
  1. 那是一种光华四散的魔法,难以言状。

    It is an irradiating magic difficult to qualify .

  2. 他心里感到一种难以言状的苦楚。

    He got a kind of strange sickness inside .

  3. 他伸出手,做个手势以表达他那难以言状的矛盾心情。

    He held out his hand with a gesture which conveyed something of this inarticulate conflict .

  4. 这是一种难以言状的感觉,在特殊环境中一种极大的满足感。

    Luis Jimenez : It Was An Incredible Emotion , A Satisfaction In A Wonderful Environment .

  5. 莫名难以言状的恐惧,没法解释也没有理由。

    Vague unknown fears , for which there can be given no explanation , no reason .

  6. 亲密是一种有魔力的难以言状的东西,没有她,爱就会枯萎。

    Intimacy is that magical , illusive something , without which love comes a real cropper .

  7. 设得兰群岛绿色的山峦绵延起伏,山上没有树木,并受大风的侵袭,但却拥有一种难以言状的静谧。

    The Shetland Islands ' rolling green hills , treeless and windswept , have a tranquillity that can 't be explained .

  8. 管理的关键过程极为复杂和神秘,是凭借最含糊的信息并用最难以言状的心智的过程。

    The key managerial processes are enormously complex and mysterious , drawing on the vaguest of information and using the least articulated of mental processes .

  9. 在所有这些难以言状的梦境中有一个最底层的东西:它完全不属于言语的范畴,比如意象,把他们翻译成语言是困难的。

    Now , among these difficulties there is one which is at the bottom of them all : and it is the difficulty of translating into words something that doesn 't belong to the realm of words , like images .

  10. 那些看着她的清教徒们,只见到那小小的躯体发射着难以言状的美丽和古怪的魅力,并且随着她的动作而闪着光芒,他们即使笑容满面,依然不得不把这孩子说成是妖魔的后裔。

    The Puritans looked on , and , if they smiled , were none the less inclined to pronounce the child a demon offspring , from the indescribable charm of beauty and eccentricity that shone through her little figure , and sparkled with its activity .