
gōng zhū yú shì
  • make public to the world;make known to the world;reveal to the public;make public
公诸于世 [gōng zhū yú shì]
  • (1) [make public] 向社会上公开,使人们知道

  • 必须把这件事公诸于世

  • (2) 也说公诸于众

公诸于世[gōng zhū yú shì]
  1. 我想要把这件事公诸于世。

    I wish to make this matter known to the general public .

  2. 按照周一新修改的规则,对冲基金仍需要向SEC披露空头头寸,不过SEC会在两周后才将这些交易公诸于世。

    Monday 's rules : Hedge funds still must disclose their positions to the SEC , but the SEC will not make the trades public until two weeks later .

  3. 五角大楼试图阻止将与此案有关的文件公诸于世。

    The Pentagon attempted to suppress documents connected with the case .

  4. 我该说什么当事实已经公诸于世?

    What do I say when it 's all over ?

  5. 我们认为把它公诸于世是我们的责任。

    We felt it our duty to make it public .

  6. 所以他知道他可悲的秘密已经公诸于世了。

    So he realized that his sad secret was known to all .

  7. 为了证明上述句句属实,现将事实公诸于世,让公正的世人作出评判。

    To prove this , let facts be submitted to a candid world .

  8. 他们要把我揪出来公诸于世。

    They 're gonna drag me before the public .

  9. 出版社将把事实真相公诸于世。

    The press will give publicity to the fact .

  10. 让我们假设所有公司董事的报销清单都公诸于世。

    Let us suppose that all company directors ' expense forms were made public .

  11. 这件事在公诸于世之前早就传得满城风雨了。

    Bofore the matter was publicly announced , it had long been in the air .

  12. 这个研究结果公诸于世已近50年,可能早就应该改变传统了。

    Nearly five decades after this revelation , a change in tradition is probably overdue .

  13. 用密码记录的内容,经过检视完全不能公诸于世。

    The part written in cipher – turned out after examination to be entirely unpublishable .

  14. 自然,他们也愿意将这个问题公诸于世,和其他父母一起探讨。

    They are keen to highlight the issue publicly and get other parents talking about it .

  15. 中国最新型隐形战斗机歼20于去年公诸于世时,西方国防工业大吃一惊。

    When China last year revealed its newest stealth jet fighter , the defence industry was taken aback .

  16. 确切地说,是在1948年,贝尔电话实验室把一种新的元件――晶体管公诸于世。

    In 1948 to be exact , a new device , the transistor , was announced by Bell Telephone Laboratories .

  17. 当然,也不是每家公司都想把不体面的事情公诸于世。

    And , of course , not every company is eager to have its dirty laundry aired to the world .

  18. 最后,如果西方情报机构掌握普京或其亲信腐败的蛛丝马迹,应将之公诸于世。

    Finally , if Western intelligence agencies possess evidence of any corruption by Mr Putin or his cronies they should publish it .

  19. “大弯拱”是一座细长的塔楼,它可能会给曼哈顿的天际线带来很大改变,这一设计最近刚刚公诸于世。

    Designs for ' The Big Bend ' , a slender tower that would transform Manhattan 's skyline , have been unveiled .

  20. 他说,之前,这些物品都保存在莉莲马萨诸塞的家中,然而而且从未被公诸于世。

    The lots were previously kept at Asplund 's home in Massachusetts and have never been seen before in public , he said .

  21. 相比之,近来一临床试验结果使吾人窥见光明,彼由南加利福尼亚州查尔斯顿之精神病学家麦克尔•米萨福公诸于世。

    So the results of a clinical trial recently announced by Michael Mithoefer , a psychiatrist in Charleston , South Carolina , are encouraging .

  22. 如果记者们希望借此将中国在打击诈骗和身份证盗窃所面临的巨大挑战公诸于世的话,那么他们如愿以偿了。

    If the reporters wanted to make a statement about the huge challenge China faces in combating fraud and personal identity theft , it worked .

  23. 但在华盛顿的间谍网中,他的代号是小考伯,这一事实直到1939年才被公诸于世。

    But to Washington 's spy network , his code name is " Culper Jr. , " a fact t hat was only discovered in 1939 .

  24. 项目团队并不打算像美国宇航局其他任务做一样处理:将原始照片(一次性)上传,取而代之的,每日将仅有一张照片公诸于世。

    The team does not plan to post raw images online as other NASA missions have done . Instead , there will be just one picture released daily .

  25. 伍德福德的聪明之处是立刻将自己的故事公诸于世,但他不得不乘坐下一个航班离开,则更能说明问题。

    Mr Woodford was smart to take his story public right away , but the fact that he felt he had to take the next flight out speaks volumes .

  26. 但是有关预见所发生的事件的一切暗示,不论是俄国人还是法国人所为,之所以现在公诸于世,只不过因为既成的事件证明了其暗示的正确性。

    But all these hints at foreseeing what actually did happen on the French as well as on the Russian side are only conspicuous now because the event justified them .

  27. 一本关于整形手术的16世纪插图古书《瑕疵修复植入手术》日前在一场拍卖会上被公诸于世。

    A16th century book on plastic surgery , titled De Curtorum Chirurgia Per Insitionem ( Latin ) and illustrated with diagrams , came to light when it was sold at auction .

  28. 伊拉克必须指明隐藏违禁武器的确切地点,把这些武器公诸于世并按要求销毁之。

    It is up to Iraq to show exactly where it is hiding its banned weapons , lay those weapons out for the world to see , and destroy them as directed .

  29. 由于汉代先后多次整理前代典籍,大量文献资料公诸于世,为列子研究提供许多侧面资料。

    Because the Han Dynasty had arranged the previous dynasty classics for many times , a large number of documents made public , which provides much side information for the Lieh-tzu study .

  30. 佩特拉最后被遗弃了,它在沙漠中伫立了数年,在1812年被瑞士探险家完全公诸于世之前都是令人好奇的存在。

    Petra was eventually abandoned , and it stood for years in the desert as something of a curiosity before being revealed to the world at large in 1812 by a Swiss explorer .