and the relevant information from the hysteresis loop .

  13. 应用磁荷法建立漏磁信号模型

    Application of Dipole Magnetic Charge Method to MFL Signal Analytical Model

  14. 结果表明电荷(或磁荷)的作用使这两种效应减弱。

    The results show that the charges weak the two effects .

  15. 推导包括磁荷的麦氏方程组的新方法

    A new method of deducing maxwell ′ s equations including magnetic charges

  16. 计算恒定磁场的假想磁荷模型

    Fictitious Magnetic Monopoles Model for Calculation of Stationary Magnetic Field

  17. 等效磁荷方法及其应用

    A Method of Equivalent Magnetic Charge and It 's Application

  18. 计算三维恒定磁场的等效磁荷法

    Equivalent Magnetic Charge Method for the Computation of 3-D Static Magnetic Field

  19. 本文分析了被激磁的钢坯表面裂缝的等效磁荷。

    The equivalent magnetic-charge near the defect of a magnetized steel surface is analyzed .

  20. 基于磁荷面分布的舰船磁场预测方法

    A method for magnetic field prediction caused by naval vessels using magnetic charge distribution

  21. 基于磁荷假说的圆钢棒退磁因子计算

    Calculation of Demagnetization Factor of the Round Steel Rod Based on Magnetic Charge Hypothesis

  22. 用磁荷模型计算永磁电机的气隙磁场分布

    Determination of the Magnetic Field of a Permanent Magnet Machine Using Magnetic Charge Model

  23. 带电磁荷直线加速动态黑洞的非热效应

    Non-thermal Effects of Dynamic Black Hole in Linear Acceleration with Electric and Magnetic Charges

  24. 磁荷与磁介质球系统磁标势研究

    Research on the magnetic scalar potential of a system magneton and magnetic medium sphere

  25. 应用磁荷简化电磁场问题

    On the Simplification of the Problem Calculation in Electric and Magnetic Fields by Magnetic Charge

  26. 方钢纵向磁化时各棱上的磁荷线密度

    The linear magnetic charge density along the edges of a longitudinally - magnetized steel cuboid

  27. 圆形平面上的磁荷分布&磁粉探伤原理之四十

    MAGNETIC CHARGES DISTRIBUTION ON A ROUND PLANE & Principle of magnetic particle inspection , Part XL

  28. 基于磁荷模型的永磁体空间磁场的有限元分析与计算

    Finite-Element Analysis and Calculation on Spatial Magnetic Field Emanated from Permanent Magnet Based on Magnetic-Charge Model

  29. 等效磁荷法计算精度高,但计算过程相对复杂。

    Computational accuracy of equivalent magnetic charge method is high , but its calculation is complicated .

  30. 用磁荷观点研究载流螺线管内磁场

    Study on the magnetic field in the solenoid with current in the view of magnetic charge