
  • 网络Silver Pine;esse
  1. 银松素合酶基因地高辛标记RNA探针的合成

    The Synthesis of DIG - Labelled Pinosylvin Synthase Gene RNA Probe

  2. 目的:体外转录合成银松素合酶(PS)基因地高辛标记反义RNA探针。

    Objective : To synthesize DIG - labelled pinosylvin synthase ( PS ) gene RNA anti-sense probe by in vitro transcription .

  3. 马尾松银松素合酶基因克隆及其上游调控区的研究

    Molecular Cloning and Characterization of Pinosylvin Synthase Gene and Its Promoter Region from Pinus Massoniana

  4. 泰兰德掉入银松河。

    Tyrande falls into Silverpine river .

  5. 然后我们要穿越银松森林,那是洛丹伦几大奇景之一,之后再沿洛丹米尔湖绕行。

    Then we will have to pass through Silverpine Forest , one of the great wonders of Lordaeron , to skirt Lordamere Lake .

  6. 山坡上的橡树林,树叶凋落,风儿嚎啕过处,犹如猛虎下山,威风振振。花岗石崖上,青苔斑斑,也似奇异画面;银松林里,白色茫茫。

    I can roar through the leafless oaks and shout down the hillside , and it can murmur in the white pines rooted among the granite ledges where lichen makes strange hieroglyphics .