
  1. 无线传感器网络(wirelessSensorNetworks,WSNs)技术被认为是十种将改变世界的新兴技术之一,具有十分广阔的应用前景。

    The technology of Wireless Sensor Networks ( WSNs ), which is considered as one of the top 10 new technologies that will change the world , owns expansive potential applications .

  2. 第十季将于美国东部时间周一晚8:00在CBS电视台首播,在周二晚间的橄榄球直播结束后,将改为每周二播出。

    The show will air at 8 p.m. ET on Monday nights on CBS , before switching to the same time on Thursday nights , following the conclusion of Thursday night football .

  3. 未来的十年将是中国3PL企业蓬勃发展的十年,随着3PL企业加大行业间资源整合力度,行业集中度将进一步加强。

    The future decade will be China 3PL enterprises ' decade of the booming development . The degree of industry centralization will be further enhanced with 3PL integrate more resources in industry .

  4. 在第十周将有考试。

    A test is to be held in the tenth week .

  5. 行动十年将有助于减少这种不必要的生命损失。

    The Decade can help thwart this needless loss of life .

  6. 你能确认在十月份将该订单的货发出吗?

    Could you confirm in October will be the order of goods issued ?

  7. 第四季的十集将从2014年六月上映。

    The ten new episodes of season 4 will air from June 2014 .

  8. 皇马下个十年将围绕厄齐尔而建造。

    Oezil can have Real Madrid built around him for the next decade .

  9. 他预测十天后将不会出现大规模的增长。

    He predicts that there will be no large-scale increases after that period .

  10. 三次迟到十分钟将被视为一次缺席。

    If you are10 minutes late three times it will count as an absence .

  11. 这个十年将帮助我们发挥疫苗在预防发病与死亡方面的全部威力。

    This decade will help realize the full power of immunization to prevent morbidity and mortality .

  12. 据预测,人们对能源的需求在今后十年间将成倍增长。

    It is predicted that the demand for energy in the next decade will be doubled .

  13. 他还说,撒哈拉沙漠以南地区规模达到万亿的经济在未来十年将繁荣发展。

    The sub-Saharan region 's trillion-dollar economy was set to boom during the next decade , he said .

  14. 第十部分将非营利组织战略使命和绩效评价联系起来,设计出非营利组织的绩效评价体系框架。

    Part 10 combines NPO strategic mission with performance evaluation and designs the framework of NPO performance evaluation system .

  15. 每周或每十天将坩埚转动一次,使用寿命将延长。

    By rotating the crucible every one week or ten days , it 's service life can be extended .

  16. 系统每隔十分钟将工艺参数以及冷却水的温度值送入数据库保存。

    The system can save the technologic parameters and the temperature of refrigerant water in the database every 10 minutes .

  17. 引领欧元区走过下一个十年将是一项艰巨的任务,需要高超的政治技巧和经济眼光。

    To marshal it through the next decade is going to require great political skills as well as economic vision a tall order .

  18. 就业在未来十年将始终是热点问题。我从未用那种观点来看待这个问题。

    The employment will still be a hot issue in the coming decade . I have never looked upon the matter in that light .

  19. 他在发表上述评论的同时,科学家公布的新数据显示本世纪的第一个十年将成为历史上最温暖的一年。

    His remarks come as scientists released new data showing the first decade of this century will likely turn out to be the warmest ever .

  20. 中国载人航天工程总设计师周建平表示,中国在未来十年将进行20次太空飞行。

    Zhou Jianping , chief desig ­ ner for the manned space programme , said China aimed to conduct 20 manned space voyages over the coming decade .

  21. 十月份将有很多地方的酒类经营许可证将会被收回,因为人口增长量低于许可证的颁发量。

    A number of places that had been awarded permits for all types of alcohol had them taken away in October because the increase in headcount was below projections .

  22. 我们也渴望和那些今年和未来十年将在“大师秘会”或“团体掌握项目”中加入我们行列的伙伴继续共舞!

    We also look forward to the continued dance with those that join us at our Masters Conclave or Group Mastery Program this year and in the decade ahead !

  23. 所以随着煤价上升就如我所预料,未来十年将上升这个公司将有更多的盈利。

    So as the price of coal rises – as I expect it will for the rest of this decade – this simple firm will make more and more money .

  24. 目前是3个多工作的人负担一个退休者。随着女性退休年龄逐渐与男性趋同,这个比率在今后十年将保持稳定。

    There are now more than three workers for every pensioner and this ratio will be stable for another decade as the equalisation of women 's pension age is phased-in .

  25. 因此,未来五至十年将是运用信息技术改造、提升传统产业,以信息化带动工业化的关键时期。

    And every sign points to the fact that the next five or ten years would be a key period for information technology to be applied and promoted in traditional industry .

  26. 在法德美等国,经过长期的相对平静后,人口成本在未来十年将突然恶化。

    France , Germany and the US are among other countries set to see a sudden deterioration in demographic costs in the next decade after a long period of relative placidity .

  27. 我们和许多其它企业一样,在未来十年将保留收益用于投资,这些收益将等于甚至超过我们现在使用的资本。

    We , as well as many other businesses , are likely to retain earnings over the next decade that will equal , or even exceed , the capital we presently employ .

  28. 今年3月,奥巴马提出了一项计划,即以2005年的排放水平为准,在未来十年将美国的温室气体排放量最多减少28%。

    In March , Mr. Obama introduced a blueprint for cutting greenhouse gas emissions over the next decade in the United States by up to 28 percent from its level in 2005 levels .

  29. 宽带无线通信已经成为国际上新一轮技术和产业竞争的一个焦点,未来十年将是宽带无线技术发展的关键时期。

    Broadband wireless communication has become a focus of the new round of competition of technology and industry in the world . The next decade will be a key period for the development of broadband wireless technology .

  30. 他第二天给伯内特小姐发了封电邮,借口说他十月份将要到纽约出公差,伯内特小姐虽然怀疑,但也不想扫他的兴。

    He sent Ms. Burnett an e-mail message the next day and by October was visiting New York , pretending it was for business . Ms. Burnett suspected otherwise , but didn 't want to jinx things .