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nán yán
  • Difficult to say;unverbalized;feel embarrassed to mention;wordless
难言 [nán yán]
  • (1) [wordless]∶未被言词表达或非言词所能表达

  • 令人窒息的恼怒和难言的耻辱

  • (2) [unverbalized]∶非语言所能表达

  • 病人可能有难言之苦

难言[nán yán]
  1. 该行业的没落给数以千计辛苦经营的商贩带来了难言的苦楚。

    The demise of the industry has caused untold misery to thousands of hard-working tradesmen

  2. 他们波动的回声中带有一种难言的悲哀。

    In their echoes , there was a tone of unutterable sorrow .

  3. 难言的痛苦折磨着他的心。

    The unspeakable anguish wrung his heart .

  4. 明言知识和难言知识应是波兰尼explicitknowledge&implicitknowledge最好的本土化对译。

    They are the best local interpretations of explicit knowledge and implicit knowledge .

  5. 哦,母爱难言,母爱难言!

    Oh , mother love unspeakable , maternal love unspeakable !

  6. 无数难言的挫折交织在一起,使他怒不可遏,令人畏惧。

    Numberless and inexpressible frustrations combined to make his rage elemental and awe-inspiring .

  7. 难言知识与学科课程的课堂开发

    Explore Implicit Knowledge and Develop Subject Course

  8. 课程既是明言知识系统,也是难言知识模块。

    Course is both a system of explicit knowledge and a module of implicit knowledge .

  9. 这种态度使我内心感到的由衷安慰,实难言表。

    And this gave me sometimes such secret comforts , that I cannot express them ;

  10. 他的慷慨令我感激难言。

    I was overwhelmed by his generosity .

  11. 卡罗尔虽然有一份好工作,但是对这个家却难言尽责。

    Carol has a good job , but contributes nothing and has absolutely no responsibilities .

  12. 不是所有人都有难言的苦衷。

    Not everyone has ulterior motives .

  13. 羞愧难言!

    I am ashamed beyond words .

  14. 你的好意使我感激难言。

    Your kindness quite overwhelmed me .

  15. 每当我说起我妈妈和慢性关节炎抗争的时候,都会哽咽难言。

    Whenever I talk about my mothers struggle with chronic arthritis , it would choke me up .

  16. 课程多维标准实质上是明言知识与难言知识及其相互转化的要求。

    Multi-dimensional criteria for course are in fact the requirements for explicit knowledge and implicit knowledge as well their transfer .

  17. 因此,西撒问题不解决,马格里布一体化难言大发展。

    So it is hard to reach the goal of Maghreb integration if the West Sahara issue is not solved .

  18. 就会损害这难言的美这风韵在她的每一缕发丝间涌动,在她的脸上温柔地闪光;

    Had half impair 'd the nameless graceWhich waves in every raven tress , Or softly lightens o'er her face ;

  19. 甚至难言的经历,曾经存在于我们母亲的生命中,我们姐妹的生命中,乃至古往今来所有女性的生命中。

    but the unspoken experiences of our mothers ' lives , sisters ' lives and generations of women before us .

  20. 选择屏幕分辩率和一些其他配置选项的能力(也是要求)难言其利弊。

    Of mixed value was the ability ( and requirement ) to choose screen resolution and a few other configuration options .

  21. 难言知识先于、优于明言知识,难言知识处于学科课程发展的关键部位。

    Implicit knowledge , prior to and superior to explicit knowledge stands out at the critical stage of subject course development .

  22. 学科课程资源要素的开发,大都涉及一个关键问题:如何使明言知识与难言知识相互转化。

    The development of course resources usually involves a serious problem : how to transfer explicit knowledge to implicit knowledge or vise versa .

  23. 在新闻报道背后,墨西哥和美国政府间关系较表面看上去的要更好,虽然仍难言平等。

    Behind the headlines , relations between the governments of Mexico and the United States are better than they look , though still unequal .

  24. 以危机管理而言,阿奎诺三世的表现难言合格,因为他不但未能安抚香港市民的不满,反而更激起愤慨。

    His crisis management can hardly be described as up to standard , for he infuriated Hong Kong citizens instead of abating their resentment .

  25. 我觉得人受到表扬往往有两种反应:一种是洋洋得意,尾巴翘起;一种是惭愧难言,局促不安。

    I think people are often praised both reaction : one kind is complacent , tail cocked up , One kind is ashamed unaccountable , uneasy .

  26. 一次性治愈宫颈糜烂,自该技术引进以来,北京妇科医院已让万余名女性的“难言”之苦得到了解决。

    The disposable cure cervical erosion , since this technology aquisition , has let Rongcheng ten thousand feminine " the difficult word " the pain be solved .

  27. 上市公司信息披露关系到市场的健康发展,但目前上市公司信息披露存在着许多问题,如信息披露制度不完善,信息披露质量难言满意等。

    The disclosure of information of listed companies concerns the sound development of the market , but many problems exist now in the information announcing system of China .

  28. 我不记得我向你袒露心迹时,你是否转过头去使我羞愧难言。她的装束象个女工,却又露出一些想要重做农妇的迹象,她还年轻。

    I forget if you ever shamed me by looking away when I bared my heart She was dressed like a working-woman who is inclined to turn into a peasant again , she was young .

  29. 但我国中小企业在当下的发展过程中也有其难言的苦衷,特别是企业在做大、做强的企业发展战略目标诉求下融资情况难尽人意。

    However , small enterprises of our country has untold difficulties in the moment of the development , especially on the demand of the big and strong business development strategic objectives , financing situation is unsatisfactory .

  30. 但是,从几乎任何角度来看我们发现很难理解的是,自卑的难言的以色列领导人,他们的道德自杀视为以色列的希望和精神的存在。

    But what from almost any point of view we find so difficult to understand is , the unutterable abasement of the Leaders of Israel , their moral suicide as regarded Israel 's hope and spiritual existence .