
  • 网络magnetizing roasting;Magnetization roasting
  1. 难选铁物料磁化焙烧技术的研究与发展

    Applied researches and new developments of magnetizing roasting on iron materials

  2. 黄梅褐铁矿悬浮闪速磁化焙烧试验研究

    Study on Flash Magnetizing Roasting of Huangmei Limonitic Ore

  3. 本文采用岩相矿相分析、X射线衍射分析和电子探针分析等检测手段,对南化硫酸渣在磁化焙烧-磁选工艺中矿物特征的变化进行了研究。

    By means of petrological analysis and mineralogical analysis , X-ray diffraction analysis and electron microprobe analysis , this paper studies the mineral characteristic change of the Nanhua pyrite cinder in the magnetic roasting-magnetic separation process .

  4. 同时本文对磁化焙烧过程机理进行了探讨。

    The mechanism of magnetization roasting was also discussed in this paper .

  5. 菱铁矿干式冷却磁化焙烧技术研究

    Research on Dry Cooling Magnetic Roasting Technology for Siderite Ore

  6. 闪速磁化焙烧及铁矿物的微观相变特征流(态)化燃烧,沸腾焙烧

    Flash magnetic roasting and microstructure characteristics & phase transformation of iron minerals

  7. 悬浮态磁化焙烧菱铁矿及冷却条件对产品的影响

    Siderite Magnetization by Suspension Roasting and Effect of Cooling Conditions on Product

  8. 磁化焙烧&磁选工艺中硫酸渣矿物特征变化的研究

    The Mineral Characteristic Change of Pyrite Cinder in the Magnetic Roasting-Magnetic Separation Process

  9. 难选红铁矿磁化焙烧技术现状及发展方向

    Present Status and Development Orientation of Magnetization Roasting Technology for Refractory Red Iron Ores

  10. 废渣脱硫后,利用磁化焙烧-磁选方法回收其中的铁。

    Fe in the arsenic cinder was recovered by deoxidization roasting-magnetic separation after desulfurization .

  11. 中贫氧化矿微波磁化焙烧-磁选工艺研究

    Study on Process of Microwave Magnetizing Roast plus Magnetic Separation for Medium-low Grade oxidized Ores Containing Hematite

  12. 对王家滩菱铁矿在流态化状态下的磁化焙烧温度和焙烧气氛条件分别进行了试验研究。

    The effect of temperature and atmosphere conditions on the magnetization of Wangjiatan siderite under fluidization was investigated .

  13. 本文同时研究了磁化焙烧-磨选分离过程中含铁矿物及杂质的分离行为。

    At the same time , separation behaviors of iron-bearing mineral and impurities are studied during magnetic roasting-grinding & magnetic separation .

  14. 采用氧化焙烧软锰矿浆吸收、磁化焙烧磁选、酸浸工艺处理砷华废渣。

    The arsenolite cinders were treated by the processes of oxidizing roasting-pyrolusite pulp absorption , magnetizing roasting-magnetic separation and acid leaching .

  15. 介绍了难选红铁矿磁化焙烧技术的工业应用及试验研究现状,探讨其存在的问题。

    The industrial application and test research of magnetization roasting technology for refractory red iron ores are presented and its problems discussed .

  16. 包钢选矿厂强磁选粗精矿磁化焙烧&弱磁选尾矿回收稀土的选矿工艺研究

    Study on the Beneficiation Process for Recovering Rare-earth from the LIMS Tailing of HIMS Rougher Concentrate after Magnetizing Roasting in Baogang Concentrator

  17. 云南某难选褐铁矿石选冶联合工艺研究黄梅褐铁矿悬浮闪速磁化焙烧试验研究


  18. 磁化焙烧法在勉县砂金矿精选厂尾矿综合回收中的应用

    Application of magnetizing roast method to the synthetic recovery of valuable minerals from tails of cleaning mill of Mian County Alluvial Gold Mine

  19. 某鲕状赤铁矿磁化焙烧&磁选试验研究一种氧化铁矿石,能被磁铁吸引。

    Research on the Magnetizing Roasting and Magnetic Separation of an Oolitic Hematite Ore an oxide of iron that is strongly attracted by magnets .

