
  • 网络Moscow Treaty
  1. 举例来说,在这些潜水艇上的常规弹头会在削减战略武器条约(START)和莫斯科条约的限度之下计算。

    For example , the conventional warheads on these submarines would count under the limits in START and the Moscow Treaty .

  2. 联邦德国与苏联的莫斯科条约最为重要,它奠定了整个东方条约体系的基础。

    Among this , Federal Republic of Germany and Soviet Union 's Moscow treaty is most important , it has laid the entire Ostpolitik treaty system foundation .

  3. 苏联外交部长莫洛托夫和纳粹德国外交部长里宾特洛甫在莫斯科签署德苏条约。

    Nazi-Soviet Pact was signed by Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov and Foreign Minister of Nazi Germany Ribbentrop in Moscow .

  4. 米勒表示,莫斯科希望在新条约中放进比较不具有侵入性的检查要求,但是美方希望采取较严格的措施。

    Miller says Moscow wants to have less intrusive verification procedures put into the follow-on START-One treaty whereas Washington wants stronger measures .