
  1. 2010年以来,我国商业银行存贷比过高的问题逐渐成为人们关注的焦点,存贷比过高已经严重阻碍银行的健康发展。

    Since 2010 , more and more people focus on the high Loan-to-deposit Ratio of our country banks , and the high ratio hinders the healthy development of the banks .

  2. 长期条件下,小型银行对存贷比更为敏感,对存款准备金率则较为迟钝。

    But in the long run , small banks appear to be more sensitive to loan-deposit ratio and not sensitive to DRR .

  3. 中国邮储银行的存贷比目前还不到20%,而中国整个银行业的平均存贷比接近70%。

    Its loan-to-deposit ratio stands at less than 20 per cent , compared to a Chinese industry-wide average closer to 70 per cent .

  4. 外资银行还受益于存贷比宽限期,使得它们发放的贷款占存款的比例可以超过规定的75%。

    Foreign banks are also benefiting from a grace period allowing them to make loans beyond the stipulated 75 per cent of deposits .

  5. 鉴于银行月底面临满足存贷比要求的任务,许多银行现在正积存现金,但预计7月初会逐步放开。

    With banks forced to meet loan-to-deposit requirements at the end of the month , many are now hoarding cash but are expected to loosen their grip at the start of July .

  6. 2009年10万亿贷款投放后,国内各家商业银行特别是中小型商业银行存贷比指标大幅提高。

    After 10 trillion loans in 2009 , the ratio of Deposits than loans from the domestic commercial banks , especially small and medium sized commercial banks has increased sharply than the target inventory .

  7. 银行股价的非系统性波动与银行的存贷比具有显著的负相关关系,这也反映出银行内部治理的效果。

    Banks with higher idiosyncratic volatility recorded lower deposit loan ratio , which reflects the effectiveness of internal governance of commercial banks .