  20. 试验研究表明:通过马弗炉和回转窑进行磁化焙烧可以获得优质的铁精矿(TFe60%左右)。

    Study shows that excellent iron concentrate ( TFe60 % or so ) can be obtained through magnetization roasting by Mafu furnace and rotary kiln .

  21. 难选铁矿石磁化焙烧机理及闪速磁化焙烧技术石煤型钒矿焙烧&浸出过程的理论研究

    Test Research on the Flash Magnetization Roasting Technology for Complex and Refractory Iron Ore Theoretical Investigation of Roasting and Leaching Processes of Stone Coal-type Vanadium Ore

  22. 贵州某难选褐铁矿磁化焙烧弱磁选试验研究云南普洱某难处理氧化锌矿的选矿试验研究

    Study on Process of Magnetizing Roasting-Low Intensity Magnetic Separation of Refractory Limonite in Guizhou Research on the Beneficiation of a Refractory Zinc Oxide Ore from Puer , Yunnan

  23. 摘要:磁化焙烧技术是处理低品位褐铁矿最有效的手段之一。

    Abstract : Magnetizing reduction is one of the most effective unit operations in the treatment of iron ores specially those which are poorly responsive to conventional beneficiation techniques .

  24. 闪速磁化焙烧基础试验研究的成功,测定出了细粒红铁矿磁化焙烧的反应速度,为新型循环流化床磁化焙烧技术的研究及装置研制提供了理论依据。

    Flash magnetization roasting trial has tested the velocity of red iron ore magnetization reducing reaction successfully , provided with theoretical basis for research of large-scale fluid bed magnetization roasting equipment .

  25. 对铜陵硫酸渣氯化还原焙烧、磁化焙烧和直接选矿三种工艺进行了一系列小型试验研究,并根据研究结果对铜陵硫酸渣的综合利用提出了几点具体建议。

    A series of small scaled trials about chloridizing reduction , magnetization roasting and direct concentration were carried out and some suggestions about synthesized utilization of the sulfate slag were given according to the results of the experiments .

  26. 同时针对细粒难选红铁矿进行了实验室小型试验及反应速度动力学基础研究,提出难选红铁矿闪速磁化焙烧的发展方向。

    Meanwhile , based on the laboratory test for fine-sized refractory red iron ore and the research of dynamic basis of reaction speed , the development orientation of flash magnetization roasting for refractory red iron ores is proposed .

  27. 磁化焙烧后硫酸渣中的铁矿物以磁铁矿为主,磁铁矿颗粒的含铁品位提高了3%,结晶度也得到明显改善,蜂窝状结构减少,从而为磁选创造了良好的条件。

    The main iron mineral in magnetic roasted cinder is magnetite , its iron content increases 3 percent and crystallinity improves markedly and the content of a honeycomb-like construc-tion in the cinder decreases , and magnetic concentration conditions optimizes markedly .

  28. 众所周知,磁化焙烧是处理难选红铁矿最有效的方法之一,在相当长的一段时期内,成为我国难选红铁矿回收利用的最有效手段。

    Magnetizing reduction is one of the most effective operations in the treatment of the refractory low-grade red iron ores , and in a rather long period , It is a most effective means of recycling utilization of refractory red iron ore in China .

  29. 磁化还原焙烧工艺处理贫锰铁矿的研究

    Research of Magnetic Reduction Roasting of Low Grade Ferromanganese Ore

  30. 在高磷赤铁矿磁化脱磷实验中以生物质锯木作为还原剂还原磁化焙烧赤铁矿,再通过动态磁选的方法回收铁精矿。

    In the experiment of magnetization and dephosphorization of high phosphorous hematite ore , biomass sawdust was used as reductant for magnetic reduction roasting of hematite ore , and then the technique of dynamic magnetic separation was used to recycle the iron ore concentrates .