
  • Bank capital;【财】capital banking
  1. IMF表示,在本国情况允许时,欧盟(EU)成员国应被允许以更高的最低资本金水平为银行资本金规定镀金。

    The IMF said European Union members should be allowed to gold-plate capital requirements with higher minimums when national circumstances warranted .

  2. 中国根据当初加入世贸组织(WTO)的承诺而推出的这些新规则,将从12月11日起施行。这些新规则对外资银行资本金的要求,不像一些人原先担心的那么难以接受。

    The new rules , promised under World Trade Organisation agreements and due to take effect on December 11 , contain less onerous capital requirements than some had feared .

  3. 绝大多数欧盟成员国愿意签署与欧洲议会(EuropeanParliament)达成的这一政治协议,这是改革银行资本金规定的立法的一部分。

    An overwhelming majority of EU member states is willing to sign up to the political deal reached with the European parliament , which is part of legislation to enact a sweeping overhaul of bank capital rules .

  4. 20国集团(g20)开创的进程,或许丧失了一些紧迫性,但还是推动了全球银行资本金、流动性与举债规则的改写。

    The progress created by the group of 20 leading nations may have lost some of its urgency , but it has still compelled the rewriting of global bank capitalisation , liquidity and leverage rules .

  5. 在距离英国大选只有一周之际,英国《金融时报》在曼彻斯特酒店采访了布朗:他热切地谈论全球改革,银行资本金比率和G20多伦多峰会,即使民调显示他可能无法出席峰会。

    With only a week before the general election , the FT interviewed him at his Manchester hotel : Mr Brown talked eagerly about global reforms , bank capital ratios and the Toronto G20 summit , even though the polls told him he would not be attending .

  6. 我国商业银行资本金影响因素的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on Factors Influencing Capital of Commercial Banks in China

  7. 四大国有商业银行资本金问题及上市探讨

    The four major state-run banks : capital and security market

  8. 因此,对银行资本金有一个清晰的概念十分重要。

    A clear understanding of bank capital , therefore , is essential .

  9. 对商业银行资本金监管的思考

    Some Thoughts on Regulation over Core Capital of Commercial Banks

  10. 新的银行资本金要求到位太慢。

    The new bank-capital requirements will arrive too slowly .

  11. 资本充足率管理趋势与商业银行资本金补充

    Capital Adequacy Management and Capital Supplement in Commercial Banks

  12. 国有商业银行资本金补充方案设计

    The Design of State 's Commercial Bank Capital Supplement

  13. 他建议在经济繁荣时期提高银行资本金要求。

    He recommends measures that raise capital requirements of banks in the boom .

  14. 实施全方位的金融营销策略;按市场规律筹集银行资本金。

    Out the financial market and raise capital in accordance with the market rules .

  15. 增加银行资本金或对银行进行重组;

    Adding capital or restructuring the banks ;

  16. 至于新的银行资本金要求,欧洲各国政府已经选定了一个足够合理的数字。

    As for new bank capital , governments have settled on a reasonable enough number .

  17. 其次,拉加德明智地指出,欧洲各银行资本金不足的问题十分严重。

    Second , Ms Lagarde is right to point out serious issues of inadequate capital in European banks .

  18. 作为《巴塞尔协议》的成员国,我国的国有商业银行资本金严重不足。

    As the member of the Basel Agreement , the Capital Adequate Rates of our state-owned banks are seriously low .

  19. 额外的银行资本金也构成缓冲资源的一部分,而无法用作可以提高生产率的资本投资。

    Any excess bank equity capital also would constitute a buffer that is not available to finance productivity-enhancing capital investment .

  20. 此举并不明智:如果银行资本金不足,它们不应等待近10年才去解决问题。

    It is unwise : if banks are undercapitalised , they should not wait nearly a decade to fix the problem .

  21. 1998年,国家通过财政发行2700亿特种国债补充国有商业银行资本金,1999年通过设立四家资产管理公司剥离1万多亿不良资产。

    In 1998 , the government issued 270 billions special national debts to supply the capital of the state owned banks .

  22. 正因为此,英国已经进一步实施了更严厉的压力测试,以检验我们的银行资本金是否充足。

    That is why the UK has already gone further with tougher stress tests that mean our banks are well capitalised .

  23. 根据有关银行资本金的新规定,非银行机构例如,基金和保险公司将拥有显著成本优势。

    Non-banks – funds and insurers , for example – will have a significant cost advantage under the new rules on bank capital .

  24. 当这一切发生时,各国政府就需要同心协力,抵制放松银行资本金要求的压力。

    As that happens , governments will need to stick together in facing down the pressure for a less onerous bank capital regime .

  25. 上市银行资本金的充足可以实现经营的良性循环,对维护金融秩序及经济稳定也会产生一定的积极影响。

    The adequacy capital can help listed banks operate in virtuous cycle , it will be positive for the maintenance of financial order and economic stability .

  26. 而那笔钱,记住,不会再回到财政部的钱包里(这与用来提高银行资本金的资金不同)。

    And that money , remember , will not return to the Treasury 's purse ( unlike the sums invested to boost bank capital , say ) .

  27. 数十亿英镑的资金(一点都没降)应被用于增加银行资本金,同时增加对企业的贷款。

    Those billions of pounds , and it is still billions , should be used to increase the banks ' capital and to expand lending to businesses .

  28. 这并不会终止这样的争论:到底是让各国自行设定更高的银行资本金标准更好,还是制定统一的规则更好?

    This will not end arguments over whether it is preferable to let countries set their own higher bank capital standards or to have a uniform rule book .

  29. 美联储可能还将获得银行资本金要求方面的最终决定权,包括要求具有系统重要性的金融机构追加资本金。

    The US central bank is also likely to be given the final word on bank capital requirements , including a surcharge for the systemically important financial institutions .

  30. 我们建议,银行资本金要求不仅应该是反周期的,还应该与银行贷款变化率和相关行业的资产价格相关。

    We propose that bank capital requirements should not only be contra-cyclical but also related to the rate of change of bank lending and asset prices in the relevant sectors .